Cranston residents protest sign urging cancer patient to die

In summary: He has resorted to posting threatening messages on his property, shining lights into other people's windows at night, and has even threatened to get the cancer patient evicted. None of which have worked. People in this situation need to be more patient and understanding, not more aggressive.
  • #1
Gold Member
Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse:

Bob Gold, 55, has been in remission for a year from Hodgkin's lymphoma, which he has been fighting since February 2009. He said that on Monday, he was in his backyard when he saw a holiday wreath with a red bow on the back window of Jimmis' garage. A hand-lettered note inside the wreath read: "Glad you have canser (sic). So die stupid."

Gold called Cranston police, who, he said, talked to Jimmis, but the police reported that Jimmis was not breaking any law. An officer asked Jimmis to take down the sign in the interest of neighborhood peace, Gold said, but Jimmis did not.

Gold then called a reporter, who tried twice to talk to Jimmis. Jimmis later changed the sign to one that said, "Love your neighbor."

This story was originally published at 6:43 p.m.

After changing the sign, Jimmis said he had posted the first sign after disputes with Gold. "I wanted to hit a nerve," he said.
This is very bizarre behavior to be sure... harassing and bullying taken to an extreme...

Rhody... :eek:
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Physics news on
  • #2
We live in a sad world.
  • #3
Evo said:
We live in a sad world.

This guy who I learned more about on talk radio is 71 years old. From what others have said about him is that he has been this way for over 20 years, and IMO is suffering from some undiagnosed mental illness. What triggered the latest episode is that the guy who has cancer said hello to the guy's wife who has a problem near his home. The guy with cancer didn't know the other guy with issues saw him.

He needs some sort of intervention, either punishment, therapy or both. This guy also let's his lawn grow really tall, and then mows hateful insults into it, and shines his garage lights into other neighbors windows at night. He is not dealing with a full deck. I feel for the poor guy who has struggled with cancer, he is putting up a fight and see if he can get the neighbor evicted, arrested, or basically removed from his neighborhood. The are having nightly hour long protests in front of his neighbor's house to attract attention to him and keep the pressure on until something happens, one way or another. I wish him well in his fight.

Rhody... :mad:
  • #4
Wow. Anti Social Personality Disorder, perhaps?

I feel sorry for his wife. Run little lady!

And best of luck to Mr Gold. I can't understand why there is so much like this in society. It is saddening.
  • #5
Jimmis (no relation) obviously has issues. How can anyone be aware of these issues and yet be insulted by him or protest against him?
  • #6
Half the country has issues so what else is new. Just recently some 60% of the population expressed doubts about their own president being a US citizen. Ten percent of the population is on antidepressants alone. I sometimes suspect the whole reason for the democrats pushing for healthcare reform is so they can medicate the population better as new drugs become available.
  • #7
wuliheron said:
Half the country has issues so what else is new. Just recently some 60% of the population expressed doubts about their own president being a US citizen. Ten percent of the population is on antidepressants alone. I sometimes suspect the whole reason for the democrats pushing for healthcare reform is so they can medicate the population better as new drugs become available.

Hmm... doubting a president's citizenship =/= telling a cancer patient to die.

Some people are total jerks, I don't know why people are surprised.
  • #8
wuliheron said:
Half the country has issues so what else is new.
It is not the case that half the country has issues as severe as Mr. Jimmis'.
  • #9
Jimmis is NOT a nice name.
  • #10
Pengwuino said:
Hmm... doubting a president's citizenship =/= telling a cancer patient to die.

Some people are total jerks, I don't know why people are surprised.

Where I live a lot of blacks prefer the open bigotry of southerners to the hidden bigotry of Yankees. They'd rather people were honest with them rather then giving them the runaround or stabbing them in the back. You can call them jerks, but at least they're honest jerks.
  • #11
Jimmy Snyder said:
It is not the case that half the country has issues as severe as Mr. Jimmis'.

No, but as you sow so shall ye reap.
  • #12
wuliheron said:
No, but as you sow so shall ye reap.
I'm not sure what that means in this context. It seems to me that Mr. Jimmis would just as soon insult a turnip as insult a cancer patient. And if I were a cancer patient, I would no sooner be insulted by him than if I were a turnip.
  • #13
For the record, the neighbor has tried two approaches to make peace or at least keep at bay his whacko neighbor, he tried the killing you with kindness approach, that failed, then he tried ignoring him, that failed miserably as well, Mr Gold who has been in remission from cancer having fought it since 2009 sounded remarkably restrained as he gave the history on talk radio with his ornery neighbor.

Cranston police asked Jimmis to remove the sign which he did, replacing it with one that said, Love your Neighbor, but Mr Gold wants a normal life back and is organizing peaceful protests outside Jimmis's residence with police presence. Hopefully to force his neighbor to move. I don't blame him, I doubt I could act as restrained as Mr Gold did under the circumstances. Logically, one would hope that the police would ask Jimmis if he was armed and to voluntarily surrender his weapons if he had any, at least until this issue is settled with his neighbor. I will keep you informed as to how this plays itself out, hopefully with a peaceful outcome.

  • #14
Here is a" with a blow by blow interview with both Jimmis and Gold being interviewed. Interesting dialog. Jimmis ex-brother in law says he has two sides, one can be nice, but as soon as you turn away he will stab you in the back. He has more telling stories. Listen, then judge for yourselves.

The ACLU is involved now and there is no sign or Jimmis facing the demonstrators, or Mr Gold backing down in his efforts to get him to move. I found it interesting that a pretty young reporter for WPRO was allowed into Jimmis's residence for an interview last night around 9:30 after the media circus left. He is known for his crude sexual remarks towards women. The reporter did not say anything to that effect, possibly because Jimmi's wife was present during the interview.

Rhody... :rolleyes:
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  • #15
Gold says he isn't mad, but seems determined to wind up Jimmis until he leaves. it's only going to make it worse. maybe he'll take the radio guy's advice.

FAQ: Cranston residents protest sign urging cancer patient to die

What is the background of the protest sign in Cranston?

The protest sign in Cranston, Rhode Island was put up by a resident named Michael Troiano, who was frustrated with the noise and traffic caused by a neighbor's ongoing cancer treatment. The sign read "Hope she dies soon. Merry Christmas." It sparked outrage and protests in the community.

What was the response from the community to the sign?

The community responded with anger and disgust towards the sign. Many residents organized protests and called for it to be taken down. The mayor of Cranston also condemned the sign and offered support to the cancer patient and her family.

What is the impact of the sign on the cancer patient and her family?

The sign caused immense emotional distress to the cancer patient and her family. They were already going through a difficult time with the ongoing treatment, and the sign only added to their pain and suffering. It also brought unwanted attention and invasion of privacy to their personal lives.

What are the ethical implications of the sign?

The sign raises questions about the ethical principles of respect for persons and beneficence. It shows a lack of empathy and compassion towards someone going through a difficult illness, and goes against the principle of doing good and avoiding harm to others.

What can be done to prevent similar incidents in the future?

Education and awareness about the impact of words and actions on individuals and communities is crucial in preventing similar incidents. It's also important for individuals to speak out against hate and discrimination, and for communities to come together to support those who are marginalized or facing difficult situations.

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