Centripetal and Tangencial Accelaration

  • #1

Homework Statement

English is not my first language from the beginning I apologize for any mistakes in scientific terms, anyhow.
Car with 500kg.
No initial velocity, and from origin or the referential.
Circular track, 50m radius.
The module of the velocity increases in 2m/s

Homework Equations

I can't post the damn symbols for some reason but I believe this is a very simple problem.. Sorry

The Attempt at a Solution

Well there are three parts
Indication of the angular position
Indication of the angular velocity after a lap.
Indication of the time in witch the centripetal acceleration is the same as the tangential acceleration

The first two I'm pretty sure of the results it gave me 0.02t(squared) on the first and angular velocity=0.7rad/s on the second, if someone would be as so kind as checking this I would really apreciate it, but the problem in witch I'm having trouble is the third, this is the only thing I have done so far:


sorry for bothering, but my teacher has the bad habit of giving exercises with no solution and I would really apreciate one for this one :)

Anyways so as to not create another thread if someone happens to know some condensed but thorough material in two dimensional motion, it would be great :)
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  • #2
You have to be a little clearer in stating the problem. I gather that the tangential acceleration is 2 m/sec^2. Is the first question: what is the angular position as a function of time? Is the second question: what is the angular velocity after one complete rotation ie through an angle of [itex]2\pi [/itex] radians? and is the third question: at what time will the centripetal acceleration be equal in magnitude to the tangential acceleration?

  • #3
Correct on all three.
Sorry,I'm not used to writing this stuff in text, and in english
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  • #4
martcapt said:
Correct on all three.
Then your answers to the first two questions are correct.
