After the news of Peter Higgs's death, I was thinking of the Higgs field and boson, how central they are to physics now, and the remaining mysteries associated with them.
One such is the meaning of the mass actually observed for the Higgs boson. In the mainstream of theoretical physics, the...
Hi everyone!
I'm working on a seminar project on elementary particles, and I'm supposed to introduce the LHC and rediscover the Higgs boson from a dataset I got from CERN open source.
I don't understand how am I supposed to discover the gap (in the invariant mass diagram) around the Higgs boson...
The New Measurement
The ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) has experimentally limited the "width" of the Standard Model Higgs boson with a rest mass of about 125 GeV to 4.5 + 3.3 - 2.5 MeV, with a maximum value of 10.5 MeV at a 95% confidence level.
In the Standard Model, the...
As this week the great topic is the Einstein-Rosen bridge and duals of it, I wonder what happened with the interpretation of Connes NCG model as two sheets of spacetime whose separation is measured by the higgs field. How is it different of a ER bridge?
Summary: Non-Mathematical Description of the Higgs Boson
I seek a recommendation for a book written for the layman describing the physics of the Higgs boson and related topics. Books that I have found tend towards the history leading up to the discovery of the Higgs or biographies of Peter...
Physicists say the Higgs Field is like syrup and slows particles down from the speed of light. Wouldn’t it be easier and more correct to say there are no particles, just fields, and the strength of the coupling of the electron, photon, quark etc. fields with the Higgs field determines their...
The Higgs mechanism is an ingenious mechanism inspired by condensed state physics. The famous Mexican hat potential ensures a VEV value of about two times the mass of the Higgs particle (which, as an aside, is of comparable order as the W and Z vector bosons, the difference though is that its a...
I'd request you to keep it simple so it's accessible by a layman.
Question 1:
Is Higgs field made up of Higgs bosons? Higgs field has a positive value everywhere. Other fields such as electron field, hover around zero though virtual particles come into existence and decay almost...
The team has found that the particle, known as a W boson, is more massive than the theories predicted.
The result has been described as "shocking" by Prof David Tobak, who is the project co-spokesperson.
The discovery could lead to the development of a new, more complete theory of how the...
I've found highly cited papers that explains inflation with the Higgs as the inflaton and primordial black hole as the dark matter, for examples,
These papers solve the inflation with the Higgs and Dark matter with PBH without introducing new particles.
Primordial Black Hole production in...
What happens to the higgs field when say a fusion reaction occurs. Like if mass is converted into energy and the higgs field gives a particle mass what happens to higgs field. I doubt this, but is the higgs field the mechanism that converts mass into gamma rays. Go easy on me I only have a high...
I am not quite sure whether this is scientifically as interesting as it reads, but I think it is worth a closer look.Raffaele Tito D’Agnolo and Daniele Teresi
Abstract: We present a novel framework to solve simultaneously the electroweak-hierarchy problem and the strong CP problem. A small but...
Zero spin of Higgs boson? Is it really zero? Where is the spin (intrinsic angular momentum) of the Higgs boson on so small that we quantify it as having zero spin?I am aware of the reduced plank constant. But I we sure there is nothing in between the reduce Planck’s constant and the zero spin of...
Here's my current understanding of mass terms.
For scalar fields, a mass term flows under RG to larger values in the IR. This implies having mass values in the theory is unnatural because it has to be fine tuned at the UV level to get the correct observed mass at low energy (the term I think...
Quote from cern: "Just after the big bang, the Higgs field was zero, but as the universe cooled and the temperature fell below a critical value, the field grew spontaneously so that any particle interacting with it acquired a mass."
Can it go back to zero? If anyone has a comment either way...
Phlogiston lead to the discovery of oxygen but was later on proven to be imaginary. Can the same be said of the quite strange Higgs field and Higgs mechanism following from the strange Mexican hat potential? Is that potential just imaginary? It lead to the discovery of the eponimous particle...
Calculating the Higgs Mass in String Theory
Steven Abel, Keith R. Dienes
[Submitted on 8 Jun 2021]
There are at least two properties of the Higgs mass one might hope to explain with such a fundamental calculation: its criticality, and its participation in...
Hi everyone!
I am studying Higgs phenomenology, in particular its BRs
My line of reasoning is this: I first had a look at the decays where the Higgs particle couples directly (i.e. without intermediate particles) to the products; those are ##H^0 \to b \bar b, \ H^0 \to \tau \bar \tau##...
The photon and the gluon in the Standard Model do not interact with the Higgs field and are hence massless and travel at the speed of light.
Is there a simple explanation why these two elementary particles are the exceptions?
Hello! I haven't really seen a feynman diagram with a higgs boson decaying to a top-anti top quark pair. The mass of a top pair is much higher than the Higgs mass on shell, but is there any reason why we can't have a Higgs boson (very) off-shell decay to 2 top quarks. The probability of that...
Hi all. I have been reading the following article and have a couple of basic questions about the decay of the Higgs into photons process -
As i understand this decay - the photons will have the same frequency and...
Summary:: I would like to ask about books and other materials to study in order to understand in a really, really rigorous manner the Higgs field, Higgs boson and other related topics.
Answers that are detailed but at the same time precise and to the point would be highly appreciated (please...
Supersymmetric partners are expected to only pair off with "fundamental" particles of the Standard Model. (photon, W, Z, gluons, leptons, quarks, graviton). In all those canonical particles, the SUSY partner is significantly more massive than its counterpart.
Internet sources suggest that...
Hello! In the (famous) plot I attached we have the branches ratios for the Higgs decay for different Higgs masses. I am sure that sitting down and doing the Feynman diagram calculation (to 1 or 2 next to leading order?) I will get these curves. But I am a bit confused about the physics intuition...
The Higgs boson with mass couples to quarks and leptons to give them mass. What was the nature of these particles before they acquired mass? Were they virtual particles?
I need some clarification on how the Higgs field work. The popular science explanation explains the effect on moving particles the way an object would be impacted by moving through a medium of maple syrup. I understand this is a very bad, inaccurate analogy. What I want to understand is does...
Problem Statement: How does the Higgs field “give mass”
Relevant Equations: The exact way that particles interact with the Higgs field and therefore create mass.
I’m trying to figure out how the Higgs field works, one problem is that while I originally though of the Higgs field like a medium...
The ATLAS and CMS experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) recently released joint annual review papers regarding their measurements of the properties of the top quark and the Higgs boson, including their masses, respectively.
The most recent mass measurement of the top quark are 172.51 ±...
In basic physics books the standard model used to be split in 'matter' (fermions) and 'force carriers' (bosons), and there are 4 fundamental forces, gravity, weak, strong and electromagnetic.
If the Higgs is a boson, why is it not considered as a force carrier and the Higgs be considered a '5th...
Hello! I am going to talk here about a real scalar field for simplicity. If we have a Higgs-like potential for a real scalar field, the graph of the potential looks like a section of a "Mexican hat", with a bump at 0 and two absolute minima at, say, ##\pm a##. This is the plot I see in any book...
What happens to an object when you negate the Higgs field to give an object zero mass? Does it behave like light and travel instantly without force (or is there a gap here?) I heard if you took away mass from something like a baseball it would just float. How does this reconcile with the...
In a blog post of Matt Strassler we are told about the top quark,
"when the Higgs field is not zero, its presence, and the fact that it has a direct interaction with the top-left and the top-right, forces the top-left to convert over to a top-right, and back again. How often does this happen...
Take the first family of fundamental fermions, u, d, e-, and ν. The u and d are more massive than the e- and the e- is more massive than the ν. The u and d interact via 4 forces, the e- interacts via 3 forces, and the ν interacts via 2 forces. The fermions that interact via the most forces are...
Dear @ll,
the central point (for the unitary gauge) in the higgs-mechanism is the equality
Φ = (v + η + iξ) = (v + η)ei(ξ/v) (see for example Halzen, Martin: Quarks and Leptons, eq. 14.56)
Φ = complex scalar Field
v = vacuum that breaks the symmetry spontaneously
η,ξ = shifted...
Bosons are described as force carrier particles and, as I understand it, the Higgs mechanism explains why photons are massless, just as all the carriers of the strong nuclear force, the gluons, whereas the weak force bosons have mass. A peculiar type of field is postulated, the ‘Higgs field’. It...
I assume that before the Big Bang, there was no Higgs Field, since there was no universe for it to fill.
I assume that at the moment of the Big Bang, it began to seep into every corner of the expanding universe and was carried by inflation, that is, moving faster than the speed of light by the...
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An experiment is proposed to directly measure the width (Γ) and mass (m_H) of the Higgs boson via the reaction: muon+ + muon- > H.
Sketch a graph of the expected cross section...
Hi Everyone! Hope everyone is really enjoying pushing the Physics frontiers!
Really need some help here. In the Electroweak sector of the Standard Model, it is apparently the case that the success of renormalisation to remove the Ultraviolet Divergence relies on the fact that at high energies...
Hi, a fast question... I was having somekind of a discussion, and I actually hit a dead end to the way I could explain my statement.
I believe that after the Higgs Mechanism and SSB, the resulting potential of the Higgs Field should no longer be symmetric to rotations : I am saying this because...
One current theory surrounding the higgs field is that it might be metastable, as in it acts stable but could (through quantum tunneling) drop it's energy level to become truly stable. This drop in energy would release all of the potential energy contained in the field. This is of course vacuum...