Electroweak Mixing: Hypercharge, Isospin & Photon/Z0

In summary: The Z0 is the charged particle that interacts with electric charge (isospin). It is created when the W+ and W- particles couple together. 4) The neutral weak currents were discovered because they did not fit into the simple picture of a three-particle system. They were thought to be mediated by the W0 particle, but it was not clear how it fit in. Then it was realized that they were instead mediated by the JμNC term, which is just the Jμ3 minus the sin2JμEM term.In summary, the GWS electroweak model explains the charges that particles like the photon and Z0 have. The Z0 acts on is
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In the GWS electroweak model, there are two fundamental charges: weak hypercharge and the third component of weak isospin (henceforth referred to as hypercharge and isospin respectively). The gauge boson of hypercharge is the B0, and those of isospin are the W+, W0, and W-. The B0 and W0 mix to make the photon and Z0. What I don't understand is what determines the charges acted upon by the photon and Z0. The Z0 acts on isospin just like the Ws, but the photon acts on electric charge, which, in the context of electroweak theory, is defined to be the isospin plus half the hypercharge. How is this derived?
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  • #2
Z0, You can't derive it, of course, since it's a theory, but you can explain how we were led to it, and why it seems reasonable. W+ and W- always couple to particles in pairs: e and νe, μ and νμ, u quark and d quark. It's as if the particles formed doublets in a symmetry group, which was called weak isospin. The W+ and W- acted like stepping operators of an SU(2) group, but the third component W0 was missing.

Neutral weak currents were discovered in 1973 in processes such as neutrino-electron scattering. The first idea was that they were mediated by the missing W0. However things did not fit. Although the charged weak currents are known to be purely left-handed, the neutral current was found to be predominantly left-handed with a smaller right-handed component. So it did not simply fit into a triplet. But, if you had a triplet W plus something else there would be a fourth degree of freedom.

Weinberg's idea was that the fourth degree of freedom was electromagnetism. If so, it's clear how electromagnetism must fit in. Particles in each weak multiplet differ in charge by one. Also the average charges of the multiplets are displaced. By analogy with the strong interactions, we describe this by introducing a weak hypercharge Y and the formula Q = J3 + Y/2. Thus eL- and ve form a doublet with total charge -1 (hence Y = -1) while eR- forms a singlet with total charge -1, hence Y = -2.

Weinberg said the B and the W0 were mixed into two orthogonal states Aμ = Bμ cos θW + Wμ3 sin θW and Zμ = -Bμ sin θW + Wμ3 cos θW where θW is a weak mixing angle.

Ok, here's the key point. When you write out the electroweak neutral current interaction in terms of these rotated states,
g Jμ3 Wμ3 + ½ g' JμY Bμ = (g sin θW Jμ3 + ½ g' cos θW JμY) Aμ + (...) Zμ
the coefficient of Aμ must be the electromagnetic current JμEM = e(Jμ3 + 1/2 JμY). (This implies g sin θW = g' cos θW = e.)

The field Zμ is simply whatever is orthogonal to that. It turns out to be JμNC = Jμ3 - sin2 JμEM
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  • #3
I thought GWS theory came before the discovery of weak neutral currents (c. 1968 versus 1973), and predicted their existence. That was one of the reasons the observation of neutral currents was such a big deal: it was a big step in confirming GWS theory.
  • #5
Bill is right, but you are starting from a bad place.

1) The "fundamental charge" of weak isospin is not T3. It's T. This is where the SU(2) comes in - it means that the amount of weak charge held by a particle cannot be represented as a simple number (that would be a U(1) theory) but must be represented by a matrix.

2) Before symmetry breaking, you have a w1, w2, w3. You don't know what electric charge is at that point in the derivation, so it's premature to label them by their charge. When going through the derivation, you will discover that one linear combination of w's has positive charge, one has negative charge, one combination of the B and the w3 has the same couplings as the photon (and is identified with it), and the orthogonal combination is the Z.

FAQ: Electroweak Mixing: Hypercharge, Isospin & Photon/Z0

1. What is electroweak mixing?

Electroweak mixing is a fundamental concept in particle physics that describes the relationship between three of the four fundamental forces of nature: electromagnetism, weak nuclear force, and strong nuclear force. It is based on the idea that these forces are actually different aspects of a single unified force at high energies.

2. What is hypercharge?

Hypercharge is a quantum number that represents the strength of the interaction between particles and the strong and electroweak forces. It is related to the electric charge of a particle, but also includes contributions from other forces.

3. What is isospin?

Isospin is another quantum number that describes the symmetry between protons and neutrons. It is similar to spin, but instead of describing the rotation of a particle, it describes the symmetry between two particles with similar properties.

4. What is the role of the photon and Z0 in electroweak mixing?

The photon and Z0 are both carriers of the electromagnetic force, and they play a crucial role in electroweak mixing. The photon is responsible for electromagnetic interactions, while the Z0 is responsible for the weak nuclear force. These particles are related through a process called electroweak symmetry breaking, which gives rise to the different forces at low energies.

5. How does electroweak mixing impact our understanding of the universe?

Electroweak mixing is an essential component of the Standard Model of particle physics, which is our current understanding of the fundamental particles and their interactions. It has been tested and confirmed through numerous experiments and helps us explain various phenomena in the universe, such as the behavior of particles in accelerators and the structure of matter. Understanding electroweak mixing is crucial for advancing our understanding of the universe at a fundamental level.

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