Drawing dark energy from space as a power source

In summary, Dirk believes that dark energy or dark matter could be a power source for spaceships if used in the right way.
  • #1
Hi. I was wondering if someone could tell me whether there is any reason to believe that one might eventually (distant future) draw power from dark energy or dark matter as a power source for spaceships.

Physics news on Phys.org
  • #3
It is for a science fiction novel. I'm looking for a source of energy to power spaceships and am interested as to whether dark matter or dark energy could ever provide such power.

  • #4
How large of a chunk of space are you imagining you'd like to draw energy from? Wikipedia is saying the density of dark energy is [itex]10^-27kg/m^3[/itex], meaning you would need a lot of space to get anything useful out. (Think volume of the sun.)

Dark matter is a little different. We're not sure yet what it is. If the current speculation about primordial black holes is on the right track... I say go for it.
  • #5
The "dark" in dark energy and dark matter is the "we don't know" kind of dark. Like the dark ages or darkest africa. For a story you are better off going to absolute technobabble rather than trying to include some verbage from a pop sci article. (For example, a lot of stories with space elevators are in trouble now.)

Perhaps your ships manipulate Lotrons - the elementary particle of location!
  • #6
Yeah, Wikipedia blew dark energy out of the water for me. I was hoping someone had a different point of view to that in the article.

Thanks for the link about dark matter. I'm not sure how to leverage primordial black holes as a power source. How is it that these black holes aren't seen swallowing gas all across the sky?

  • #7
dbaezner said:
Thanks for the link about dark matter. I'm not sure how to leverage primordial black holes as a power source. How is it that these black holes aren't seen swallowing gas all across the sky?
They're black and most would have evaporated by now.

I use dark energy in one of my stories as a power source, but I don't really explain how or why it works.
  • #8
Hi debaezner..instead of dark matter look for zero point energy or virtual particle flux...if you make movie about infinite power..then the "capitalist " won't be happy...remember what happen to tesla?

FAQ: Drawing dark energy from space as a power source

1. What is dark energy and how can it be used as a power source?

Dark energy is a theoretical form of energy that is believed to make up about 68% of the known universe. It is thought to be responsible for the accelerating expansion of the universe. While it has not been directly observed or harnessed, some scientists believe that it may be possible to tap into this energy and convert it into a usable power source.

2. How would we access dark energy in space?

Accessing dark energy would require advanced technology and understanding of this elusive energy source. One possible method is through the use of large-scale space-based instruments, such as a Dyson sphere, which could gather and convert dark energy into usable power.

3. What are the potential benefits of using dark energy as a power source?

If successfully harnessed, dark energy could potentially provide an infinite source of energy that is free from the limitations of traditional fuel sources. It could also have applications in space exploration and colonization, as well as powering advanced technologies and spacecraft.

4. What are the challenges and limitations of drawing dark energy from space?

One major challenge is the fact that dark energy has not yet been directly observed or understood. This means that the technology needed to harness it is still in its early stages of development. Additionally, the cost and logistics of building and maintaining space-based instruments for collecting dark energy could also be a limitation.

5. Is drawing dark energy from space as a power source a realistic possibility?

At this point, drawing dark energy from space is still a theoretical concept and there is much research and development needed before it can become a reality. However, with advancements in technology and our understanding of dark energy, it is not impossible that this could one day become a viable source of power.
