Calculating Energy Distribution of Free Particle - 1D & 2D

As for the energy distribution, it is a probability distribution for the possible energy states of a system. In summary, the problem involves calculating the energy distribution of a free particle in one and two dimensions using the given equations and dealing with the Dirac delta function in multi-dimensional integrals. The energy distribution is a probability distribution for the possible energy states of a system.
  • #1

Homework Statement

2. Calculate the energy distribution of the free particle
(a) in one dimension,
(b) in two dimensions,
Use (3-12) to calculate the energy distribution of the state, assuming
(a) V(r) = + K r2
(b) U f r ) = - Z e 2 / r

Homework Equations

[itex]L^3 g(\epsilon) = \frac{1}{\hbar ^3} \int d^3x \ d^3 p \ \delta( \epsilon - \frac{p^2}{2m} - U(x))[/itex]
g is the distribution and L is the length of some container

The Attempt at a Solution

For part 2a) I'm getting [itex]g(\epsilon) = \sqrt{\frac{2m}{\epsilon}}[/itex] which I'm pretty sure is wrong since surely the distribution shouldn't be inversely proportional to the energy..
I arrived at this result by using [itex]\delta( f(x)) = \sum_i \frac{\delta(x-x_i)}{|f'(x_i)|}[/itex] where the xi's are the roots of f(x), I'm pretty sure this is correct so really I'm not sure where I went wrong.

I'm also not sure how to work with the dirac delta when I'm integrating over more than one variable like this, for example in the two dimensional case I'd have (leaving out constants) [itex]\int d^2p \ \delta(e - p^2) = \int d^2p \ \delta(e - p_x^2 - p_y^2)[/itex] and I don't really know (or perhaps remember, it's been about a year since I last looked at a dirac delta) how to deal with this.

This 'energy distribution' thing is kinda confusing me too, the first mention of it is in regards to a particle in a box with all the [itex]n_{x,y,z}[/itex]'s describing the energy and the distribution is given as (again, leaving out constants)

[itex]L^3 g(e) = \sum_{n_{x,y,z}} \delta(e - n_x^2 - n_y^2 - n_z^2)[/itex]

which then goes to an integral
[itex]L^3 g(e) = \int d^3n \ \delta(e - n_x^2 - n_y^2 - n_z^2)[/itex]
and then to an integral over p
[itex]L^3 g(e) = \int d^3p \ \delta(e - p^2)[/itex]
[itex]L^3 g(e) \ \alpha \ \sqrt{e}[/itex]

(as of writing this I realize that if this is correct then I was wrong in what I wrote about the dirac delta earlier)

So I'm not exactly sure what this energy distribution is supposed to be nor am I sure how to work with these dirac deltas over functions of more than one variable. :confused:

Thanks in advance!
Physics news on
  • #2
Since the argument of the delta function depends only on the magnitude of the momentum vector, go to polar coordinates (2 dimensional problem) or spherical coordinates (3 dimensional problem). The angle integrals will be trivial and you will be left with just an integral over the magnitude of p.

FAQ: Calculating Energy Distribution of Free Particle - 1D & 2D

1. How do you calculate the energy distribution of a free particle in 1D and 2D?

The energy distribution of a free particle in 1D and 2D can be calculated using the Schrödinger equation, which is a differential equation that describes the behavior of quantum particles. The solution to this equation yields the wave function, which can then be used to calculate the energy distribution of the particle.

2. What factors affect the energy distribution of a free particle?

The energy distribution of a free particle is affected by several factors, including the particle's mass, the potential energy of its surroundings, and its momentum. Additionally, the particle's wave function, which is determined by the initial conditions of the system, also plays a crucial role in determining its energy distribution.

3. Can the energy distribution of a free particle be measured?

Yes, the energy distribution of a free particle can be measured using various experimental techniques, such as spectroscopy or scattering experiments. These measurements can provide valuable information about the properties of the particle and its behavior in different environments.

4. How does the energy distribution of a free particle change over time?

The energy distribution of a free particle can change over time due to various factors, such as interactions with other particles or changes in the potential energy of its surroundings. This change can be described using the time-dependent Schrödinger equation, which takes into account the evolution of the particle's wave function over time.

5. Can the energy distribution of a free particle be predicted accurately?

The energy distribution of a free particle can be predicted accurately using the laws of quantum mechanics. However, due to the inherent probabilistic nature of quantum systems, the exact energy distribution of a particle cannot be determined with 100% certainty. Instead, it can only be described in terms of probabilities, which can be calculated using the wave function of the particle.
