- #1
Mr Davis 97
- 1,462
- 44
Homework Statement
Prove that every convergent sequence has a monotone subsequence.
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
Define ##L## to be the limit of ##(a_n)##. Then every ##\epsilon##-ball about L contains infinitely many points. Note that ##(L, \infty)## or ##(-\infty, L)## (or both) has infinitely many elements. Suppose that ##(L, \infty)## has infinitely many elements. Choose ##n_1## such that ##a_{n_1} \in (L, \infty)##. Choose ##n_2 \in (L,a_{n_1})##. In general, choose ##n_{k+1}## such that ##a_{n_{k+1}} \in (L, a_{n_{k}})##. This assignment can always be made since there are infinitely many elements of ##(a_n)## in ##(L, a_{n_{k}})## to choose from such that ##a_{n_{k+1}} \in (L, a_{n_{k}})##.