Are Deep Long Period Earthquakes in Antarctica Causing Sea Level Rise?

  • Thread starter Bobbywhy
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In summary, deep long period earthquakes are a type of earthquake that occurs at depths greater than 300 km below the Earth's surface. The exact cause of these earthquakes is not fully understood, but they are believed to be related to tectonic plate movement in the Earth's mantle. They differ from shallow earthquakes in depth, duration, and frequency, and while they are not typically dangerous, they can be a sign of larger seismic activity. Currently, deep long period earthquakes cannot be predicted with a high degree of accuracy, but ongoing scientific research aims to develop better prediction methods in the future.
  • #1
Gold Member
Here is a recent paper describing Deep Long Period Earthquakes discovered in Antarctica. A large eruption might melt enough ice to raise sea levels. The paper costs $$money to read, however:
“Volcanology: Mobile magma under Antarctic ice”
John C. Behrendt1
Nature Geoscience
6, 990–991 (2013)
Published online
17 November 2013

Here is free article about them:
“Deep Long Period earthquakes”
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Likes davenn
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  • #2
interesting article :smile:

FAQ: Are Deep Long Period Earthquakes in Antarctica Causing Sea Level Rise?

What are deep long period earthquakes?

Deep long period earthquakes are a type of earthquake that occurs at depths greater than 300 km below the Earth's surface.

What causes deep long period earthquakes?

The exact cause of deep long period earthquakes is still not fully understood, but it is believed to be related to the movement and interaction of tectonic plates deep within the Earth's mantle.

How are deep long period earthquakes different from shallow earthquakes?

Shallow earthquakes occur closer to the Earth's surface, typically less than 70 km deep. Deep long period earthquakes, on the other hand, occur at much greater depths and have longer durations and lower frequencies compared to shallow earthquakes.

Are deep long period earthquakes dangerous?

Deep long period earthquakes are not typically considered dangerous as they are located deep within the Earth's mantle and do not produce strong shaking at the surface. However, they can be a sign of larger seismic activity and can potentially trigger shallower earthquakes.

Can deep long period earthquakes be predicted?

Currently, deep long period earthquakes cannot be predicted with a high degree of accuracy. However, scientists continue to study the behavior and patterns of these earthquakes in hopes of developing better prediction methods in the future.

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