Find pupil locations w/ paraxial ray tracing (thick lens, Geary CH 5)

In summary: I don't remember the equation for these things. Anyway, if you multiply each Y by -1 then the power product will be positive and that will flip the signs.In summary, the author implemented a ray trace to find the size and location of the entrance pupil and exit pupil using an Excel spreadsheet.
  • #1
Homework Statement
Given the triplet prescription as illustrated in Figure 5.17... find a) the size and location (relative to stop) of the entrance pupil using paraxial ray trace equations (PRTE); b) the starting heights and angles on surface 1 for the marginal and chief rays, again using PRTE [Problem statement attached]
Relevant Equations
y_f = y_i + u' * t
n' * u' = n * u - y * phi
(typical paraxial ray trace equations)
Per the description given in the book, one can trace rays FROM the physical aperture stop into object space to find the size and location of the entrance pupil (EP). Also, one can trace rays FROM the physical aperture stop into image space to find the size and location of the exit pupil (XP). In both cases, the EP and XP are images and the physical stop is the object to be imaged.

I implemented this ray trace using an Excel spread sheet (part a). This is attached in original Excel and also as a PDF.

To solve part b, I add the EP and XP into a second Excel ray trace. As I understand it, when I aim my system marginal ray at the rim of the EP, it should also travel through the rim of the physical stop and the rim of the XP as shown on slide 10-29 of Greivenkamp's thin lens EP/XP ray trace here:

At the moment, I'm doing this using an object at an arbitrary distance (80mm) and of arbitrary height (10mm), since the pupil locations shouldn't depend on this (also per Greivenkamp).

However, aiming my marginal ray at the rim of the EP does not show that ray touching the rim of the stop and XP. So I suppose I've either traced the EP and XP incorrectly (part a) or I'm implementing the EP and XP incorrectly in the second ray trace (part b).

Any feedback is much appreciated.


  • Part B - Use EP and XP.pdf
    1 MB · Views: 110
  • Part A - Find EP and XP.pdf
    1.3 MB · Views: 107
  • Part A - Find EP and XP.xlsx
    17.1 KB · Views: 104
  • Part B - Use EP and XP.xlsx
    13.7 KB · Views: 105
  • Geary CH 5 HW.pdf
    604.9 KB · Views: 109
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  • #2
To start, I think your distances from the stop to each optical element to the EP need to be negative in part A (or your refractive indices may need to be negative or something since your ray is going right to left instead of left to right). Then you seem to have all your refractive indices set to 1.51 instead of either 1.617 or 1.649 in part B. Just correcting those gives me a close match for the distance to the EP between your spreadsheet and this raytrace calculator. I'm getting a distance between the EP and the first element of -29mm (so EP is to the right of surface 1) and a distance from the last surface to the XP of -14 mm (xp is to left of last surface).

Try that and see if it makes sense.

I haven't done much optics since I had to drop out of the Optical Engineering program at the University of Arizona back in 2018, so take my suggestions with a healthy dose of skepticism.

Edit: Mixed up signs on the pupils, corrected them.
Last edited:
  • #3
Also, the distance between the object and the EP needs to be the sum of the distance between the object and element 1 and the distance between element 1 and the EP. Since the EP is to the right of element 1, that's 80+29 = 109mm in my calculation. See the bottom left of 10-27 in the slides.
  • #4
Many thanks for your reply. I apologize for the indices at 1.51. That was a carry over from an earlier version that I failed to revise.

You're onto something when you say the signs should be flipped. I suspect now that the curvature values must be negative when moving from right to left, which would make the power products flip signs.

When I make these changes, I get EP position -29.49mm with radius of 13.28mm. XP position of -14.06mm and radius of 12.4mm. Revising part b to reflect these values now shows the marginal ray contacting the rim of each pupil/stop correctly. Sweet!!

One followup question. Unless I'm mistaken how Greivenkamp is tracing rays on slides 26-27, he too seems to trace from left-to-right and right-to-left to get EP and XP location/size. But his final trace on slide 29 from object to image (all from left-to-right) shows the thin lens powers keep the same signs as slides 26-27. This is why I created my thick lens trace this way initially. I replicated Greivenkamp's example entirely and it works. Why do you suppose my signs needed to flip to get the right EP location, but his signs didn't?

I'm including my final spread sheets here for future readers.

Edit: typos


  • EP and XP Location and Size -- y=nu (thick lens) PRT from Geary.xlsx
    17.2 KB · Views: 126
  • System Marginal and Chief Rays -- y=nu PRT through Stop from Geary (thick).xlsx
    18.3 KB · Views: 93
  • #5
phillip_at_work said:
One followup question. Unless I'm mistaken how Greivenkamp is tracing rays on slides 26-27, he too seems to trace from left-to-right and right-to-left to get EP and XP location/size. But his final trace on slide 29 from object to image (all from left-to-right) shows the thin lens powers keep the same signs as slides 26-27. This is why I created my thick lens trace this way initially. I replicated Greivenkamp's example entirely and it works. Why do you suppose my signs needed to flip to get the right EP location, but his signs didn't?
Ah, that's because we're doing the raytrace wrong. According to my old class notes, when you perform a reverse ray trace you multiply each Y by the NEGATIVE of negative phi, or Y*-(-phi) = Y*phi. In your first spreadsheet, if I keep all the lens powers and distances and everything the same as you had them originally and just change then signs in the cell equations then I get an EP distance of about -28.49 mm. For example, cell K13 =M13+(-L9*L12). So no need to change the signs of any of the actual element properties.
  • #6
I agree that phi must get another negative, but I'm wondering how to justify the change.

The sign convention for ray tracing left-to-right says that curvatures with the center of radius to the right are positive. Curvatures with the center to the left are negative. If we flip the direction of the ray trace, I think we must also flip the sign of the curvature. Because phi = (n-n')*c, that would give us the additional negative (e.g., cell L9 becomes negative). I could also be over-thinking this and I should just add another negative to phi!

Regardless of why phi gets another negative, I don't see the sign of phi change in Greivenkamp's as a function of ray trace direction. I'm wondering why I need to do that for a thick lens and not a thin lens.
  • #7
phillip_at_work said:
I could also be over-thinking this and I should just add another negative to phi!
It comes from the raytrace equations. For a forward raytrace:
##y' = y+\omega ' \tau '##
##\omega ' = \omega - y\phi##
##\omega = nu##
##\phi = (n'-n)C = \frac{1}{f_e}##
##\tau '=\frac{t'}{n'}##

For a reverse raytrace, you simply reorder the equations
##y = y'-\omega ' \tau '##
##\omega = \omega '+y\phi##

Notice the ##\phi## terms in the equations. For a forward raytrace you are subtracting y times phi, but for a reverse raytrace you are adding them. But we don't have phi written down in our worksheet, we have negative phi. So to recover phi we have to multiply by negative 1, or the negative of negative phi. For a forward raytrace it's more convenient to put negative phi down and just add ##-y\phi ## to ##nu## versus having to subtract a result of ##y\phi##.

phillip_at_work said:
Regardless of why phi gets another negative, I don't see the sign of phi change in Greivenkamp's as a function of ray trace direction. I'm wondering why I need to do that for a thick lens and not a thin lens.
The equations hold for thin lenses or thick. There is no difference between a thin or thick lens raytrace using paraxial ray tracing.
  • #8
Okay, now I see what you're saying. That's a very silly mistake indeed. :oops:

When I fix the order of the equations for power, everything is correct, without messing around with any extra signs.

Attaching final and corrected ray traces here for future readers. Many thanks for your assistance!


  • System Marginal and Chief Rays -- y=nu PRT through Stop from Geary (thick).xlsx
    18.4 KB · Views: 107
  • EP and XP Location and Size -- y=nu (thick lens) PRT from Geary.xlsx
    17.1 KB · Views: 115
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FAQ: Find pupil locations w/ paraxial ray tracing (thick lens, Geary CH 5)

What is paraxial ray tracing in the context of thick lenses?

Paraxial ray tracing is a method used in optics to trace rays that make small angles with the optical axis of a system, assuming that these angles are small enough for the sine and tangent of the angle to be approximately equal to the angle itself (in radians). In the context of thick lenses, paraxial ray tracing helps in analyzing the behavior of light as it passes through lenses with significant thickness, ensuring accurate modeling of the optical system.

Why is it important to find pupil locations in optical systems?

Finding pupil locations is crucial because the entrance and exit pupils determine the cone of light that can enter and exit the optical system. These pupils affect the system's field of view, depth of field, and the amount of light that reaches the image plane. Accurate knowledge of pupil locations is essential for designing and optimizing optical instruments such as cameras, microscopes, and telescopes.

What are the main steps involved in finding pupil locations using paraxial ray tracing for a thick lens?

The main steps involve: 1) Identifying the principal planes of the thick lens, 2) Determining the focal points and focal lengths, 3) Using paraxial ray tracing equations to trace rays through the lens, 4) Locating the entrance pupil by tracing rays backward from the front focal point, and 5) Locating the exit pupil by tracing rays forward from the back focal point. These steps help in accurately determining the positions of the entrance and exit pupils relative to the lens.

How does the presence of a thick lens affect the calculation of pupil locations compared to a thin lens?

For a thin lens, the lens is approximated as having no thickness, simplifying the calculations as the principal planes coincide with the lens itself. However, for a thick lens, the separation between the principal planes and the lens surfaces must be considered. This requires more complex calculations to account for the lens thickness and the distances between the principal planes, the focal points, and the lens surfaces, making the process more intricate and precise.

Can you provide a practical example of finding pupil locations using paraxial ray tracing for a thick lens?

Sure! Consider a thick lens with known radii of curvature, thickness, and refractive indices. First, calculate the positions of the principal planes using the lensmaker's equation for thick lenses. Next, determine the effective focal lengths from these principal planes. Using paraxial ray tracing, trace a ray entering the lens parallel to the optical axis and find where it intersects the back focal plane. Trace this ray back to find the entrance pupil location. Similarly, trace a ray from the back focal point through the lens to find the exit pupil. This process involves iterative calculations

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