What are Some Unusual and Controversial Foods People Eat?

  • Thread starter Monique
  • Start date
In summary: I don't know. I'd rather not think about it.In summary, the Disgusting things people eat includes horse meat, processed food, and spam.
  • #1
Staff Emeritus
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Disgusting things you eat :)

I am eating a sandwhich with tongue on it, somehow it is rather rubbery.. Anyone else eats tongue?

How about horse, does anyone eat the meat of horse? I think it taste rather good on a sandwhich, I never had a horse steak though..

So any unusual things you eat?
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  • #2

Originally posted by Monique
How about horse, does anyone eat the meat of horse? I think it taste rather good on a sandwhich, I never had a horse steak though..

there is a variety of salami in our country which is supposedly made from horse meat. Personally I like it but I can't really tell if it's from horse or not.
  • #3

While it is vaguely interesting to note that you like tongue (yes, a bad joke), I couldn't possibly eat that. YUCK!

About the most disguting thing I eat is mass-produced processed food.
  • #4

Originally posted by Adam
About the most disguting thing I eat is mass-produced processed food.
Actually, yes that is disgusting

In The Netherlands we have a joke when someone is eating such food: "What is the difference between you and that sausage?" "The sausage contains more brains than you do"
  • #5
No doubt, it's scrapple.

"But what parts of the hog go into the creation of scrapple? After the ham, bacon, chops and other cuts of meat are taken from the butchered pig - what remains are fixings for scrapple - including the meat scraped off the head. Scrapple may contain pork skin, pork heart, pork liver, pork tongue - even pork brains. Those faint of palate needn't venture any further.

from http://www.globalgourmet.com/food/sleuth/0998/scrapple.html

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  • #6
Originally posted by Monique

In The Netherlands we have a joke when someone is eating such food: "What is the difference between you and that sausage?" "The sausage contains more brains than you do"

That's like Australian meat pies. I think the law demands only about 25% normal meat now. The rest is guts, lungs, hooves, snouts, eyeballs, and all the other spare parts from the abatoir floor.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to stuff sausages in my ears...
  • #7

Originally posted by Monique
Actually, yes that is disgusting

In The Netherlands we have a joke when someone is eating such food: "What is the difference between you and that sausage?" "The sausage contains more brains than you do"

You should read "The Jungle" by Upton Sinclair. There is a nice passage in there about sausage making. Evidently, it was very expensive to turn the machinery off and on. If a worker fell into the works it was just a free source of meat for the packing company.

  • #8
Originally posted by Njorl
..including the meat scraped off the head..

Can I make one thing clear: the Pensylvanian Dutch aren't actually related to the Dutch in Any way! Eating head scrapings.. ewh..
  • #9
Tonight I am eating chicken livers that actually tastes very good, fried on bread with some fried bell pepper and mushrooms.
  • #10
Mushrooms? You eat fungus?? Why don't you just pull off your shoes and eat some athlete's foot? Ewwww!


PS - I like mushrooms too. I do not eat athlete's foot.
  • #11
pork rinds :) (fried pig skins)...especially the spicy ones...
  • #12
please don't say pig skin ...
  • #13
Originally posted by Njorl
Mushrooms? You eat fungus?? Why don't you just pull off your shoes and eat some athlete's foot? Ewwww!
Mushroom is not a fungus, it is the reproductive organ of a fungus. I like some blue cheeses though
  • #14
Originally posted by Monique
Mushroom is not a fungus, it is the reproductive organ of a fungus. I like some blue cheeses though

what's wrong with the green one?
i like almost any variety of cheese that exists...
  • #15
I've never felt the desire to eat any type of animal organ. I don't know why I dislike the idea, but I do. You are all demented and sick.
  • #16
I guess the worst thing I eat is processed meat patties(beef or chicken) and bologna.
  • #17
I eat chicken's periods.

Ya know, Monique. You were talking in another thread about something you were cooking up (maybe you mentioned a couple of dishes) and I was thinking "Wow. That sounds good. She sounds like a pretty good cook." Then, when we started talking about Ivan and me taking a trip to Europe, I thought "Cool. Maybe if we can get together with Monique, we can talk her into cooking up something yummy for us."

Never mind.
  • #18
ROTFLOL! You never know how good it tastes, unless you've tried it be carefull if you are planning to visit China any time in the future, they cook up REALLY weird stuff (and I ate it all).
  • #19
SPAM has to be the hienous thing on the planet. I'd love to try haggus. Any scotts around ? I've eaten alligator(tastes like chicken-no joke). snake, snail,octopus, and the grossest has to be oysters rockafeller(raw-slides down your throat with all the consistency of dried mucous membrane).
  • #20
Actually, I'm very willing to try almost anything - just don't tell me exactly what it is until I've eaten it. I'm OK knowing AFTER the fact, but not before. I draw the line with monkey brains, tho. I don't do monkey brains.
  • #21
Originally posted by Monique
ROTFLOL! You never know how good it tastes, unless you've tried it be carefull if you are planning to visit China any time in the future, they cook up REALLY weird stuff (and I ate it all).

And there you go calling me a ROTFLOL again! Help me, here. What the he** is a ROTFLOL?
  • #22
Originally posted by Zantra
SPAM has to be the hienous thing on the planet. I'd love to try haggus. Any scotts around ? I've eaten alligator(tastes like chicken-no joke). snake, snail,octopus, and the grossest has to be oysters rockafeller(raw-slides down your throat with all the consistency of dried mucous membrane).
I could eat raw oysters until I dropped. I eat escargots in any way, shape or form. Frog legs taste like sweet chicken, but I could only eat one, because I kept thinking of my pet frogs I had as a kid.
  • #23
Originally posted by Tsunami
Actually, I'm very willing to try almost anything - just don't tell me exactly what it is until I've eaten it. I'm OK knowing AFTER the fact, but not before. I draw the line with monkey brains, tho. I don't do monkey brains.
How'd you like to munch away on these:


I did it's rude to refuse food that is given to you, right?

Tsunami, rotflol means 'rolling on the floor, laughing out loud'
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  • #24

I stay away from that-chicken feet?- also tripe of any kind, porks called chitterlings. Ewwww, to hooves, claws, fins whatever, I do like the muscle meat of Deer,Bear, Rabbit, Fish, Clams, Crabs, Lobsters, Pigs,(I won't eat cow for a while) Goats. I don't think I'll be trying Escargo either.
  • #25
Originally posted by Monique
How'd you like to munch away on these:


I did it's rude to refuse food that is given to you, right?
If they were prepared to LOOK a little more appetizing, I might give them a shot after one of some uzo.

Tsunami, rotflol means 'rolling on the floor, laughing out loud' [/B][/QUOTE]
Oh. OK. You can call me that.

Jeez. I'm just deficient in brain cells today. Can't think, can't typ[e, can't speell...
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  • #26
Yeah, those are chicken feet, usually marinated in some stuff.. the point is basically to pull the tendons and ligament off the bone, it is very rubbery in texture.. it is very hard to eat too, so it is actually used as a television snack (I've been told), so you can chew away on it for a long time :)
  • #27
Originally posted by Monique
Yeah, those are chicken feet, usually marinated in some stuff.. the point is basically to pull the tendons and ligament off the bone, it is very rubbery in texture.. it is very hard to eat too, so it is actually used as a television snack (I've been told), so you can chew away on it for a long time :)
Wait. THAT'S the way they look when you EAT them? They're not cooked up in a lovely sauce that somewhat disguises the fact that there are several CHICKEN FEET sitting on your dinner/snack plate?? OK, well... I'm having some second thoughts about THIS particular adventure.
I've said it before, and I'm saying it again. Woman, you have ovarian fortitude!
  • #28
Originally posted by Tsunami
Wait. THAT'S the way they look when you EAT them? They're not cooked up in a lovely sauce that somewhat disguises the fact that there are several CHICKEN FEET sitting on your dinner/snack plate??
Well, the marinade makes them look a little tanned..
  • #29
Originally posted by Monique
Well, the marinade makes them look a little tanned..
Well, alrighty then. Chips and salsa it IS!
  • #30
I've eaten blood sausage with tongue. I've eaten tripe, not particularly fond of it.

I will try anything once, I've eaten snails, frogs, squirrel, deer, rabbit, you name it.

I did NOT eat the bull testacles however (rocky mountain oysters).
  • #31
You guys should look into signing up for an American television show called Fear Factor. They have the contestants eat stuff like bugs, brains, testacles, uterus, spoiled eggs, cow tungue, eyeballs, etc.

  • #32
Originally posted by dduardo
You guys should look into signing up for an American television show called Fear Factor. They have the contestants eat stuff like bugs, brains, testacles, uterus, spoiled eggs, cow tungue, eyeballs, etc.

My sick-o step-brother-in-law actually threw some slugs in blender and slapped it on some bread for a slug sandwich - which he ate for the top prize in a local radio contest "What would YOU eat for $5000.00"? He won. He also puked the sandwich up right afterward. Drek! (*in an Emily Latilla voice* 'What is the MATTER with these people? Don't they know that...)
  • #33
I've tasted goat when a friend tricked me into eating it. And blood stew (pig's blood) as well.
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  • #34
Originally posted by The_Professional
I've tasted goat when a friend tricked me into eating it.
What's wrong with goat?
And cooked pork blood as well. [/B]
  • #35
Goat meat is a lot less chewy

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