Does it really matter how we live our lives?

  • Thread starter Holocene
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In summary: If death really is oblivion, i.e. if there is no afterlife, does it matter how we live our lives?In summary, the conversation discusses the question of whether it matters how we live our lives if there is no afterlife. Some argue that it does matter, as individuals have a desire for happiness and fulfillment during their lifetime. Others argue that things only matter to those who perceive them as such. Ultimately, it is a subjective matter and cannot be generalized.
  • #1
If death really is oblivion, i.e. if there is no afterlife, does it matter how we live our lives?

I suspect there may be a strong tendency to say that yes, it absolutely does matter how we live our lives, but try to examine the question as objectively as possible, without any emotional baggage attached.

If the universe shall one day grow cold, dim, and lifeless, does it really matter if at some earlier time species such as humans were destroying each other?
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  • #2
Steven Pinker (Pinker, 2002, pp. 186-197) argues that it is a non sequitur. Does anyone currently really care that the universe shall one day grow cold, dim, and lifeless? What we currently care about is that we are content, which would be severely improbable if we go around destroying each other.

If there is an afterlife, then this life has no value or meaning, since all it is about is to try and impress whatever entity decides on where we will be spending out afterlife.
  • #3
Holocene said:
If death really is oblivion, i.e. if there is no afterlife, does it matter how we live our lives?

I suspect there may be a strong tendency to say that yes, it absolutely does matter how we live our lives, but try to examine the question as objectively as possible, without any emotional baggage attached.

If the universe shall one day grow cold, dim, and lifeless, does it really matter if at some earlier time species such as humans were destroying each other?

You asked Dose it really matter how we live our live's

It dose matter in more way's than it dose not matter, and the way's that matter have more importance to you while your alive than when your dead...

But the answer will allways be yes, because the way how people live there life will allways matter to them, because they say it dose, because they normaly and allways want to live there life being happy and doing things that they want to do(hence living there life)

So yes the way how you live your life will only have importance or matter if you say it dose, and in doing so you make it matter and have importance.

No matter which way any person will live there life, it will allways matter to them due to the fact they would want to live there life being happy or doing what they want in life, so the answer in a clear minded way, would allways be YES it dose matter
(mainly to the person living the life)
  • #4
Dialogue from the movie 'Annie Hall'. Alvy is a little boy. His mother takes him to the doctor.

Alvy -- Well, the universe is everything, and, if it's expanding, someday it will break apart, and that would be the end of everything.
Mother -- What is that your business? He stopped doing his homework.
Alvy -- What's the point?
  • #5
Things only matter to individuals, or even just things that are alive, they do not matter to things that aren't.
"matter" is in my opinion a local isolated "thing" in a brain or other entity that has the capability of applying value consciously.
Thus, in the moment it matters - if anyone thinks it matters, if no one or no thing thinks it matters, then it probably doesn't, until someone discovers it.

I guess my point is that just because everything dies out doesn't mean it didn't matter when the last wish foundation gave a sick child with cancer the opportunity to meet her idol.
We have to worry about the now, not several million/billion years into the future when the sun dies or humanity is wiped out - unless someone thinks that matters too.

And no, I do not believe we can think about /anything/ objectively.
  • #6
And no, I do not believe we can think about /anything/ objectively.

Is that an objective thought? ;)
  • #7
Moridin said:
Is that an objective thought? ;)

Yeah that's interesting.
  • #8
Holocene said:
... does it matter how we live our lives?
Matter to whom?

To the universe? No.
To ourselves? That's up to us as individuals.
  • #9
DaveC426913 said:
Matter to whom?

To the universe? No.
To ourselves? That's up to us as individuals.


It's not something you can generalize.

What matters to one might not matter to another so it really is a pointless question. You have to literally encroach one's space to find out whether something really does matter or not.
  • #10
BryanP said:

It's not something you can generalize.
Well, yeah, but we could just as easily decide as an individual family, community, world or race.

FAQ: Does it really matter how we live our lives?

1. Does our lifestyle choices really have an impact on our health?

Yes, our lifestyle choices can greatly affect our health. Eating a balanced and nutritious diet, exercising regularly, and avoiding harmful habits such as smoking can help prevent chronic diseases and promote overall well-being.

2. Is it important to have a sense of purpose in life?

Having a sense of purpose in life can greatly impact our mental and emotional well-being. It can give us a sense of direction, motivation, and fulfillment. Studies have shown that people with a strong sense of purpose tend to live longer and have better mental health.

3. Does how we live our lives affect the environment?

Absolutely. Our daily choices, such as what we consume and how we dispose of waste, can have a significant impact on the environment. It is important to be mindful of our actions and make sustainable choices to help preserve the planet for future generations.

4. Can our lifestyle affect the people around us?

Yes, our lifestyle can have a ripple effect on those around us. Our behaviors and habits can influence the people we interact with, whether it is our family, friends, or community. By making positive lifestyle choices, we can inspire others to do the same.

5. Is it ever too late to change our lifestyle?

No, it is never too late to make positive changes in our lifestyle. While it may be more challenging to break old habits and establish new ones as we get older, it is never impossible. Making small changes and being consistent can lead to significant improvements in our overall well-being.
