- #1
- 1,421
- 5
Homework Statement
Let ##p## and let ##\nu : \mathbb{Q}^\times \rightarrow \mathbb{Z}## be defined by ##\nu (\frac{a}{b}) = \alpha##, where ##\frac{a}{b} = p^\alpha \frac{c}{d}##, where ##p## divides neither ##c## nor ##d##. Prove that the corresponding valuation ring ##R := \{x \in \mathbb{Q}^\times ~|~ \nu(x) \ge 0 \} \cup \{0\}## is the ring of all rational numbers whose denominators are relatively prime to ##p##. Describe the units of this valuation ring.
Homework Equations
Let ##K## be some field. A function ##\nu : K^\times \rightarrow \mathbb{Z}## is a discrete valuation if
##\nu(ab) = \nu(a) + \nu(b)##
##\nu## is surjective
##\nu(x+y) \ge \min \{\nu(x), \nu(y)\}## if ##x+y \neq 0##.
The Attempt at a Solution
I find this problem rather annoyingly ill-posed. For one, it seems that the author of this problem presupposes that every rational number ##\frac{a}{b}## as ##p^\alpha \frac{c}{d}## for some integers ##\alpha##, ##b##, and ##c## satisfying the above conditions, without offering a proof of this or asking to prove this as a part of the problem. Moreover, we aren't even asked to show that this is a well-defined discrete valuation. So, I would like to prove some of these things and then discuss the difficulty I am having with this problem.
First, let me prove every rational number ##\frac{a}{b}## can be written in the previously mentioned form. If neither ##a## nor ##b## have the prime ##p## appearing in their factorization, then ##\frac{a}{b} = p^0 \frac{a}{b}##. Now, if both ##a## and ##b## have ##p## appearing in their factorization in the form ##p^\alpha## and ##p^\beta##, respectively, then ##\frac{a}{b} = \frac{p^\alpha c}{p^\beta d} = p^{\alpha - \beta} \frac{c}{d}##.
Now I will prove that ##\nu## is well-defined. Suppose that ##p^\alpha \frac{a}{b} = p^\beta \frac{c}{d}## but ##\alpha - \beta \neq 0##. Without loss of generality, suppose ##\alpha - \beta > 0##. Then ##p^{\alpha - \beta}ad = bc## implies ##p^{\alpha - \beta} |cd##, and because ##p|p^{\alpha-\beta}##, we have ##p|cd##. But this implies either ##p|c## or ##p|d##, both of which are contradictions. Hence, ##\alpha = \beta##. This gives us
##\nu(p^{\alpha} \frac{a}{b}) = \alpha = \beta = \nu (p^\beta \frac{c}{d})##,
thereby establishing that ##\nu## is well-defined.
How does this sound so far? The following is where difficulty begins to emerge.
Now I am trying to show that it is a discrete valuation. Showing that ##\nu## satisfies ##\nu(ab) = \nu(a) + \nu(b)## is rather easy. For surjectivity, if ##n## is some integer, then ##\nu(p^n \frac{p+1}{p-1}) = n##, where ##p## clearly divides neither the numerator nor denominator. I am having a little trouble showing ##\nu## possesses the last property: Consider ##p^\alpha \frac{a}{b}## and ##p^\beta \frac{c}{d}##, and suppose that ##\alpha < \beta##. Then
##\nu(p^\alpha \frac{a}{b} + p^\beta \frac{c}{d}) = \nu( p^\beta \frac{p^{\alpha - \beta} ad + cd}{bd}) = \beta \ge \min \{\alpha, \beta \} = \alpha##
However, it seems possible that ##p## could divide the numerator of ##\frac{p^{\alpha - \beta} ad + cd}{bd}##...