Does anybody believe in true love?

  • Thread starter superweirdo
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In summary: It's because people are looking for validation that they're not alone in their search for love. They hope that by asking, they'll receive a satisfactory answer.
  • #1
I don't think it is more than any chemical reaction but then again, I have never experienced it. I have heard from people that soulmates do exists and you can tell when you find one. What do you think?
Physics news on
  • #2
I don't believe there's such a thing as a 'true' love, but then again, any time you use the word true, there's a lot of misconception involved.

I suppose one of the great discoveries of the 20th century is that things can 'exist' as probability wave functions instead of just beign here or there. A romance/relationship equivalent of that is compatibility. We don't say "she's the one!" anymore, we say "she's extremely compatable with me"
  • #3
superweirdo said:
I don't think it is more than any chemical reaction but then again, I have never experienced it. I have heard from people that soulmates do exists and you can tell when you find one. What do you think?

I don't think...

  • #4
superweirdo said:
I don't think it is more than any chemical reaction but then again, I have never experienced it. I have heard from people that soulmates do exists and you can tell when you find one. What do you think?
Don't look for a "soulmate" or perfection in any sense. People are who they are, and you cannot expect to find the perfect fit to the jigsaw puzzle that is you. You can, however, hope to find people with whom you "click" and grow to accept one another. I think that infatuation is a human trait that allows us to tolerate our companions until we can learn to accommodate their quirks and foibles and learn to love them. I could be wrong, but I've been with my best friend for 31 years and she's the most important factor in my life.
  • #5
You mean a man and a woman exclusively loving one another for the rest of their lives in doubtless objective bliss?

  • #6
Mickey said:
You mean a man and a woman exclusively loving one another for the rest of their lives in doubtless objective bliss?

Perpetual Bliss is an unrealistic expectation. Relationships, especially marriage, require effort and commitment, but two people can love each other forever. My parents and two sets of grandparents proved that.

It's working so far with my wife, with whom I have been for 26+ years.
  • #7
Some say love, it is a river
that drowns the tender reed.
Some say love, it is a razor
that leaves your soul to bleed.

Some say love, it is a hunger,
an endless aching need.
I say love, it is a flower,
and you its only seed.

It's the heart afraid of breaking
that never learns to dance.
It's the dream afraid of waking
that never takes the chance.
It's the one who won't be taken,
who cannot seem to give,
and the soul afraid of dyin'
that never learns to live.

When the night has been too lonely
and the road has been to long,
and you think that love is only
for the lucky and the strong,
just remember in the winter
far beneath the bitter snows
lies the seed
that with the sun's love
in the spring
becomes the rose.

The Rose (composed by Amanda McBroom,sung by Bette Midler & McBroom)
  • #8
franznietzsche said:
I don't think...

So You are not...:smile:
  • #9
The thing is, I know true love exists, but I don't know weather soulmates or predestined love exists or not.
  • #10
True love is still a hypothesis to me, the only love I ever experienced that wasn't mere transitory infatuation was unrequited for years, I popped the question after a year and was utterly heart broken when she said no. I still love her now though, although it is just a memory, not sure if this counts? If I experience anything simillar in my life I'll let ya'll know.

Astronuc: that is by far the most saccharine song material I have ever seen, in the same league with 'It's awonderful life's' ending. Love it, makes me cringe, same reason I watch horror films I guess:smile:
  • #11
Schrodinger's Dog said:
Astronuc: that is by far the most saccharine song material I have ever seen, in the same league with 'It's awonderful life's' ending. Love it, makes me cringe, . . . :smile:
I love "It's A Wonderful Life" and "Miracle on 34th Street" (1947 and '73TV versions). What can I say, I'm corny and sappy inside, i.e. I'm a romantic at heart. :-p

Actually, I heard that song on the radio and thought of this thread. Midler's & McBroom's harmony is wonderful.
  • #12
Love sucks.

And that's all I have to say about that.
  • #13
Proof of true love?

After twenty years, Tsu still hasn't killed me. :biggrin:
  • #14
Ivan Seeking said:
Proof of true love?

After twenty years, Tsu still hasn't killed me. :biggrin:

:smile: :smile: :smile:

Fair enough.
  • #15
Of course it exists.

Why does this forum attract this question on an all-too-regular basis?
  • #16
lunarmansion said:
You mean there is such a thing such as false love?:wink:
Jessica Simpson's love for me certainly isn't false love.
  • #17
DaveC426913 said:
Jessica Simpson's love for me certainly isn't false love.
Err... that's spelled "M-a-r-g-e" First day touch-typing? :smile:
  • #18
I suppose unconditional love could be termed true love. The chances of two people meeting and being in a relationship who love each other unconditionally are rather remote though. Luckily most parental and family bonds are unconditional.

The standard hormonal response to physical attraction is about two years. I went out with a girl for about two years whom I can honestly say I found absolutely no flaw with whatsoever and I still love her as much today, but evidentally her love for me was just a hormonally driven physical attraction. I'd give anything to make it more than that. But alas, such its life and I imagine most people will have to have some experience of that sometime.
  • #19
Kurdt said:
... evidentally her love for me was just a hormonally driven physical attraction ... But alas, such its life and I imagine most people will have to have some experience of that sometime.
Yeah, God I hate it when women are just hot for my bones.

Hey Kurdt, know what this is? The world's smallest violin, playing just for you!

  • #20
Kurdt said:
I suppose unconditional love could be termed true love. The chances of two people meeting and being in a relationship who love each other unconditionally are rather remote though. Luckily most parental and family bonds are unconditional.

The standard hormonal response to physical attraction is about two years. I went out with a girl for about two years whom I can honestly say I found absolutely no flaw with whatsoever and I still love her as much today, but evidentally her love for me was just a hormonally driven physical attraction. I'd give anything to make it more than that. But alas, such its life and I imagine most people will have to have some experience of that sometime.

Said like a true Scientist----statistics and biological analysis...I'd be surprised if your relationships work for a long period of time! no offense meant!
  • #21
"Does anybody believe in true love? "

I do!

Now could you please tell me what is it? :rolleyes:
  • #22
I keep thinking of the priest marrying Buttercup & Wesley (The Princess Bride) and talking about Twue Wuv.
  • #23
C'mon people! Rent Shreck again. You've got the long-term memories of a bait can full of nematodes! If you can't be inspired by that movie, you have no soul. Love is when you let go of your preconceptions and expectations and realize that the person you're with is so precious NOW that you can't imagine not being with them tomorrow.
  • #24
Ok, what did I do wrong in my last statement? I don't get it. I hope I didn't offend anyone though.
  • #25
turbo-1 said:
C'mon people! Rent Shreck again..

No one in Shreck came back from being "mostly" dead for the sake of love. Princess Bride is a much more inspiring.
  • #26
shmoe said:
No one in Shreck came back from being "mostly" dead for the sake of love. Princess Bride is a much more inspiring.
My name is Inigo Montoya...
  • #27
i believe in "true love".
I think its one of the few things "science" can't explain!


its all bout comitment!

when something goes bad...and he and she can still hold on n fix it together...that's part of true love...

fighting over silly things and making up ...thats true love

helping each other...
caring for one another

being there for one another...
being understanding when one cannot be there for the other...

your true love doesn't hve to be "perfect"
what is perfect?=P

  • #28
...buying Evo a Teddy Ruxpin :cry:
  • #29
Evo said:
...buying Evo a Teddy Ruxpin :cry:
I hope this one is stored far from the reach of children.
  • #30
Does anybody believe in true love?

No. I think they passed a law or something
  • #31
Maybe this wasn't the purpose of debate of this thread but...

Anguish doesn't come from doubting about existence of true love.

Anguish come when you still feel a sincere affection for someone and yet simultaneously a really "love sickness" is growing in you towards another person.:frown:

Excuse bad english.

FAQ: Does anybody believe in true love?

1. What is true love?

True love is a complex and subjective concept that can mean different things to different people. Generally, it is described as a deep and genuine affection, connection, and commitment to another person.

2. Is true love real?

There is no definitive answer to this question as it ultimately depends on one's personal beliefs and experiences. Some people may strongly believe in the existence of true love, while others may view it as a social construct. However, scientific studies have shown that strong and lasting romantic relationships do exist, which can be considered a form of true love.

3. Can true love last forever?

Again, this is a subjective question as the concept of "forever" can mean different things to different people. However, studies have shown that strong and healthy relationships can last a lifetime with continuous effort, communication, and commitment from both partners.

4. How do you know if you have found true love?

There is no definitive way to know if you have found true love as it is a subjective experience. However, some signs that may indicate true love include feeling a strong emotional connection, mutual respect and support, and a desire to grow and improve together.

5. Can true love exist between more than two people?

This is a controversial topic and there is no clear answer. Some people believe that true love can only exist between two individuals, while others believe that it can exist in various forms and between multiple people. Ultimately, it depends on one's personal beliefs and experiences.

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