Double major in Physics and Political Science - is this TOO much?

In summary: Thanks for your input.In summary, Lilly is considering declaring a double major in Physics and Political science, but is unsure if she can handle the workload. She is also interested in law school. Many people have advised her to focus on one area and become really good at it, and electrical engineering may be a good choice.
  • #1
Hey everyone,

I am going into my second year of university, and I am thinking of declaring a double major in Physics and Political science.

But of course, I have my doubts.

Physics is obviously going to be a tough major that requires a lot of commitment. I did well in my first year physics courses, but that's because I worked hard and practised a lot. However, in my first year, there was only 1 physics course per semester that I took. If I choose to become a physics major, there are going to be multiple physics courses per semester, and I'm not sure how physics majors divide their time and attention to do practice problems for all their courses. I know that if I don't read the textbook and practice, I won't do well. I'm not one of those brilliant kids who just get everything by going to the lectures. My passion for physics is unquestionable.

Political science is my other passion, but I heard it's one of the toughest majors in the Arts department; heavy essay writing, lots of readings, profs who mark hard. I just don't know if I can handle both physics and political science.

So just wondering, has anyone double majored in physics and another major before? Preferably in the arts? What was the experience like for you? How was the workload?

In case if anyone is interested in knowing, I am thinking of applying to law school in the future.

Many thanks,

Physics news on
  • #2
Actually, another question:

Is it better to do Economics or Political Science for my second major? Interest wise it's about the same for me, but in terms of employment opportunities?

Thanks in advance.
  • #3
lillybeans said:
Is it better to do Economics or Political Science for my second major? Interest wise it's about the same for me, but in terms of employment opportunities?

Have you considered picking only a single field, becoming really good at it, and having other interests in your own time? College is not the only place you can learn new stuff. :)

(Unless, of course, you want to do have a job later which requires both PolSci/Econ and Physics, in which case the piece of paper might matter. I can't really think of a good example, though.)
  • #4
To the OP:

I don't know of anyone who double-majored in physics and an arts field, but I do know of one person who double-majored in math and English literature (last I heard of him, which was several years ago, he was working on his PhD in math). So I think it's certainly doable, if you're willing to work hard at it and be very organized. Of course, due to course schedules, it may get tricky to take senior level courses simultaneously, so you may have to spend an extra year to finish your BS/BA. But it can be done.

My question to you is whether it is actually worth it for you to finish a double major. I'm not sure if double-majoring will really have any additional benefit if your plan is to apply to law school -- just completing an undergraduate degree, along with passing your LSAT exam, should make you at least qualified in being admitted to a decent law school.
  • #5
Political science is a waste of a physicists time unless he plans to push social agendas and use the physics degree to assume an air of authority. Economics is better but still not great.

I agree with the other posts; pick one and get good at it, or at pick something with some synergy like Physics and Engineering or Business. A Physicist who knows how to talk to a businessman has a much better shot at becoming rich than all the political science majors ever acredited combined.
  • #6
Thank you everyone for you advice.

I think ultimately, I am concerned with employment opportunities rather than my passion.

I agree with those who say I should focus on one area and become really good at it.

Perhaps Electrical Engineering would be good.

FAQ: Double major in Physics and Political Science - is this TOO much?

1. Can I handle the workload of a double major in Physics and Political Science?

While it may seem daunting, many students successfully complete double majors in two seemingly different fields. It will require good time management skills and dedication, but it is definitely doable.

2. Will a double major in Physics and Political Science be beneficial for my career?

It depends on your career goals. A double major in these two fields can provide a well-rounded education and open up opportunities in both the science and political sectors. It can also demonstrate your ability to excel in diverse subject areas.

3. How will a double major in Physics and Political Science affect my GPA?

It will likely require more effort and time to maintain a high GPA with a double major. However, if you manage your time effectively and are passionate about both subjects, you can still excel in both and maintain a good GPA.

4. Will I have time for extracurricular activities or a social life with a double major?

It may require some sacrifices, but it is possible to balance a double major with extracurricular activities and a social life. Time management and prioritization will be key in maintaining a healthy balance.

5. Are there any benefits to completing a double major in Physics and Political Science?

Aside from the potential career opportunities and a well-rounded education, a double major can also provide a diverse skill set, such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and research skills that can be applied in various fields.

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