Finding a complementary subspace ##U## | Linear Algebra

In summary: I just realized that this is off-topic. Sorry.I think the best is to put the question aside for the moment and to revisit it once the Gram-Schmidt procedure is introduced.
  • #1
Homework Statement
Find a complementary subspace ##U## in ##V## i.e. find ##U## such that ##U \oplus W =V##, where ##W = span \{ 1-3X + 2X^2 , 1 + X + 4X^2\}## and ## p_1 (X) = 1 - 7X ##, ## p_2 (X) = 4 - 2X + 6X^2 \in \Bbb R[X]_{\leq 2}##
Relevant Equations
We only worry about finite vector spaces here.

I have been taught that a subspace ##W## of a vector space ##V## has a complementary subspace ##U## if ##V = U \oplus W##.

Besides, I understand that, given a finite vectorspace ##(\Bbb R, V, +)##, any subspace ##U## of ##V## has a complementary subspace ##W##. Why? Let ##U## be a subspace of ##V## and its basis ##\{u_1, u_2, \dots, u_k \}##. We know that a basis of a subspace can always be expanded to a basis of the vector space i.e. ##\{u_1, u_2, \dots, u_k, w_{k+1}, \dots,w_n \}##. Hence we get ##W = span\{w_{k+1}, \dots,w_n \}##, the complementary subspace of ##U##.

Time to focus on the given exercise.

We note that the vectors spanning ##W## are linearly independent so they conform a basis of ##W##. Hence we can always expand that basis to one of ##V##.

$$\beta = \{ 1-3X + 2X^2 , 1 + X + 4X^2, 3+5X-6X^2\}$$

So the complementary subspace is given by ##U = span \{ 3+5X-6X^2\}##

And the unique decomposition is given by

$$\underbrace{1 - 7X}_{\in V} = \underbrace{4 - 2X + 6X^2}_{\in W} + \underbrace{(-3-5X-6X^2)}_{\in U}$$

Main issue:

1) I chose the third element of the basis of ##V## so that the unique decomposition holds. Is there a way to pick an arbitrary third element and end up with such unique decomposition?

Is the overall idea OK?

Thanks! :biggrin:
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  • #2
JD_PM said:
Homework Statement:: Find a complementary subspace ##U## in ##V## i.e. find ##U## such that ##U \oplus W =V##, where ##W = span \{ 1-3X + 2X^2 , 1 + X + 4X^2\}## and ## p_1 (X) = 1 - 7X ##, ## p_2 (X) = 4 - 2X + 6X^2 \in \Bbb R[X]_{\leq 2}##
Relevant Equations:: N/A

We only worry about finite vector spaces here.

I have been taught that a subspace ##W## of a vector space ##V## has a complementary subspace ##U## if ##V = U \oplus W##.

Besides, I understand that, given a finite vectorspace ##(\Bbb R, V, +)##, any subspace ##U## of ##V## has a complementary subspace ##W##. Why? Let ##U## be a subspace of ##V## and its basis ##\{u_1, u_2, \dots, u_k \}##. We know that a basis of a subspace can always be expanded to a basis of the vector space i.e. ##\{u_1, u_2, \dots, u_k, w_{k+1}, \dots,w_n \}##. Hence we get ##W = span\{w_{k+1}, \dots,w_n \}##, the complementary subspace of ##U##.

Time to focus on the given exercise.

We note that the vectors spanning ##W## are linearly independent so they conform a basis of ##W##. Hence we can always expand that basis to one of ##V##.

$$\beta = \{ 1-3X + 2X^2 , 1 + X + 4X^2, 3+5X-6X^2\}$$

So the complementary subspace is given by ##U = span \{ 3+5X-6X^2\}##

And the unique decomposition is given by

$$\underbrace{1 - 7X}_{\in V} = \underbrace{4 - 2X + 6X^2}_{\in W} + \underbrace{(-3-5X-6X^2)}_{\in U}$$

Main issue:

1) I chose the third element of the basis of ##V## so that the unique decomposition holds. Is there a way to pick an arbitrary third element and end up with such unique decomposition?

Is the overall idea OK?

Thanks! :biggrin:
If ##\beta ## are linearly independent vectors, which I think they are but haven't checked, then you can take them and choose the bases for ##W## the way you did. I have no idea about the role the ##p_i(x)## play.

Of course, you cannot pick an arbitrary third polynomial since it must not be in ##U##. A general algorithm for such problems is the Gram-Schmidt procedure. It produces orthogonal vectors, which isn't necessary in the case above, but it will be the next step. You can choose any ##\vec{p}\not\in U## as a basis in your case.
  • #3
FactChecker said:
If you have a subspace defined as the span of two polynomials, ##p_1(X), p_2(X)## can't you just use those polynomials directly to define the compliment?: ##\{X\in R^3 : p_1(X)=0 \textrm{ or } p_2(X)=0 \}##

Mmm no clue, honestly. All I know about complementary subspaces is what is below

JD_PM said:
I have been taught that a subspace ##W## of a vector space ##V## has a complementary subspace ##U## if ##V = U \oplus W##.

Besides, I understand that, given a finite vectorspace ##(\Bbb R, V, +)##, any subspace ##U## of ##V## has a complementary subspace ##W##. Why? Let ##U## be a subspace of ##V## and its basis ##\{u_1, u_2, \dots, u_k \}##. We know that a basis of a subspace can always be expanded to a basis of the vector space i.e. ##\{u_1, u_2, \dots, u_k, w_{k+1}, \dots,w_n \}##. Hence we get ##W = span\{w_{k+1}, \dots,w_n \}##, the complementary subspace of ##U##.

fresh_42 said:
Of course, you cannot pick an arbitrary third polynomial since it must not be in ##U##. A general algorithm for such problems is the Gram-Schmidt procedure. It produces orthogonal vectors, which isn't necessary in the case above, but it will be the next step. You can choose any ##\vec{p}\not\in U## as a basis in your case.

Thanks for the idea but I am not allowed to use the Gram-Schmidt procedure because it comes in later chapters.

It is just that it felt unnatural to fit a third element of the basis of ##V## such that the following equation holds uniquely.

JD_PM said:
$$\underbrace{1 - 7X}_{\in V} = \underbrace{4 - 2X + 6X^2}_{\in W} + \underbrace{(-3-5X-6X^2)}_{\in U}$$

That's why I ask for feedback; doesn't it look odd to you?
  • #4
If you have a subspace defined as the span of two polynomials,
can't you just use those polynomials directly to define the compliment?
JD_PM said:
Mmm no clue, honestly. All I know about complementary subspaces is what is below
Sorry. I got confused. I have deleted that post.
  • #5
There is no intuition demanding uniqueness. Imagine a plane, say a square, on your desk. Any vector outside this plane, pointing up (or down) allows you to build a complete basis of three-dimensional space, i.e. a coordinate system. Once you have chosen a specific one, your coordinates become unique. However, all others define different coordinate systems.

FAQ: Finding a complementary subspace ##U## | Linear Algebra

What is a complementary subspace?

A complementary subspace is a subspace that, when combined with another subspace, forms the entire vector space. In other words, the two subspaces together contain all possible vectors in the vector space.

How do you find a complementary subspace?

To find a complementary subspace, you can use the orthogonal complement method. This involves finding a basis for the given subspace and then finding a basis for the orthogonal complement of that subspace. The two bases combined will form a basis for the complementary subspace.

Why is finding a complementary subspace important?

Finding a complementary subspace is important because it allows us to decompose a vector space into two smaller subspaces that are easier to work with. This can be helpful in solving systems of linear equations, understanding the structure of a vector space, and in various applications in physics and engineering.

Can a subspace have more than one complementary subspace?

Yes, a subspace can have more than one complementary subspace. This is because there can be multiple ways to decompose a vector space into two subspaces that form a complementary pair.

Is a complementary subspace unique?

No, a complementary subspace is not unique. As mentioned before, there can be multiple ways to decompose a vector space into two subspaces that form a complementary pair. Additionally, a vector space can have infinitely many subspaces, and therefore, infinitely many complementary subspaces.

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