Find Distance on a 2-Sphere Using Metric Tensor

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In summary, to find the distance between two points on a sphere using the metric tensor, you can integrate the equation \int_{lambda} d \lambda \sqrt{\Sigma_{ij} (g_{ij} {(\frac{d x^i}{d \lambda})(\frac{d x^j}{d \lambda}) )} along the geodesic connecting the two points. If you do not have the equation for the geodesic, you will need to solve the differential equations for geodesic motion. The geodesic will be part of a great circle, so you will need to parameterize it.
  • #1
Okay, say you're given two points on a sphere, using the metric tensor how do you find the distance between the two points? (along the geodesic connecting them)

By the way, I know how to do it with just plain old vectors in R^3, but I'd like try doing it with the metric tensor.


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  • #2
Well, if you have the equation of the geodesic, it's fairly easy. Let's suppose the coordinates are x1 and x2, probably lattitude and longitude. Suppose our geodesic is a curve that has coordinates [tex]\mbox{x^1(\lambda)}[/tex] , [tex]\mbox{x^2(\lambda)}[/tex] i.e
these two functions are the paramaterized geodesic. You can think of [tex]\mbox{\lambda}[/tex] as being a time parameter if you envision an object actually moving along the geodesic. Then to get the distance, you just have to integrate

\int_{lambda} d \lambda \sqrt{\Sigma_{ij} (g_{ij} {(\frac{d x^i}{d \lambda})(\frac{d x^j}{d \lambda}) )}

where [tex]\mbox{\lambda}[/tex] varies from the starting point of the geodesic to the ending point

Expanding out the sum over i,j in the square root for expositional purposes, we write
\int_{lambda} d \lambda \sqrt{g_{11} (\frac{dx^1}{d\lambda})^2 + 2 g_{12} \frac{dx^1}{d\lambda} \frac{dx^2} {d\lambda} + g_{22} (\frac{dx^2}{d\lambda})^2}

If you don't have the equation for the geodesic, you have to solve the differential equations for geodesic motion

\frac{d^2 x^u}{d \lambda^2} + \Gamma^u{}_{ab}(\frac{dx^a}{d \lambda})(\frac{dx^b}{d \lambda})
  • #3
well the geodesic is going to be part of a great circle so I should probably just try to parameterize it...Thanks, I'll try it out.

FAQ: Find Distance on a 2-Sphere Using Metric Tensor

1. What is a 2-sphere?

A 2-sphere is a mathematical term used to describe a two-dimensional surface that is perfectly round and has a constant curvature. It is often visualized as the surface of a ball or a globe.

2. What is a metric tensor?

A metric tensor is a mathematical object that is used to measure distances and angles on a curved surface, such as a 2-sphere. It is a generalization of the concept of distance in Euclidean geometry.

3. How is the metric tensor used to find distance on a 2-sphere?

The metric tensor provides a way to calculate the distance between any two points on a 2-sphere. By plugging in the coordinates of the two points into the appropriate equation, the metric tensor can be used to calculate the shortest distance between them.

4. What are the units of distance on a 2-sphere?

The units of distance on a 2-sphere are typically measured in radians, which is a unit of angular measurement. However, it is also possible to convert these units to other common units of distance, such as meters or kilometers.

5. Can the metric tensor be used to find distance on other curved surfaces?

Yes, the metric tensor can be used to find distance on any curved surface, not just a 2-sphere. It is a fundamental tool in the field of differential geometry and is used to describe distances, angles, and other geometric properties on a variety of curved surfaces and spaces.

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