‘Ethnic Bomb’ Now Linked to Korean Intrigue

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  • Thread starter Ivan Seeking
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In summary: It would be a terrible thing to see, but I don't think it would make biological warfare any less of a threat. In summary, a left wing conservative paper has published a report that North Korea is working on a "whites only" racial/genetic bomb. A combined CIA, MI6 and Australian secret service operation has taken Dr. Ri Chae Woo, world-ranking expert on the topic, into custody. It is unknown whether or not Ri has been captured by the Chinese Secret Intelligence Service.
  • #1
Ivan Seeking
Staff Emeritus
Science Advisor
Gold Member
From the far left:
Has Dr. Ri Chae Woo, North Korea’s world-ranking expert working on a “whites-only” racial/genetic bomb, been snatched in a combined CIA, MI6 and Australian secret service operation? Or has Ri been grabbed by the Chinese Secret Intelligence Service—so that the communist government can discover just how far Kim Jong II, North Korea’s unpredictable dictator, has advanced his threat to launch the ethnic bomb upon the world?

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Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Originally posted by Ivan Seeking
From the far left:


I'm not sure what this has to do with left or right...
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  • #3

Originally posted by Zero
I'm not sure what this has to do with left or right...

With a name like American Free Press it must be some Commie, Pinko, left wing garbage. :wink:
  • #4

Originally posted by Ivan Seeking
With a name like American Free Press it must be some Commie, Pinko, left wing garbage. :wink:

Although I'm pretty sure it's a right wing conservative paper..lol I'll have to check the link.
  • #5

Originally posted by kat
Although I'm pretty sure it's a right wing conservative paper..lol I'll have to check the link.

*climbs up on soapbox*

I can tell by reading a few pages of this site that it is a nutjob fringe paper. Most, but not all, nutjob fringe papers happen to be labled 'right wing conservative' in my experience. However, I don't understand why people allow themselves to be represented in the manner that they are, and even embrace the lunatic fringes. Sure, Michael Moore has a tendency to overblow things, but how do you explain Rush Limbaugh, Cal Thomas, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, Ann Coulter, etc, who in a more rational time would all be considered 'fringe elements'?
  • #6
Sic 'im, Zero, lol.

Ivan, you know not what you do. Good luck. I'll help you out later if you need it, but for now it'll be entertaining to watch you swing.

edit: ok, compassion is winning out. The political slant is right there in the paper if you look for it.
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  • #7
Originally posted by russ_watters
Sic 'im, Zero, lol.

Ivan, you know not what you do. Good luck. I'll help you out later if you need it, but for now it'll be entertaining to watch you swing.

edit: ok, compassion is winning out. The political slant is right there in the paper if you look for it.

Hey, Commie, Pinko, right wing garbage then; makes no difference to me.

It came up on my fringe RADAR so I posted here to gain enlightenment.

Edit: did you look at the cartoons? I love the Al Gore sleeper cell.
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  • #8
Originally posted by russ_watters
Sic 'im, Zero, lol.

Ivan, you know not what you do. Good luck. I'll help you out later if you need it, but for now it'll be entertaining to watch you swing.

edit: ok, compassion is winning out. The political slant is right there in the paper if you look for it.
I still think it is more nutjob than anything else...unless you believe that people should actually take this stuff seriously?
  • #9
Originally posted by Zero
I still think it is more nutjob than anything else...unless you believe that people should actually take this stuff seriously?

Radio Free America (RFA), the weekly call-in talk forum sponsored by American Free Press
  • #10
See this link:


where we find:
"advanced forms of biological warfare that can 'target' specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool."

p 72 of 90


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  • #11
"advanced forms of biological warfare that can 'target' specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool."
Er... isn't the realm of terror a politically useful tool?

What this does do is to allow a mass genocide with convenience, ease, great speed, utter ruthlessness and total unstoppability. That is the real horror of it.

I don't think it would change the strategies of the tyrants and xenophobes of the world. I think however it make their fingers much itchier at the buttons, and cause drastic distabilisation.

FAQ: ‘Ethnic Bomb’ Now Linked to Korean Intrigue

What is an "Ethnic Bomb"?

An "ethnic bomb" refers to a hypothetical biological weapon that targets specific ethnic or racial groups based on genetic characteristics. It is a controversial and unethical concept that has not been proven to exist.

What is the Korean Intrigue linked to the "Ethnic Bomb"?

The Korean Intrigue refers to a conspiracy theory that claims North Korea is secretly developing an "ethnic bomb" to target South Koreans and other ethnic groups. However, there is no concrete evidence to support this claim and it is widely dismissed by experts.

Is there any scientific basis for the "Ethnic Bomb" theory?

No, there is no scientific evidence to support the existence of an "ethnic bomb". The concept is based on flawed and discriminatory ideas about genetics and has been widely debunked by the scientific community.

Why is the idea of an "Ethnic Bomb" considered unethical?

The idea of targeting specific ethnic or racial groups with a biological weapon is considered unethical for several reasons. It promotes discrimination and perpetuates harmful stereotypes, it violates the principles of international humanitarian law, and it goes against the ethical standards of the scientific community.

What is being done to address the "Ethnic Bomb" theory?

Governments and international organizations have taken steps to debunk and combat the "ethnic bomb" theory, including denouncing it as a dangerous and unfounded conspiracy theory. Additionally, there are strict regulations and protocols in place to prevent the development and use of such weapons.

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