Continuity conditions in electrodynamics.

In summary, continuity conditions in electrodynamics refer to the fundamental principles that govern the behavior of electric and magnetic fields. These conditions state that the electric field must be continuous across any boundary and that the magnetic field must have no sudden changes in direction or magnitude. These conditions are essential for understanding and predicting the behavior of electromagnetic waves and the flow of electric currents. They are also crucial for the development of Maxwell's equations, which are the cornerstone of classical electrodynamics. Overall, continuity conditions play a crucial role in our understanding of the behavior of electric and magnetic fields and their interactions.
  • #1
I have a question about the derivation of the boundary conditions at surfaces of electromagnetic fields. These conditions say, that the tangential component of the electric and the normal component of the magnetic field are continuous at surfaces.
Their derivation goes as follows: To derive them for the electric field,
one starts with the Maxwell equation $\mbox{rot } E=- \frac{1}{c} \frac{\partial B}{\partial t}$ and uses Stokes theorem for a line integral of $E$ across the boundary, as it is depicted at The derivation for the magnetic field goes similar, but now we have to use the equation $\mbox{div} B=0$.
My question now is: Why can't we use some other Maxwell equations as well, to obtain further conditions? We still have the Maxwell equation $\mbox{rot} B= \frac{4 \pi}{c}j+ \frac{1}{c} \frac{\partial E}{\partial t}$. Shouldn't we get something out of it at least for $j=0$? What is the reason that there isn't something similar, that works for other Maxwell equations?
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  • #2
It turns out that using similar arguments for the other two Maxwell equations is indeed an important part of figuring out boundary condition - you are on the right track! What may not be obvious, is that for each of the two remaining equations we usually allow for the existence of a surface source.

More specifically, for [itex]\mathbf{\nabla\cdot D} = \rho[/itex] we integrate over a small "pill-box", just like you did for the continuity of the perpendicular component of B. But we allow for the existence of a surface charge density [itex]\rho_s[/itex] (units of charge per area), so that the condition for the perpendicular component of D across the boundary should read, [itex]\mathbf{\hat{n}\cdot}\left(\mathbf{D}_2-\mathbf{D}_1 \right)=\rho_s[/itex] where [itex]\mathbf{\hat{n}}[/itex] is a unit vector pointing outward from medium 1. You should make sure you can derive this - I used MKS so you can derive it in CGS. Anyway, physically this simply means that a surface charge density will cause a discontinuity in the perpendicular component of D. Note that for a perfect conductur, the electric field inside vanishes, and hence the surface charge density on the surface of the conductor can be related to the normal component of the exterior electric field; if it is free space then [itex]\mathbf{D}=\epsilon_0 \mathbf{E}[/itex], so the surface charge density is simply [itex]\epsilon_0 E_n[/itex] where the field is evaluated on the surface of the conductor.

Likewise for the [itex]\mathbf{\nabla \times H}= \mathbf{J}+ \partial_t \mathbf{D}[/itex], we assume a surface current density [itex]\mathbf{J}_s[/itex] (units are current per length) and we get [itex]\mathbf{\hat{n}\times}(\mathbf{H}_2 - \mathbf{H}_1) = \mathbf{J}_s[/itex]. Again, I used MKS and you should derive this yourself with your favorite units. PHysically, this means that a surface current will create a disconinuity in the parallel component of H.

I hope that helps!


FAQ: Continuity conditions in electrodynamics.

1. What are the continuity conditions in electrodynamics?

The continuity conditions in electrodynamics refer to the fundamental laws of conservation of charge and energy in an electromagnetic system. These conditions state that charge cannot be created or destroyed, and the total energy in a closed system must remain constant.

2. How do the continuity conditions affect electromagnetic waves?

The continuity conditions play a crucial role in the propagation of electromagnetic waves. They ensure that the electric and magnetic fields in the wave remain in phase and that the wave maintains a constant energy as it travels through space.

3. Can the continuity conditions be violated?

No, the continuity conditions are fundamental laws of electrodynamics and cannot be violated. Any violation would result in a violation of the conservation of charge and energy, which goes against the laws of physics.

4. What are the consequences of violating the continuity conditions?

If the continuity conditions are violated, it would mean that the electric and magnetic fields in an electromagnetic system are not in equilibrium, leading to unpredictable and potentially destructive behavior. This violation would also go against the fundamental principles of physics and could have far-reaching consequences.

5. How are the continuity conditions used in practical applications?

The continuity conditions are essential in understanding and designing various electromagnetic systems, such as antennas, circuits, and communication devices. They are also used in analyzing and predicting the behavior of electromagnetic waves in different mediums, such as air, water, or vacuum.

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