Computer Science profession - what's it like?

In summary, the conversation touched on various topics related to computer science. The speaker expressed interest in state-of-the-art technologies and highly advanced R&D. They asked about the best and worst working conditions, the fields that are harder to get into, and the pros and cons of a CS degree. They also wanted to know about the likes and dislikes of computer scientists, changes expected in the field, areas that could be improved, and high-demand fields. The conversation also mentioned the broad range of options within computer science, such as software engineering, computer graphics, AI, and information systems. The importance of a strong foundation in math and the continuous learning aspect of a career in CS were also discussed. The conversation concluded with the speaker expressing their
  • #1
Jordan Joab
Alright, just spoke with a few individuals about technology, theory, and whatnot related to CS. So far, I like their answers. Now I need more information from total strangers. Please keep in mind I'm not looking for your typical programming job; I want to work on state-of-the-art technologies, highly advanced R&D, bleeding-edge stuff.

With that in mind, I'd like to know the best/worst working conditions, what fields are harder to get into, pros/cons of a CS degree, etc.

Basically, tell me what you like/dislike, changes you expect to happen, things that could be improved, fields that will be in high demand, and related information.


Jordan Joab.
Physics news on
  • #2
Are you in CompSci right now?
  • #3
Not yet, sir.

Jordan Joab.
  • #4
Eek, I'm not a sir.

I'm a newbie at CompSci myself. I'm trying to get into the field myself. Right now, I've taken some beginner level CompSci courses. I think there are a lot of options once you get into CompSci. There are things like software engineering (I think this is one of the big fields), computer graphics (heavily math-based I think), human interaction, AI, information systems, working with databases and systems, and ... other things. But I think, whatever field in CompSci you're in, I think they are pretty much in high demand. I think it's a pretty hit field.

I think what's interesting about Computer Science, is that it sort of encompasses everything - a broad array of interests. English, Math, Computer Science, and or Physics is probably important. I think once you get into the career field, you will always be learning something new - not just languages -, but whatever your new project is. You could learn about something in, let's say psychology, english or whatever you need to work with. I think it's really interesting.
  • #5
I just don't want to be a "java monkey.":confused:

  • #6
I recently visited Carnegie Mellon, and one of the students told me that their definition of computer science was along the lines of anything having to do with computers and the phenomenon they create. Thus, computer science includes robotics, AI, graphics, OCR, speech, languages, and tons of other things. Learning Java or any other programming language is just the tip of the iceberg. Computer scientists research the principles behind creating programming languages. And that's just a single example.

That said, I do not know too much about the job market for computer science. You'll have your typical jobs at Google, Microsoft, Mozilla etc., and although a lot of what they do is programming (in more languages than just Java), they're creating useful programs. Just look at how Firefox has changed the browser landscape, for instance, or Google, with Gmail, Google Earth, etc.

If you do decide to go into comp sci, get started immediately with some projects that your professors may be working on. They'll find a way to get you involved and expose you to things you may find exciting.
  • #7
I suffer from "wanna do many things all at once." Creates a problem in decision-making.

Jordan Joab.
  • #8
Jordan Joab said:
I suffer from "wanna do many things all at once." Creates a problem in decision-making.

Jordan Joab.

Should take at least one course in engineering economics/optimization/ ...
  • #9
rootX said:
Should take at least one course in engineering economics/optimization/ ...

I'll look into that, thanks. My plan is to get a broad knowledge base of CS to build a strong "trunk" and develop solid "branches."

What I would love to know are the experiences of Computer Scientists: their day-to-day activities, subfields of study, things they discover/create/stumble upon, research they are/were involved in, work conditions, industries they work/worked, etc.

Getting these answers now helps me and others interested in guiding our developing careers to the destinations we envision.

Jordan Joab.
  • #10
With a Bachelor's degree in CS, you're pretty much stuck being a code monkey. Enjoy your cubicle.

With a more advanced degree in CS, there are a lot more possibilities... almost too many to list. Even if you want to remain a code monkey, the bits of code you are asked to do become more interesting and complicated, and the bugs you are asked to solve are more intricate and involved.
  • #11
TMFKAN64 said:
With a Bachelor's degree in CS, you're pretty much stuck being a code monkey. Enjoy your cubicle.

With a more advanced degree in CS, there are a lot more possibilities... almost too many to list. Even if you want to remain a code monkey, the bits of code you are asked to do become more interesting and complicated, and the bugs you are asked to solve are more intricate and involved.

Excellent. I like these kind of comments. I do plan on going to a professional and/or PhD right after the Bachelor's. So, would a Math minor strengthen my CS knowledge or no difference whatsoever?

Jordan Joab.
  • #12
In your senior years of CS, some universities offer project courses, where you work on various projects like - creating games, or designing something that is of practical use - let's say creating something for another department in the university that they need. Once you get into CS, see what streams you like. Try to get a job while you are at university over the summer. Talk to professors.

If you plan on to go to do Masters, a Masters in CS would probably mean research ... or one in Business might be a good idea too if you are into that stuff.

By doing CS, you will probably take a lot of math courses especially if you want to go into computer graphics. You will probably have your math minor already. It may be a good idea, but you can decide on that later.
  • #13
Indeed. Ah, I dislike these kinds of decisions. The world was so much simpler in the 1990s; you just said "I want to be X" and that was the end of it. Now we got too many specializations and job titles.

Jordan Joab.
  • #14
It's not a bad thing. You can choose what you like, and you don't have to decide now.
  • #15
Gallileo said:
It's not a bad thing. You can choose what you like, and you don't have to decide now.

Oh trust me, it's bad. I'm 25 and I still don't know exactly what I want. The majority of my friends already have careers and I still haven't been to college. It's bad, bad, bad.

Jordan Joab.
  • #16
could be much worse though
  • #17
Jordan Joab said:
So, would a Math minor strengthen my CS knowledge or no difference whatsoever?

Knowing more math is always good, because studying math builds up a certain rigor of thought that is particularly helpful in CS.

That said, the actual math knowledge you'd gain beyond the basics required of any engineer probably wouldn't be much use in a CS context.
  • #18
Is it really true that a masters degree opens up a lot more opportunities in CS? I want to go to grad school for EE and was wondering if its the same with that? Like Jordan I also want to be working with high-level bleeding-edge R&D research type of stuff, or interesting things... stuff that monkeys can't do :)

FAQ: Computer Science profession - what's it like?

1. What is a typical day like for a computer scientist?

A typical day for a computer scientist can vary depending on their specific role and responsibilities. Some common tasks may include designing and testing software, analyzing data, writing code, collaborating with team members, and attending meetings. They may also spend time researching new technologies and trends in the field.

2. What skills are important for a successful career in computer science?

Some important skills for a successful career in computer science include strong problem-solving abilities, critical thinking skills, attention to detail, and the ability to work well in a team. Other important skills may include programming languages, data analysis, and project management.

3. Is it necessary to have a degree in computer science to work in the field?

While a degree in computer science is often preferred by employers, it is not always necessary. Many successful computer scientists have backgrounds in related fields such as mathematics, physics, or engineering. However, having a degree in computer science can provide a strong foundation and may open up more job opportunities.

4. What are the job prospects for computer scientists?

The job outlook for computer scientists is very positive. With the increasing reliance on technology in all industries, the demand for skilled computer scientists is expected to continue to grow. In fact, the Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts a 16% growth in employment for computer and information technology occupations from 2018 to 2028.

5. What is the biggest challenge facing computer scientists today?

One of the biggest challenges facing computer scientists today is keeping up with the rapid pace of technological advancements. As new technologies emerge and evolve, computer scientists must continuously learn and adapt in order to stay relevant in the field. Additionally, issues such as cybersecurity and ethical concerns surrounding technology also present challenges for computer scientists.

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