Does Height Influence Attractiveness and Dating Preferences?

In summary: It just makes me feel more delicate.In summary, most girls want a tall guy, but the height doesn't matter as much as the personality. Guys should focus on being laid back and confident, and that will carry them far.
  • #36
turbo said:
My wife is 5'2". Until I ruptured a disk (when a friend dropped his half of my motorcycle which we were loading) I was a solid 5" taller than her. I should have let the bike fall on me and take the bruises and likely cracked ribs instead of wrecking my back. There are plenty of cute shorter women around, though in college I tended to hook up with tall, leggy ones.

leggy... blondes?
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  • #37
Yes height matters a substantial amount. Anything below 5'7'' is a very big problem for a lot of women (I am 5'8'' and this is a big problem). Height stops mattering at about 6'4'' imo in the USA. Many shorter men do very well with women but its absurd to suggest height is not a huge factor.
  • #38
I'm 6'1" and I'm a stud
  • #39
Height matters to some people and not to others. Simple as that. I can date a woman who was taller than me but my friend can't and he is pretty sure why he can't. When he was younger, girls made fun of him a lot so if he dates a taller woman, there is a dominance that he automatically associates with her because of the trauma during his youth.

Different people, different tastes.
  • #40
I am 5' 8" wouldn't consider myself a stud.

I think it really depends on the woman. One of my friends is 5" 8", she likes to be with guys who are taller than here or as tall as her. I think it would look weird if a guy was dating some chick who was 4" 5" taller than him. You would always have to look up to her, literally!
  • #41
deluks917 said:
Yes height matters a substantial amount. Anything below 5'7'' is a very big problem for a lot of women (I am 5'8'' and this is a big problem). Height stops mattering at about 6'4'' imo in the USA. Many shorter men do very well with women but its absurd to suggest height is not a huge factor.
I think you're exaggerating. I think if a guy is 5'11" or over height is not a factor anymore. I don't know any girl below 5'10" who would turn down a guy for being 5'11". I agree that below 5'7" height begins being a problem. 5'8" is fine though for a lot of girls. I'm a female just below 5'8" and I would date a guy who is 5'8".
  • #42
Interesting topic. I'm 6'3 and pretty well built and I've dated girls from 5'2 to 6'2 (currently with a 5'2). I've also been rejected by all types of girls in between those areas too.

What I've noticed, from watching friends and girls I've dated, is that if the girl has a tall father and tall brothers, they are looking for a taller guy. But if their family is generally shorter, then it does not matter.
  • #43
DocHoliday said:
... What I've noticed, from watching friends and girls I've dated, is that if the girl has a tall father and tall brothers, they are looking for a taller guy. But if their family is generally shorter, then it does not matter.

So my time spent watching my possible-future-to-be-girfriend's family eating dinner from a bush outside the window was time well spent?

(They're all tall, by the way. And they freakin' love spaghetti.)
  • #44
AnTiFreeze3 said:
So my time spent watching my possible-future-to-be-girfriend's family eating dinner from a bush outside the window was time well spent?
I don't know if it was time well spent, but you could end up doing time for it.
  • #45
I am taller than average and she is shorter than average, ~30cm height difference. Height was never a factor for me though. In fact it is adorable to watch her get on her tiptoes for a kiss (and I still need to bow a bit)
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  • #46
AnTiFreeze3 said:
So my time spent watching my possible-future-to-be-girfriend's family eating dinner from a bush outside the window was time well spent?

(They're all tall, by the way. And they freakin' love spaghetti.)

Heh. No but it's something I have noticed. It reminds them of their family more, and if a girl has a great connection with her family I believe she will be more inclined to date a guy who has similar traits.
  • #47
DocHoliday said:
Heh. No but it's something I have noticed. It reminds them of their family more, and if a girl has a great connection with her family I believe she will be more inclined to date a guy who has similar traits.

That might be applicable to what Freud's philosophy was (even though it's now apparently popular for psychologists to try and disprove everything he ever said), in that men are attracted to women that are similar to their mothers.
  • #48
My wife and I met through a height matching agency. She is the perfect height, not an inch too tall or too short, and so am I.

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