Is the Law of Conservation of Matter and Energy Outdated?

  • Thread starter Mental Gridlock
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In summary, the conservation principle states that both energy and mass are conserved separately, but in cases where they can be converted into each other, a more generalized conservation law is used. This means that matter cannot be created nor destroyed, and neither can energy. However, processes such as converting matter into energy are possible.
  • #1
Mental Gridlock
I learned that matter could not be created nor destroyed. I also learned that energy could not be created nor destroyed.

But now I'm confused so I figure I would ask the experts to clarify so I can figure this out.

Someobody told me, (and I'm not sure if it's true or not so please advise) that we have particle accelerators capable of creating tiny ammounts of antimatter. In this process a tiny and comparable amount of matter is created?

I don't know maybe that's baloney. But nevertheless the red flag for me is when I learned about how nuclear weapons work.

Apparently they take matter, and convert it to its equivelent in energy. So isn't this both destroying matter and creating energy?

Are these laws out of date or do I just have a misunderstanding? I'm just highly confused is all.
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  • #2
The more generalized conservation principle is the conservation of energy + mass, not energy alone, nor mass alone.

In many cases, each one is conserved separately. However, when you start including processes in which matter and mass can be converted into each other, you have to use the more generalized conservation law.

  • #3
Hey Zapper, this might be a stupid question, but did you intend to say, "However, when you start including processes in which matter and mass can be converted into each other" or did you mean "energy and mass"? No disrepect intended - either it's a typo, or I'm misunderstanding something.
  • #4
Zz meant to say "energy and mass".
  • #5
Another way of looking at it is to keep in mind that energy itself has mass (inertia and weight). You can't create energy, but you can sometimes change its form. You mentioned the example of converting a little bit of the nuclear potential energy of uranium, ie. of the mass of uranium, into heat and violence... and then if you cool down the left over matter, you find it weighs a little less, because that much mass-energy escaped in the form of heat, etc.
  • #6
pete5383 said:
Hey Zapper, this might be a stupid question, but did you intend to say, "However, when you start including processes in which matter and mass can be converted into each other" or did you mean "energy and mass"? No disrepect intended - either it's a typo, or I'm misunderstanding something.

Yup. It was a typo. My brain and my fingers weren't working.

  • #7
cesiumfrog said:
Another way of looking at it is to keep in mind that energy itself has mass (inertia and weight). You can't create energy, but you can sometimes change its form.

Hey cesiumfrog,i agree with u.Mass according to my understanding is just a FORM of energy(or energy itself but with different energy density)
  • #8
anantchowdhary said:
Mass according to my understanding is just a FORM of energy(or energy itself but with different energy density)

The way that's worded, I'm not even certain what it means, but just to further differentiate/clarify what I'm saying: a wound spring (or a hot potato) is heavier than a relaxed spring (or cold potato), because the former contains more energy.
  • #9
BINGO.The energy density in both is different

FAQ: Is the Law of Conservation of Matter and Energy Outdated?

1. What is the law of conservation of matter/energy?

The law of conservation of matter/energy states that matter and energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed from one form to another. This means that the total amount of matter and energy in a closed system remains constant over time.

2. Why is the conservation of matter/energy important?

The conservation of matter/energy is important because it is a fundamental principle of science that helps us understand and predict how matter and energy behave in various systems. It also plays a crucial role in fields such as chemistry, physics, and engineering.

3. How does the conservation of matter/energy apply to everyday life?

The conservation of matter/energy applies to everyday life in many ways. For example, when we burn wood in a fire, the wood is transformed into ash and smoke, but the total amount of matter and energy remains the same. Similarly, when we exercise, our body converts food into energy, but the total amount of matter and energy in our body remains constant.

4. What is an example of the conservation of matter/energy in action?

An example of the conservation of matter/energy in action is the water cycle. Water on Earth is constantly cycling between its three states (solid, liquid, and gas) through processes like evaporation, condensation, and precipitation. The total amount of water on Earth remains constant, but it is constantly being transformed from one state to another.

5. Can the law of conservation of matter/energy ever be violated?

No, the law of conservation of matter/energy is a fundamental law of nature and has been proven through countless experiments. While matter and energy can change forms, the total amount always remains the same. If it appears that matter or energy has been created or destroyed, it is due to our limited understanding of the system and not a violation of the law.

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