Finding all vectors normal to a given set of vectors

In summary, to find all vectors perpendicular to a set of three vectors in R^4, you can use the wedge product of the three vectors to obtain a 3-form. The vectors perpendicular to all three will be the multiples of this 3-form.
  • #1
How do you find all vectors perpendicular to a set of three vectors in R^4? I know that the dot product of a normal vector and each given vector will be equal to 0. How could I set up the system of equations in matrix form?
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  • #2
Hmm, you just have to write out the equations for each dot product. For example, suppose the three vectors are [itex]v_1, v_2, v_3[/itex]. Then let the perpendicular vector be [itex]u[/itex]. So we know that [itex]u \cdot v_i = 0[/itex]. Let [itex]u = (a_1, a_2, a_3, a_4)^T[/itex] for concreteness.

So if [tex]v_1 = (x_1, x_2, x_3, x_4)^T[/tex], then we have, after applying the dot product of u and v1:
[tex]a_1 x_1 + a_2 x_2 +a_3 x_3 + a_4 x_4 = 0[/tex]. Do the same for the other two vectors and you have a system of equations which you can then express in matrix form.
  • #3
could you not cross product??
  • #4
||spoon|| said:
could you not cross product??

I believe the cross product is defined only in R^3, well as far as i know :P
  • #6
danago said:
I believe the cross product is defined only in R^3, well as far as i know :P

Defennder said:
It's defined in R3 and R7 only, if I remember correctly. I don't know why, though. See here:

As the Wiki article says, there's more than one way to extend the cross product to higher dimensions. One very straightforward way extends it to all dimensions of Rn, but it's a little peculiar: In dimension n it becomes a function of n-1 vectors rather than a simple product of two vectors. This is mentioned in Spivak's classic monograph, Calculus on Manifolds, chapter 4, p83 in the old Benjamin edition. I'll quote the relevant snippet here:

If [tex]v_1, ..., v_{n-1} \in R^n[/tex] and [tex]\phi[/tex] is defined by

\phi(w) = det \left( \begin{matrix}
v_1 \\
... \\
v_{n-1} \\
\end{matrix} \right)

then [tex]\phi \in \Lambda^1 (R^n) [/tex]; therefore there is a unique [tex]z \in R^n[/tex] such that

\langle w,z \rangle = \phi(w) = det \left( \begin{matrix}
v_1 \\
... \\
v_{n-1} \\
\end{matrix} \right)

This z is denoted

v_1 \times ... \times v_{n-1}

and is called the cross product of [tex]v_1, ... v_{n-1}[/tex].

  • #7
Welcome to PF!

mds9668 said:
How do you find all vectors perpendicular to a set of three vectors in R^4? I know that the dot product of a normal vector and each given vector will be equal to 0. How could I set up the system of equations in matrix form?

Hi mds9668! Welcome to PF! :smile:

You use the wedge product, ⋀, of all three vectors (with x⋀x = 0).

That will give you a 3-form, which is a linear combination a.x⋀y⋀z + b.y⋀z⋀t + c.z⋀x⋀t + d.x⋀y⋀t.

The vectors perpendicular to all three will be the multiples of a.t + b.x + c.y + d.z

(because (a.t + b.x + c.y + d.z)(a.x⋀y⋀z + b.y⋀z⋀t + c.z⋀x⋀t + d.x⋀y⋀t) = a² + b² + c² + d²) :smile:

FAQ: Finding all vectors normal to a given set of vectors

1. What does it mean for a vector to be normal to a given set of vectors?

A vector is considered normal to a given set of vectors if it is perpendicular to all of the vectors in that set. In other words, the dot product of the normal vector and each vector in the set is equal to zero.

2. How do you find all vectors normal to a given set of vectors?

To find all vectors normal to a given set of vectors, you can use the cross product. The cross product of two vectors will result in a vector that is perpendicular to both of the original vectors. By taking the cross product of each vector in the set with all the other vectors, you can find all the possible normal vectors.

3. Can there be more than one vector normal to a given set of vectors?

Yes, there can be multiple vectors that are normal to a given set of vectors. This is because there are an infinite number of vectors that can be perpendicular to a given set of vectors. The cross product method mentioned earlier will help you find all possible normal vectors.

4. What is the significance of finding all vectors normal to a given set of vectors?

Finding all vectors normal to a given set of vectors is important in many areas of mathematics and science, such as physics and engineering. These normal vectors can represent forces or directions of motion in a system, and can help in solving problems involving these systems.

5. Are there any limitations or special cases when finding all vectors normal to a given set of vectors?

One limitation when finding all vectors normal to a given set of vectors is that the vectors in the set must be linearly independent. This means that none of the vectors in the set can be a scalar multiple of another vector in the set. Additionally, if the set of vectors is in three-dimensional space, then the normal vectors will also be in three-dimensional space.

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