Dirac delta function of a function of several variables

In summary, the conversation discusses using solid state physics and k-space to derive an integral involving the Dirac delta function. The conversation then continues to discuss the use of spherical coordinates and a change of variables to simplify the integral. The final result is an integral involving the parameters of the system and the Dirac delta function, which may or may not be solvable analytically.
  • #1
Homework Statement
In fact, I'm working on deriving the equations included in a theoretical condensed matter physics paper.
I reached the part where the normal charge current density is represented by $$J_y^N(z<0)=-\sum_{\mathbf{p},k}2i\dfrac{e}{m}p_yr_xsin(2k_z)\delta(\varepsilon_{p,k}-E_f)\triangle\mu_L^x$$ and we need to prove that it is equal to ##\dfrac{-ek_f^2s}{(2\pi^2)}g(\nu,2k_fz)\triangle\mu_L^x##
It is not important to know what is normal charge current density, or other physical definitions I may mention Later in the post. Because I think knowing them will not serve in solving the problem.
Relevant Equations
##g(\nu,2k_fz)## is a function.

We assume that ##\hbar=1## where ##\hbar## is the planck constant

##\varepsilon_{\mathbf{p},k}=\dfrac{k_x^2}{2m}+\dfrac{k_y^2}{2m}+\dfrac{k_z^2}{2m}## is the energy corresponding to one particle and ##k_x##,##k_y## and ##k_z## are the momentum in x,y and z directions respectively.


##\sum_{\mathbf p,k}##is the summation over all k's in the k-space.



##\delta(x)## is the dirac delta function.
Form solid state physics, we know that the volume of k-space per allowed k-value is ##\triangle{\mathbf{k}}=\dfrac{8\pi^3}{V}##
When V##\rightarrow \infty \dfrac{1}{V}\sum_{\mathbf{k}}F(\mathbf{k}) \rightarrow \dfrac{1}{(2\pi)^3}\int F(\mathbf{k}) \, d\mathbf{k}##

Now ##-\sum_{\mathbf{p},k}\dfrac{2ie}{m}p_yr_xsin(2k_z)\delta(\varepsilon_{p,k}-E_f)\triangle{\mu_L^x} \rightarrow -\dfrac{1}{(2\pi)^3}\int F(k_x,k_y,k_x)\delta(\varepsilon_{p,k}-E_f)dk_xdk_ydk_z##
Where ##F(k_x,k_y,k_z)=\dfrac{2ie}{m}k_y\Bigg (\dfrac{2is\nu^2k_yk_z}{(k_z+\sqrt{k_z^2-2mv})^2+c}\Bigg )sin(2k_zz)##
then$$-\dfrac{1}{(2\pi)^3}\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} F(k_x,k_y,k_x)\delta(\varepsilon_{p,k}-E_f)dk_xdk_ydk_z=$$
$$-\dfrac{1}{(2\pi)^3}\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}\dfrac{2ie}{m}k_y^2\Bigg (\dfrac{2is\nu^2k_z}{(k_z+\sqrt{k_z^2-2mv})^2+c}\Bigg )sin(2k_zz)\delta(\dfrac{k_x^2}{2m}+\dfrac{k_y^2}{2m}+\dfrac{k_z^2}{2m}-\dfrac{k_f^2}{2m})\, dk_xdk_ydk_z$$

What is stopping me of completing the derivation is that how we can use ##\delta(\dfrac{k_x^2}{2m}+\dfrac{k_y^2}{2m}+\dfrac{k_z^2}{2m}-\dfrac{k_f^2}{2m})## to solve the integral?
I searched a lot in google to find an identity regarding this type of Dirac delta function, but I couldn't find anything.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
I think similar functions occur when looking at covariant electrodynamics (e.g. Jackson). In general , assume ##f## is a 'nice' function, and so is ##h##. Let function ##h## go to zero at ##x_0##, and let ##\frac{dh}{dx}_{x=x0}=h'_0\neq 0##

##\int dx f\left(x\right) \delta\left(h\left(x\right)\right)=f\left(x_0\right) \int^{\epsilon}_{-\epsilon} \delta\left(h'_0 x\right)dx=f\left(x_0\right) \int^{h'_0\left(\epsilon\right)}_{h'_0\left(-\epsilon\right)} \delta\left(y\right)\frac{dy}{h'_0}=\frac{f\left(x_0\right)}{h'_0}##

Now let the first derivative vanish too, but keep the second one, i.e. ##h\left(x\approx x_0\right)=\frac{h''_0}{2}\left(x-x_0\right)^2##. This time the integral will only converge if ##f\left(x\approx x_0\right)=g\left(x\right)\left(x-x_0\right)##

##\int dx f\left(x\right) \delta\left(h\left(x\right)\right)=\int^{\epsilon+x_0}_{-\epsilon+x_0} dx f\left(x\right) \delta\left(\frac{h''_0}{2}\left(x-x_0\right)^2\right)=\int^{\epsilon+x_0}_{-\epsilon+x_0} dx g\left(x\right)\left(x-x_0\right) \delta\left(\frac{h''_0}{2}\left(x-x_0\right)^2\right)##

Tidy up and change integration variable

##\int dx f\left(x\right) \delta\left(h\left(x\right)\right)=g\left(x_0\right)\,2\int^{\epsilon}_ 0 x\,dx\delta\left(\frac{h''_0}{2}x^2\right)=g\left(x_0\right)\,2\int^{\frac{h''_0}{2}\epsilon^2}_ 0 \frac{dy}{h''_0}\delta\left(y\right)=g\left(x_0\right)\int^{\frac{h''_0}{2}\epsilon^2}_ {-\frac{h''_0}{2}\epsilon^2} \frac{dy}{h''_0}\delta\left(y\right)=\frac{g\left(x_0\right)}{h''_0}##

##\int dx f\left(x\right) \delta\left(h\left(x\right)\right)=\lim_{x->x_0}\frac{f\left(x\right)}{h''_0 \cdot \left(x-x_0\right)}##

This is a generic approach. In your case I would seek to go to spherical coordinates for ##k## and evalate the delta-function in the integral over k-radius.
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  • #3
Thanks for your reply!
Cryo said:
This is a generic approach. In your case I would seek to go to spherical coordinates for kkk and evalate the delta-function in the integral over k-radius.

I went to spherical coordinates, but I got stuck with a a little bit nasty integral.
I will show you how I proceeded.
1-First I want to note that I wrote ##r_x## wrongly.
2- Now in spherical coordinates ##\delta(\dfrac{1}{2m}(k^2-k_f^2))=2m\delta(k^2-k_f^2)=2m(\dfrac{1}{2k_f})\Big[\delta(k-k_f)+\delta(k+k_f)\Big]=\dfrac{m}{k_f}\Big[\delta(k-k_f)+\delta(k+k_f)\Big]##
Where I have used the relations ##\delta(ax)=\dfrac{1}{a}\delta(x)## and ##\delta(x^2-a^2)=\dfrac{1}{2a}\Big[\delta(x-a)+\delta(x+a)\Big]## and## k^2=k_x^2+k_y^2+k_z^2##

3- $$j_y^N(z<0)=-\dfrac{1}{(2\pi)^3}\int_0^{+\infty}\int_0^{\pi}\int_{0}^{2\pi}k^2sin(\theta)\dfrac{2ie}{m}k_y^2\Bigg(\dfrac{2is\nu^2k_z}{(k_z+\sqrt{k_z^2-2mV})^2+(\nu^2s)^2(k_x^2+k_y^2)}\Bigg)sin(2k_zz)\triangle\mu_L^x\dfrac{m}{k_f}\delta(k-k_f)\, d\theta \, d\phi \, dk$$
Now by using the change of variable ##k_x=ksin(\theta)cos(\phi)##
##\qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad k_y=ksin(\theta)sin(\phi)##
##\qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad k_z=kcos(\theta)##
$$j_y^N(z<0)=-\dfrac{1}{(2\pi)^3}\int_0^{+\infty}\int_0^{\pi}\int_{0}^{2\pi}k^2sin(\theta)\dfrac{2ie}{m}\dfrac{k^2sin^2(\theta)sin^2(\phi)2is\nu^2kcos(\theta)}{(kcos(\theta)+\sqrt{k^2cos^2(\theta)-2mV})^2+(\nu^2s)^2k^2sin^2(\theta)}sin(2kcos(\theta)z)\triangle\mu_L^x\dfrac{m}{k_f}\delta(k-k_f)\, d\theta \, d\phi \, dk$$

$$j_y^N(z<0)=-\dfrac{1}{(2\pi)^3}\int_0^{+\infty}\int_0^{\pi}\int_{0}^{2\pi}\dfrac{k^5\dfrac{2ie}{m}sin^3(\theta)sin^2(\phi)2is\nu^2cos(\theta)sin(2kzcos(\theta))\triangle\mu_L^x}{k^2cos^2(\theta)+k^2cos^2(\theta)-2mV+2kcos(\theta)\sqrt{k^2cos^2(\theta)-2mV}+(\nu^2s)^2k^2sin^2(\theta)}\dfrac{m}{k_f}\delta(k-k_f)\, d\theta \, d\phi \, dk$$

4- Now by using the integral ##\int_0^{2\pi} sin^2(\phi) \,d\phi=\pi##$$j_y^N(z<0)=-\dfrac{1}{(2\pi)^3}\Big(\dfrac{-4e\pi}{k_f}\Big)\int_0^{+\infty}\int_0^{\pi}\dfrac{\nu^2k^5sin^3(\theta)scos(\theta)sin(2kzcos(\theta))\triangle\mu_L^x}{k^2cos^2(\theta)+k^2cos^2(\theta)-2mV+2kcos(\theta)\sqrt{k^2cos^2(\theta)-2mV}+(\nu^2s)^2k^2sin^2(\theta)}\delta(k-k_f)\, d\theta \, dk$$

5- By using ##\int_0^{+\infty}f(k)\delta(k-k_f)dk=f(k_f)##

$$j_y^N(z<0)=\dfrac{1}{(2\pi)^3}\Big(\dfrac{4e\pi}{k_f}\Big)\int_0^{\pi}\dfrac{\nu^2k_f^5sin^3(\theta)scos(\theta)sin(2k_fzcos(\theta))\triangle\mu_L^x}{k_f^2cos^2(\theta)+k_f^2cos^2(\theta)-2mV+2k_fcos(\theta)\sqrt{k_f^2cos^2(\theta)-2mV}+(\nu^2s)^2k_f^2sin^2(\theta)}\, d\theta $$

$$j_y^N(z<0)=\dfrac{1}{2(2\pi)^3}(4e\pi)\int_0^{\pi}\dfrac{\nu^2k_f^4sin^3(\theta)scos(\theta)sin(2k_fzcos(\theta))\triangle\mu_L^x}{k_f^2\Bigg(cos^2(\theta)-\dfrac{mV}{k_f^2}+cos(\theta)\sqrt{cos^2(\theta)-\dfrac{2mV}{k_f^2}}+\dfrac{(\nu^2s)^2sin^2(\theta)}{2}\Bigg)}\, d\theta $$

6- Let ##u=cos(\theta)## then ##du=-sin(\theta)d\theta##

$$j_y^N(z<0)=\dfrac{-k_f^2es}{4(\pi)^2}\int_1^{-1}\dfrac{\nu^2(1-u^2)usin(2k_fzu)\triangle\mu_L^x}{u^2-\dfrac{mV}{k_f^2}+u\sqrt{u^2-\dfrac{2mV}{k_f^2}}+\dfrac{(\nu^2s)^2(1-u^2)}{2}}\, du $$

So we can say now that :
##j_y^N(z<0)=\dfrac{-k_f^2es}{(2\pi)^2} g(\nu,2k_fz)\triangle\mu_L^x##
where$$ g(\nu,2k_fz)=
\int_1^{-1}\dfrac{\nu^2(1-u^2)usin(2k_fzu)}{u^2-\dfrac{mV}{k_f^2}+u\sqrt{u^2-\dfrac{2mV}{k_f^2}}+\dfrac{(\nu^2s)^2(1-u^2)}{2}}\, du $$

Does my approach look right, did I do something wrong?
and do you think this integral can be solved analytically? or I need a computer?
  • #4
Sorry for delay. The approach seems right to me, although I do not have time to check the maths thoroughly. The final integral does look nasty, but it is easy to compute numerically (finite domain), so I usually do not bother in such cases.

If I did want to bother with it, I would first try to plot the integrand, estimate the rough magnitude of different terms, and see if there are any approximations I could make. Maybe some of the nastyness never comes into play in your problem.

I would also try looking at the integrand on the complex plane and deforming the path of integration to simplify the evaluation. But, I am not sure this would help.
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FAQ: Dirac delta function of a function of several variables

1. What is the Dirac delta function of a function of several variables?

The Dirac delta function of a function of several variables is a mathematical concept used to represent a point mass or impulse at a specific point in a multi-dimensional space. It is often denoted as δ(x1, x2, ..., xn) and has the property that it is zero everywhere except at the specified point, where it is infinite.

2. How is the Dirac delta function of a function of several variables defined?

The Dirac delta function of a function of several variables is defined as the limit of a sequence of functions that approach an impulse at the specified point. In other words, it is the limit of a function that becomes increasingly narrow and tall, with an area of 1 under the curve at the specified point.

3. What is the significance of the Dirac delta function of a function of several variables in physics?

In physics, the Dirac delta function of a function of several variables is often used to model point-like particles or impulses in a multi-dimensional space. It is also used in the study of electromagnetic fields, quantum mechanics, and signal processing.

4. Can the Dirac delta function of a function of several variables be integrated?

Yes, the Dirac delta function of a function of several variables can be integrated over a region in the multi-dimensional space. However, the integral will only be non-zero if the specified point is within the region of integration.

5. How is the Dirac delta function of a function of several variables used in engineering and mathematics?

In engineering and mathematics, the Dirac delta function of a function of several variables is used to solve differential equations, evaluate multidimensional integrals, and represent impulsive forces or point masses in mechanics and dynamics problems. It is also used in the theory of distributions to define generalized functions.
