Detecting Jupiter-like Planets Using the Doppler Effect

  • #1

Homework Statement

The precision in measurements of radial velocities by the Doppler effect is currently 1 m/s.
Can a Jupiter like planet orbiting a star similar to the Sun at a distance from the mother star equal to the Sun-Jupiter distance be detected?'
(Use www or other sources to find the mass of Jupiter, the Sun and the distance between the two which are the only data you are allowed to use).

Ms = 1.989*10^30 kg
Mj = 1.898*10^27 kg
d = 778500000 km

Homework Equations

|vr|= v sin(i), where
vr is the radial velocity
v is the real velocity
and i is the inclination of the orbit.

a*/ap = v*/vp = v*r/vpr
where a* and ap are the semimajor axis of the sun and the planet.

Kepler's 3. low can maybe be usefull.

The Attempt at a Solution

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Physics news on
  • #2
Hello ad and welcome to PF.
Did you notice PF requires the use of the template (which somehow you circumvaded) ? Ýou got as far as point 1. Now 2 and 3, please !

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