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Homework Statement
Homework Equations
See picture
The Attempt at a Solution
I am unsure how this filter works (i am in an intro to analog circuits class and we barely covered active filters).
Here is my attempt at drawing the input voltage:
you can see I used the 20KHz wave as an envelope for the 100Khz signal, drawing 5 full waves of the 100KHz within one half wave of the 20KHz, but i am not fully sure if this is the correct thing to draw as i have never worked with overlapping signals...
As for the voltage at the point specified, i believe that all that does is cut off the bottom portion of what I drew as well as decrease the voltage by 0.7 volts (The standard voltage drop of a diode). But i am not sure if this is correct.
For part B I have no clue how to approach this. I didn't know this filter had gain, i thought active filters just filtered...
EDIT: For part a i just realized that there is a capacitor acting as ripple control, so the output should not just be the top half of the input, but how do i calculate this ripple control?
Still super confused about part b.
EDIT 2: I just realized my scaling is off, i should have 2.5 waves of the 100KHz within on half wave of the 20KHz, so 5 waves total over the full length of the 20KHz.
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