Finally a replacement for SI units

In summary: The EU standard linguine is 14 cm long, .02784 cm in diameter, and .462 Japanese shyaku in weight. Double decker buses measure 65.85 cm in length. Brontosaurus are estimated to have been 15 double decker buses laid bumper-to-bumper side-by-side. The shortest point in the known universe is estimated to be 136 trillion brontosauruses laid nose-to-tail side-by-side. Velocity of a sheep in a vacuum is 26.22 km/s.
  • #1
Science Advisor
Homework Helper
Finally after man(and woman)fully resisting the urge to go fully metric for 30years the UK's boffins have produced an alternative system of units, even more brilliant then the venerable Firkin/Fortnight/Furlong system.

The velocity of a sheep in a vacuum is 26.22 kilobrontosauruses per nanofortnigh
I don't want to steal their copyright and post the text here.
Physics news on
  • #2
From my website: "Upon measuring directly a displacement of Planck length L*, the measurer would receive a momentum reaction equal to h/L*, or 4,000,000 gm-cm/sec, beyond the kick of a mule." Translate that into sheep terms.
  • #3
mgb_phys said:
The velocity of a sheep in a vacuum is 26.22 kilobrontosauruses per nanofortnigh
I don't want to steal their copyright and post the text here.
That was funny! Until I got to this:
And, indeed, just how big is Wales in cubic furlongs?
...that killed all the funny in me...for a few seconds.
  • #4
Only from the folks who brought us "How many farthings in a florin?"
  • #5
:smile: I'm just dying here! :smile: The whole section on velocity of sheep is hilarious! Especially the differences in velocity measured in sheepsecs depending on how many Welshmen were "worrying" the sheep. :smile:
  • #6
That was great! :smile:
  • #7
  • #8
How about using a digital stop watch with a dead battery? It works for me.

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  • #9
Too funny! :smile:
Thanks, Mgb.
  • #10
This is worthy of another look.

Some favorites -

The standard unit of length shall be the EU standard (Florentine) linguine (unboiled at sea level), defined as 1lg, representing 14cm, 0.02784 perches, 0.462 Japanese shyaku or 0.0007568 Ancient Greek stadium ptolemys

For greater than 1lg, the following should be used:

Double-decker bus = 65.85lg
Brontosaurus = 15 double-decker buses laid bumper-to-bumper
Length across known universe at shortest point = 136 trillion brontosauruses laid nose-to-tail

Velocity of sheep in a vacuum

The theoretical maximum velocity of a sheep in a vacuum is expressed in sheepsecs (Ssx), calculated as follows:

Speed of light (c) divided by wooldrag (Wd) + Welshmen (Wm), where wooldrag is a species-defined drag coefficient determined by the length and pliability of the fleece and Welshmen is the number of locals who have turned up in their wellies, and are hanging on for dear life.

Wooldrags have recently been calculated by researchers at CERN, and the latest experiments shed some light on the phenomenon, but it is still mysterious. The effect is similar to friction here on Earth, but is due to the interaction of the wool and fluctuations in the quantum vacuum. Researchers have applied to the EU for further funding, but it has been put on hold as a result of the recent outbreak of foot and mouth disease.

For example, an unshorn Welsh Mountain Badger Face, with a wooldrag of 67, chased by three Welshmen will ultimately attain a Ssx of c/(67+3), or 4,282.74 km/sec.

Alternatively, a newly-clipped Finnish Landrace, with a wooldrag of 23, worried by just one Welshman has a theoretical Ssx of c/(23+1), or 12,491 km/sec.

Clearly, the difference in these two results means that a compromise standard is required. The El Reg Ssx uses the classic Cheviot as its sheep of choice, with a wooldrag of 50. Wm is in this case 0, since everyone knows that Welshmen do not in fact have intimate relations with sheep and any reference to the same is just a cheap attempt to drum up laughs.

The Vulture Central standard velocity for a sheep in a vacuum is, therefore, c/(50+0), or 5,995 km/sec.
  • #11
Haha, brilliant!

For anyone having trouble with these new measurements, go to
It will translate most common units of mass, area, volume, length and data into sensible units, like elephants, Island of Gurnseys, phone boxes, Mont Blancs, and amounts of data transferred over the internet in the average second in 2006.
It's a life saver
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  • #12
Gokul43201 said:
That was funny! Until I got to this: ...that killed all the funny in me...for a few seconds.

They specify the depth of Wales.

FAQ: Finally a replacement for SI units

1. What is the replacement for SI units?

The replacement for SI units is the International System of Quantities (ISQ). This system was established in 1999 by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM) and is currently being adopted by many countries around the world.

2. Why was there a need for a replacement for SI units?

The SI units were first introduced in the late 19th century and have been continuously updated and refined over the years. However, with advancements in science and technology, there was a need for a more comprehensive and unified system that could accommodate all physical quantities and their associated units.

3. What are the main differences between SI units and ISQ?

The main difference between SI units and ISQ is that SI units are based on seven base units (such as meter, kilogram, and second) and their derived units, while ISQ is based on seven base quantities (such as length, mass, and time) and their associated units. ISQ also includes additional quantities and units that were not included in the SI system.

4. How will the adoption of ISQ impact scientific research?

The adoption of ISQ will provide a more consistent and universal system for scientists to use when communicating and sharing their research. This will reduce confusion and errors caused by using different units for the same physical quantity. It will also allow for easier conversion between units and promote international collaboration in scientific studies.

5. Will the replacement of SI units cause any disruption or inconvenience?

The replacement of SI units with ISQ will not cause any disruption or inconvenience as it is a gradual process and many countries have already started implementing it. The existing SI units will still be recognized and used alongside ISQ units for a transition period, and eventually, all countries will fully adopt the ISQ system.
