Field Extensions - Dummit and Foote - Exercise 13, 13.2 ....

In summary: Q}## is a root of a polynomial with rational coefficients. This will give you a hint towards the degree of the extension. In summary, the problem at hand is to show that ##\sqrt[3]{2} \notin F##, where ##F## is a finite field extension of ##\mathbb{Q}##, by using the formula for finite field extensions and the knowledge that ##\alpha_i^2 \in \mathbb{Q}## for all ##\alpha_i## in the field
  • #1
Math Amateur
Gold Member

Homework Statement

I am reading Dummit and Foote, Chapter 13 - Field Theory.

I am currently studying Section 13.2 : Algebraic Extensions

I need some help with Exercise 13 of Section 13.2 ... ... indeed, I have not been able to make a meaningful start on the problem ... ...

As indicated above I need help in order to make a meaningful or significant start on the solution to this exercise .. ...Exercise 13 of Section 13.2 reads as follows:

Homework Equations

Definitions that may be relevant to solving this exercise include the following:

A result which seems relevant is Lemma 16 plus the remarks that follow its proof ... Lemma 16 and the following remarks read as follows:

The Attempt at a Solution

As indicated above I need help in order to make a meaningful or significant start on the solution to this exercise .. ...

As indicated above I need help in order to make a meaningful or significant start on the solution to this exercise .. ...

One thought, though ... there must be some way to use ##\alpha_i^2 \in \mathbb{Q}## ... perhaps in establishing the dimension of ##F( \alpha_1 , \alpha_2, \ ... \ ... \ \ \alpha_{k + 1} )## over ##F( \alpha_1 , \alpha_2, \ ... \ ... \ \ \alpha_{k } )## ... and hence getting some knowledge of the dimension of ##F( \alpha_1 , \alpha_2, \ ... \ ... \ \ \alpha_n )## over ##\mathbb{Q}## ... but even if we do gain such knowledge, how do we use it to show ##\sqrt [3]{2} \notin F## ... ...

... AND FURTHER ... anyway ... what is implied by ##\alpha_i^2 \in \mathbb{Q}## ... ... ?
Help will be much appreciated ...Peter


  • D&F - Exercise 13 - Section 13.2 ... ....png
    D&F - Exercise 13 - Section 13.2 ... ....png
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  • D&F - Definition of Field Generated by Elements of K ..png
    D&F - Definition of Field Generated by Elements of K ..png
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  • D&F - Lemma 16 and following remarks - Section 13.2 ....png
    D&F - Lemma 16 and following remarks - Section 13.2 ....png
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  • #2
Math Amateur said:
One thought, though ... there must be some way to use ##2∈Q\alpha_i^2 \in \mathbb{Q}## ... perhaps in establishing the dimension of ##F( \alpha_1 , \alpha_2, \ ... \ ... \ \ \alpha_{k + 1} )## over ##F( \alpha_1 , \alpha_2, \ ... \ ... \ \ \alpha_{k } )## ... and hence getting some knowledge of the dimension of ##F( \alpha_1 , \alpha_2, \ ... \ ... \ \ \alpha_n )## over ##\mathbb{Q}## ... but even if we do gain such knowledge, how do we use it to show ##\sqrt [3]{2} \notin F## ... ...
Good idea. What can you say about ##\dim_\mathbb{Q} F\;##? And what about ##\dim_\mathbb{Q}\mathbb{Q}[\sqrt[3]{2}]\;##? Then what do you know about the fields in between, from ##\mathbb{Q}## to ##F\;:\;\mathbb{Q} \subseteq \mathbb{Q}[\alpha_1]\subseteq \mathbb{Q}[\alpha_1,\alpha_2]\subseteq \ldots \subseteq F\;##?
... AND FURTHER ... anyway ... what is implied by ##\alpha_i^2 \in \mathbb{Q}## ... ... ?
It means that ##\alpha_i## is a root of ##x^2-r## for some rational ##r \in \mathbb{Q}##, ergo the minimal polynomial of ##\alpha_i## because ##\alpha_i\notin \mathbb{Q}## which rules out that the degree could be less than two.
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  • #3
fresh_42 said:
Good idea. What can you say about ##\dim_\mathbb{Q} F\;##? And what about ##\dim_\mathbb{Q}\mathbb{Q}[\sqrt[3]{2}]\;##? Then what do you know about the fields in between, from ##\mathbb{Q}## to ##F\;:\;\mathbb{Q} \subseteq \mathbb{Q}[\alpha_1]\subseteq \mathbb{Q}[\alpha_1,\alpha_2]\subseteq \ldots \subseteq F\;##?

It means that ##\alpha_i## is a root of ##x^2-r## for some rational ##r \in \mathbb{Q}##, ergo the minimal polynomial of ##\alpha_i## because ##\alpha_i\notin \mathbb{Q}## which rules out that the degree could be less than two.
Thanks for the help, Andrew ... ...

Just a simple clarification though ... ...

You write, in the context of ##\alpha_i^2 \in \mathbb{Q}##, the following ... ...

" ... ... It means that ##\alpha_i## is a root of ##x^2-r## for some rational ##r \in \mathbb{Q}##, ergo the minimal polynomial of ##\alpha_i## because ##\alpha_i\notin \mathbb{Q}## which rules out that the degree could be less than two ... ... "... BUT ..

... how do we know that ##\alpha_i \notin \mathbb{Q}## ... indeed maybe ##\alpha_i## is in ##\mathbb{Q}## ... then ##\alpha_i## will satisfy a polynomial of degree 1 in ##\mathbb{Q}## ... namely ##x - \alpha_i## ... ...

... so doesn't ##\alpha_i^2 \in \mathbb{Q}## mean that

## [ F( \alpha_1, \alpha_2, \ ... \ ... \ \ , \alpha_i ) \ : \ F( \alpha_1, \alpha_2, \ ... \ ... \ \ , \alpha_{i - 1} ) ] ##

is either 1 or 2 ... ...

can you clarify/comment ?{Note : I have to confess that although I think it may well be true that ## [ F( \alpha_1, \alpha_2, \ ... \ ... \ \ , \alpha_i ) \ : \ F( \alpha_1, \alpha_2, \ ... \ ... \ \ , \alpha_{i - 1} ) ] ## is either 1 or 2 (i.e a positive integer less than or equal to 2) I do not know the precise argument for why it cannot be larger than 2 ... say 3 r 4 or 37 or something ... can you explain ...}Peter
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  • #4
Hi Michael!

All cases in which ##\alpha_i \in \mathbb{Q}## can be omitted. Say ##\alpha_1 , \ldots \alpha_{k-1} \in \mathbb{Q}## and ##\alpha_k, \ldots , \alpha_n \notin \mathbb{Q}## then ##F=\mathbb{Q}[\alpha_1,\ldots , \alpha_n]=\mathbb{Q}[\alpha_k,\ldots , \alpha_n]## and we're back in the case where all ##\alpha_i \notin \mathbb{Q}##. (The case in which there isn't a proper extension at all is also trivial, since ##\sqrt[3]{2} \notin \mathbb{Q}## and nothing has to be shown.)

So key to this exercise lies in the formula for finite field extensions:
Let ##\mathbb{F} \subseteq \mathbb{K} \subseteq \mathbb{L}## be finite field extensions, then ##[\mathbb{L}:\mathbb{F}] = [\mathbb{L} : \mathbb{K}]\,\cdot \,[\mathbb{K}:\mathbb{F}]\;##.

In case you cannot use this equation, you might investigate how the roots of the minimal polynomial ##m_{\mathbb{Q}}(\sqrt[3]{2})(x)## can be or cannot be expressed by rationals and roots of the form ##x = \alpha_i = \sqrt{r_i}## with ##r_i \in \mathbb{Q}\;##.
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  • #5
fresh_42 said:
Hi Michael!

All cases in which ##\alpha_i \in \mathbb{Q}## can be omitted. Say ##\alpha_1 , \ldots \alpha_{k-1} \in \mathbb{Q}## and ##\alpha_k, \ldots , \alpha_n \notin \mathbb{Q}## then ##F=\mathbb{Q}[\alpha_1,\ldots , \alpha_n]=\mathbb{Q}[\alpha_k,\ldots , \alpha_n]## and we're back in the case where all ##\alpha_i \notin \mathbb{Q}##. (The case in which there isn't a proper extension at all is also trivial, since ##\sqrt[3]{2} \notin \mathbb{Q}## and nothing has to be shown.)

So key to this exercise lies in the formula for finite field extensions:
Let ##\mathbb{F} \subseteq \mathbb{K} \subseteq \mathbb{L}## be finite field extensions, then ##[\mathbb{L}:\mathbb{F}] = [\mathbb{L} : \mathbb{K}]\,\cdot \,[\mathbb{K}:\mathbb{F}]\;##.

In case you cannot use this equation, you might investigate how the roots of the minimal polynomial ##m_{\mathbb{Q}}(\sqrt[3]{2})(x)## can be or cannot be expressed by rationals and roots of the form ##x = \alpha_i = \sqrt{r_i}## with ##r_i \in \mathbb{Q}\;##.
Thanks fresh_42 ... appreciate your help ...

Just reflecting on what you have said ... but obviously most helpful ...

Thanks again,

  • #6
fresh_42 said:
Hi Michael!

All cases in which ##\alpha_i \in \mathbb{Q}## can be omitted. Say ##\alpha_1 , \ldots \alpha_{k-1} \in \mathbb{Q}## and ##\alpha_k, \ldots , \alpha_n \notin \mathbb{Q}## then ##F=\mathbb{Q}[\alpha_1,\ldots , \alpha_n]=\mathbb{Q}[\alpha_k,\ldots , \alpha_n]## and we're back in the case where all ##\alpha_i \notin \mathbb{Q}##. (The case in which there isn't a proper extension at all is also trivial, since ##\sqrt[3]{2} \notin \mathbb{Q}## and nothing has to be shown.)

So key to this exercise lies in the formula for finite field extensions:
Let ##\mathbb{F} \subseteq \mathbb{K} \subseteq \mathbb{L}## be finite field extensions, then ##[\mathbb{L}:\mathbb{F}] = [\mathbb{L} : \mathbb{K}]\,\cdot \,[\mathbb{K}:\mathbb{F}]\;##.

In case you cannot use this equation, you might investigate how the roots of the minimal polynomial ##m_{\mathbb{Q}}(\sqrt[3]{2})(x)## can be or cannot be expressed by rationals and roots of the form ##x = \alpha_i = \sqrt{r_i}## with ##r_i \in \mathbb{Q}\;##.
Thanks to Andrew and fresh_42 for all the help ...

Now to finish the exercise based on the help you gave ...Essentially then, it follows that ...

##[ F \ : \ \mathbb{Q} ] = 2^k## where ##0 \le k \le n##Now ... ... suppose ##\sqrt [3]{2} \in F ## ... (and try for a contradiction)Then since ##\mathbb{Q} \subseteq \mathbb{Q} ( \sqrt [3]{2} ) \subseteq F##

... we have that ...

##[ F \ : \ \mathbb{Q} ] = [ F \ : \ \mathbb{Q} ( \sqrt [3]{2} ) ] [ \mathbb{Q} ( \sqrt [3]{2} ) \ : \ \mathbb{Q} ]##

So that##2^k = [ F \ : \ \mathbb{Q} ( \sqrt [3]{2} ) ] . 3##... BUT ...##3## does not divide ##2^k## ... ... Contradiction!So ##\sqrt [3]{2} \notin F##
Can someone please confirm that the above is correct ... ...

  • #7
Yes, this is correct. At some place, an extension of degree three (or at least ##3m##) would be needed.
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FAQ: Field Extensions - Dummit and Foote - Exercise 13, 13.2 ....

What is a field extension?

A field extension is a mathematical concept that involves extending a smaller field, called the base field, to a larger field by adding new elements. This is done by adjoining new elements to the base field, which may or may not be algebraic over the base field.

What is the degree of a field extension?

The degree of a field extension is the number of elements in the extended field that are linearly independent over the base field. It represents the size of the field extension and is denoted by [E:F], where E is the larger field and F is the base field.

How are field extensions related to algebraic equations?

Field extensions are closely related to algebraic equations, as they are used to find solutions to polynomial equations. For example, a field extension is needed to find the roots of a polynomial with coefficients in the base field that cannot be solved within the base field.

What is the significance of Galois extensions?

Galois extensions, named after mathematician Évariste Galois, are a special type of field extension that have important applications in modern algebra. They are characterized by being both normal and separable, which ensures that all roots of a polynomial equation can be found in the extended field.

How are field extensions used in other areas of science?

Field extensions have various applications in different areas of science, such as physics, chemistry, and computer science. They are used in the study of symmetry and group theory, as well as in developing cryptographic algorithms and error-correcting codes. They also have connections to algebraic geometry and number theory.
