Heatwave Hits England: 102 Degrees at Noon

  • Thread starter wolram
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In summary, the temperature hit 102 degrees Celsius at 12 o'clock, my new plants are wilting, and they think it will be the same tomorrow.
  • #1
Gold Member
Dearly Missed
The temperature hit 102 at 12 o/clock, (taken at my front door) my new plants are wilting, and (they), think it will be the same tomorrow.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
In Metric system please :)
  • #3
Anttech said:
In Metric system please :)

It IS in metric...:bugeye: :bugeye: :bugeye: :bugeye:
  • #4
102 Degrees Celcius? wow that's hot, here in Brussels it is only 32.

By jove he is right, The sea is bubbling..:rolleyes:
  • #5
Indeed it is, I'm sat in my garden with my laptop on my knee and an glass of cold orange juice and U2 on my iPod, life is good :smile:
  • #6
Im stuck in work, at least it isn't humid, but i think it will get humid before the weeks up
  • #7
Anttech said:
In Metric system please :)

Dang blast your metric system to glory come :smile:
  • #8
31 going up to 34 tomorrow in Amsterdam :smile:

It'll be warmer inside the streets tho :cool:
  • #9
Hootenanny said:
Indeed it is, I'm sat in my garden with my laptop on my knee and an glass of cold orange juice and U2 on my iPod, life is good :smile:

What about poor old me i have to go to work where temps are 10c :-p
  • #10
It is going to be about 31C today and I think I will probably die. It gets so hot and humid in the shop where I work...it will suck.
  • #11
wolram said:
What about poor old me i have to go to work where temps are 10c :-p
Hmm, the longer I stay out here, the more I am beginning to envy you wolram. It is getting more humid by the minute, what we need is a good thunderstorm to clear the air:biggrin:
  • #12
Hootenanny said:
Hmm, the longer I stay out here, the more I am beginning to envy you wolram. It is getting more humid by the minute, what we need is a good thunderstorm to clear the air:biggrin:

Tickets to etc COLD ROOM £5 must be willing to wear mob cap and wash all your bits, chilled triffle will be provided.:smile:
  • #13
lol typical Brits, never just right, always too warm or too cold :)
  • #14
wolram said:
Tickets to etc COLD ROOM £5 must be willing to wear mob cap and wash all your bits, chilled triffle will be provided.:smile:
As long as the water for that is warm:-p
  • #15
Hootenanny said:
As long as the water for that is warm:-p

If it were not for the crude women in that place ones pecker would allways be searching for minerals.:smile:
  • #16
wolram said:
If it were not for the crude women in that place ones pecker would allways be searching for minerals.:smile:
:smile: :smile:
  • #17
Best thing about summer...

...shorter skirts! :biggrin:
  • #18
J77 said:
Best thing about summer...

...shorter skirts! :biggrin:
..and lower tops ...:devil:
  • #19
Alright, no posting in metric/centigrade/celsius.

Wolram, that sounds miserable, you don't have airconditioning, do you? I finally turned mine on last night.
  • #20
Not much better in L.A. I am going right after work to look at portable air conditioners. I've got a feeling this is going to be an extra hot summer and I'm not going to spend the next couple of months sleeping with wet towels over me.
  • #21
Math Is Hard said:
Not much better in L.A. I am going right after work to look at portable air conditioners. I've got a feeling this is going to be an extra hot summer and I'm not going to spend the next couple of months sleeping with wet towels over me.
Little units start around $100, well worth it. I can't tolerate heat, I break out in welts, my body temperature and blood pressure drops and I stop sweating, it's dangerous, so it's not even an option for me.

As soon as I turned on the AC, the fruit bat found a stream of cold air and just stood there motionless letting the cold air hit him for about 15 minutes. Poor thing, he's just like me. We also pigged out on cold watermelon last night. :approve:
  • #22
Am I the only one who thought this was going to be about the World Cup? :)
  • #23
Evo said:
Little units start around $100, well worth it. I can't tolerate heat, I break out in welts, my body temperature and blood pressure drops and I stop sweating, it's dangerous, so it's not even an option for me.

As soon as I turned on the AC, the fruit bat found a stream of cold air and just stood there motionless letting the cold air hit him for about 15 minutes. Poor thing, he's just like me. We also pigged out on cold watermelon last night. :approve:
Cold watermelon is a great idea. I was munching on so-cold-they-were-almost-frozen cherries last night.
My boss has something called a "chillow" for her little dog. http://www.chillow.com Maybe fruitbat would like that? My kittycat is not liking the heat too much either. She looks like a boneless cat puddle sprawled out on the floor.
  • #24
Math Is Hard said:
My boss has something called a "chillow" for her little dog. http://www.chillow.com Maybe fruitbat would like that? My kittycat is not liking the heat too much either. She looks like a boneless cat puddle sprawled out on the floor.
Oh, I need to get one for the fruit bat!
  • #25
Anttech said:
In Metric system please :)

So 12 o/clock is? :confused:
  • #26
Evo said:
Wolram, that sounds miserable, you don't have airconditioning, do you? I finally turned mine on last night.
Ugh, I've had to have air-conditioning on for a month already. It's not that it's been too hot to have windows open, but way too humid. We seem to have a rainstorm every day, and then the next day is all muggy with the evaporating water until the next rainstorm comes. I really hate air-conditioning, so this is driving me nuts not to be able to just throw all the windows wide open and enjoy the fresh air.
  • #27
Evo said:
Alright, no posting in metric/centigrade/celsius.

Wolram, that sounds miserable, you don't have airconditioning, do you? I finally turned mine on last night.

I am sure i am equatic any thing over 80f and i dry up become inactive, and no no air conditioner :cry:
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  • #28
We've been sweltering all along the US West. Last week it was something like 125 F in Redding Ca.

You got to love Oregon. There are times when one needs the A/C during the day, and the heater at night. But this ain't one of 'em.
  • #29
Math Is Hard said:
Cold watermelon is a great idea. I was munching on so-cold-they-were-almost-frozen cherries last night.
My boss has something called a "chillow" for her little dog. http://www.chillow.com Maybe fruitbat would like that? My kittycat is not liking the heat too much either. She looks like a boneless cat puddle sprawled out on the floor.

It must be horrible for furry thing, i was sat eating a bowl of salad catching the sweat on the leaves.
  • #30
George Jones said:
So 12 o/clock is? :confused:

midday or midnight depending if its am or pm.. Why?
  • #31
Anttech said:
midday or midnight depending if its am or pm.. Why?
I think he was joking. :smile:
  • #32
Ivan Seeking said:
You got to love Oregon. There are times when one needs the A/C during the day, and the heater at night. But this ain't one of 'em.
Heh, it was like that when I went on vacation last month (has it only been a month? It feels like so long ago already :cry:). I was gone for a week...left with the heat on because we were still getting frost at night, and returned and the weather had changed so dramatically, I needed to turn on the A/C. I really like Spring, and missed it...I don't think it happened, or it was only a week long! :cry:
  • #33
I work in a hospital where your not able to open windows more than a sliver in case patients throw themselves out of them, the air is always humid even when it's dry outside and air conditioning is a sin and only allowed in a tiny minority of areas. Since the window in my area has to remain shut over night, and you get to open it about the width of my hand in the morning, the blast of sticky air that hits you when you walk into the room is horrible, and it doesn't get any cooler. There is a large amount of equipment on charge where I work which raises the temperature of the room by about 2 degrees above normal, luckily we seldom spend much time in this area as we are running about trying to deliver equipment to people all day, well I say running it's more like a sort of go slow at the moment for obvious reasons. I come home and the back of my tea shirt from shoulder to shoulder is covered in white salt crystals where my tea shirt has become super saturated. Still my boss is off for the week, so no whip if I deign to sit down for a few minutes, thank God for small mercies.

Apparently there's a desert salt mine in east Africa which is mined by hand by a handfull of lunatics, where the temperatures can reach 50 degrees C during the day, so it could be worse. In fact it's positively chilly by comparison, I just gave myself goose bumps:smile:
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  • #34
Schrodinger's Dog said:
I work in a hospital where your not able to open windows more than a sliver in case patients throw themselves out of them, the air is always humid even when it's dry outside and air conditioning is a sin and only allowed in a tiny minority of areas. Since the window in my area has to remain shut over night, and you get to open it about the width of my hand in the morning, the blast of sticky air that hits you when you walk into the room is horrible, and it doesn't get any cooler. There is a large amount of equipment on charge where I work which raises the temperature of the room by about 2 degrees above normal, luckily we seldom spend much time in this area as we are running about trying to deliver equipment to people all day, well I say running it's more like a sort of go slow at the moment for obvious reasons. I come home and the back of my tea shirt from shoulder to shoulder is covered in white salt crystals where my tea shirt has become super saturated. Still my boss is off for the week, so no whip if I deign to sit down for a few minutes, thank God for small mercies.

Apparently there's a desert salt mine in east Africa which is mined by hand by a handfull of lunatics, where the temperatures can reach 50 degrees C during the day, so it could be worse. In fact it's positively chilly by comparison, I just gave myself goose bumps:smile:

I have seen a docu about a caravan that collects the salt from this place
it must be hell on Earth i am lucky our chiller seems to be playing up a lot of late :biggrin:
  • #35
Well in lot of the middle eastern countries, like the UAE where I have spent a considerable portion of my life, the climatic fluctuations are unbelievable . During the day, temperatures usually hover around the high 40 s, while at night it can touch 20 C . Every room has to be air conditioned for mere survival ! And this is not the case for a particular season or anything, it is so almost throughout the year . Add to that the occassional day or two of rainfall !
And you thought your weather was harsh .

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