- #1
- 14
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Homework Statement
On what all factors does coefficient of restitution depend?i mean do we have 1 for a pair of surfaces in contact or a surface has one irrespective of the surface of the other colliding body?Also,practically,does coefficient of restitution change/vary?If yes,could anyone please
specify the dependency on various factors?Lastly,taking the example of a ball and the floor,lets say if I keep dropping the ball on the floor in simultaneous but "different"(ie i let the ball bounce only once)experiments,will the coefficient of resitution reamain same for all experiments(practically and considering a very large number,say of the order of 10 to the power 100 or so,of the same experiment,ie letting the ball bounce once after dropping it from the same height)
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
couldnt infer much from the eqn given above..