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I am confused about how the gauge boson W+ and W- get their charge under spontaneous symmetry breaking in the Higgs mechanism. Here's what I have so far:
The covariant derivative for a SU(2)⊗U(1) is
DμΦ = (∂μ + igWμiσi/2 + ig'Bμ)Φ where g and g' are coupling constants.
SU(2) is associated with weak isospin and the W0, W1 and W2 gauge fields.
U(1) is associated with weak hypercharge and the B gauge field.
The Higgs field, Φ, is a doublet and has a weak hypercharge of 1.
SU(2)⊗U(1) -> U(1) yields W0, W1 and W2 bosons and a B Boson.
W1 and W2 combine to give W+, W-, W0 and B combine to give a photon and a Z boson.
W+ somehow gets a charge of 1
W- somehow gets a charge of -1
Can somebody explain how all these things play with each other to produce the end result. I am looking for a qualitative explanation rather than a mass of equations. One of my key sticking points is the difference between a B boson and a photon since they both are associated with U(1).
The covariant derivative for a SU(2)⊗U(1) is
DμΦ = (∂μ + igWμiσi/2 + ig'Bμ)Φ where g and g' are coupling constants.
SU(2) is associated with weak isospin and the W0, W1 and W2 gauge fields.
U(1) is associated with weak hypercharge and the B gauge field.
The Higgs field, Φ, is a doublet and has a weak hypercharge of 1.
SU(2)⊗U(1) -> U(1) yields W0, W1 and W2 bosons and a B Boson.
W1 and W2 combine to give W+, W-, W0 and B combine to give a photon and a Z boson.
W+ somehow gets a charge of 1
W- somehow gets a charge of -1
Can somebody explain how all these things play with each other to produce the end result. I am looking for a qualitative explanation rather than a mass of equations. One of my key sticking points is the difference between a B boson and a photon since they both are associated with U(1).