Experimental Analysis: Forced Harmonic Motion and Resonance

  • #1
Homework Statement
First of all I would like to clarify that I don't live in an English-speaking country, which means that certain nomenclatures and symbols may be different and may make it difficult to understand, so if you are unable to understand something, I will be happy to help.

Regarding the exercise itself, I need help mainly with questions 3 and 4 that I sent in the original format (excel), as I am not sure if the file will work I am sending images too.
Relevant Equations
The exercise is based on an experiment consisting of a spring-mass system connected to a motor, the goal is to gradually increase the rotation of the motor until the spring enters resonance while amplitude and time data are collected.
Image 1.png
Image 2.png
Image 3.png


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  • #2
The expression you are given for A(ωF) in qn 3 is wrong. The square root in the denominator should extend right across.
##\sqrt{(\omega_0^2-\omega_F^2)^2}+4\gamma^2\omega_F^2## would obviously reduce to ##{|\omega_0^2-\omega_F^2|}+4\gamma^2\omega_F^2##.
It should be ##\sqrt{(\omega_0^2-\omega_F^2)^2+4\gamma^2\omega_F^2}##.
Can you take it from there?
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