Why Do We Limit Our Understanding in Online Forums?

  • Thread starter TENYEARS
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In summary: I am not going to say what he did because it is not relevant. He used his hands and spoke to the person and told them that was what he was going to do for them.In summary, the dream was about this forum and how people post constantly the same thing. The dreamer suggests that people should question what they believe and try to understand more.
  • #1
I was viewing some posts on different topics was going to reply many times but did not because I knew it would not matter. The words before it defined the understanding that wrote them. No need to reply.

I had a dream, it was many fish swimming in a waterless tank, they would not go beyond what the perceived to be their boarders even thought there was nothing there. I knew for the greater part that it was about this forum.

Many of you post consistantly and over and over and over and yet what you post is what you read what you believe or what is on band wagon .com for the day.

You have the ability to understand use it. Climb the hill go beyond the boarders. I know for a fact that a hand full on this forum which I have viewed have truly used that capacity to any degree. It is obvious to anyone that understands even a 1/100000000000000000000000000 of a spec of truth. I know for a fact many of you do not believe you can. You are not good enough, not smart enough, not quick enough, not etc...

Truth is we are part of truth which gives us a capacity to understand ourselves. In that understanding is born something that gives rise to real questions. Why did you not catch that ball?
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  • #2
Ummm...so unless we see or believe in things that don't exist, we aren't living up to our potential?
  • #3
Zero, a question to you directly. Have you questioned what gravity to the point where the answer became an absolute reality to you? If you do not know what gravity is and it is the basis for all of creation how can you make any accessments?

What you post on these types of topics is what you believe am I not right? You have made a decision here correct. A decision is what we make when we do not know. When we know there is no decision to be made. I do not fault any individual for this, we have all done it many times in our lives. It usually gets answered when it becomes important enough.

Zero, why did you drop the ball?
  • #4
Who defines these borders? Do you?
People have beliefs. And whether they are fish or not, we are constrained by our experiences. A limiting of possibilities is not just acceptable, it is neccessary. What is not is that you throw away the possibility of other possibilities.

And again... I know for a fact? My thoughts are better than yours? How can you even begin to assert something like that? What if I say you are the fish, looking through the bowl at the world around you, and commenting on how they are constricted? How does the fish know whether he is inside the bowl looking at the infinities outside, or outside the bowl looking at the finite interior?

Food for thought?
  • #5
I became enlightened in 1987, I figured out what gravity was in 1991 I have had numerous visions, I have seen disasters and described them, I have pick the actual date and a aspects of a disaster with absolute certainty told everyone in the family people I work with etc... I am no different than you, but I have seen an know these things to be real. A few people came up to me in different situations, they were banwagon jumpers, I purposely diminished the experience to them because they would settle for this and would not have gone any further. I would rather see a question sit in their craw.

I see you treading on some questioning which are good and valid. Stomping on ones ego is a good and motivating force if it drives one internally further instead of outward in a blindness against someone or something else.

A human being is a chemical reaction wheater or not you believe in god/universal conscienceness or not. This reaction is under the complete control of "the law"/physics is it not? That would mean all aspects of the system are guided by these principles. How can any act on a relative system be eternal? There is forgiveness for acts now matter how bad, but the universe has a payment plan intrinsically placed. Perfect balance. This is what Jesus ment when he spoke of fogiveness and his comments on the law. I have directly interpreted this and it has never been said before. The "The Law" as is referred to in the bible is the law of physics causality itself.

I saw a my friends father one house down get healed after not being able to walk for seven years by a priest healer. I threw out the experience save for a cross which was handed out at the beginning of the sermon which was blackend as if it by lighting. I accepted nothing of that experience, but it drove me to understand more because I knew there was something there. Some inate ability which existed in human beings as part of system we do not totally understand. This is why 1991 happened and why I say what I do.

I am saying these things not because I expect you to believe or not believe, but sometimes when you hear certain things see certain things it triggers something inside you and suddenly you know there is something more and it unleashes an experience you did not believe was possible or knew existed.
  • #6
Then the fish in the bowl does not seem apt does it? Because, in your mind, you have put them in your bowl, and you outside it. Everybody "knows" the truth, TENYEARS. Everybody' truth just happens to be different.
  • #7
Originally posted by TENYEARS
Zero, a question to you directly. Have you questioned what gravity to the point where the answer became an absolute reality to you? If you do not know what gravity is and it is the basis for all of creation how can you make any accessments?

What you post on these types of topics is what you believe am I not right? You have made a decision here correct. A decision is what we make when we do not know. When we know there is no decision to be made. I do not fault any individual for this, we have all done it many times in our lives. It usually gets answered when it becomes important enough.

Zero, why did you drop the ball?

You say there is a ball. I say there is not. The only think you can offer to show that the ball exists is to say if I believe hard enough, I too will see the ball. That sounds like it borders mental illness, to assert that before you see evidence, you have to force your mind to see it.
  • #8
FZ, outside of what would be the real question. As to "Everybody "knows" the truth, TENYEARS. Everybody' truth just happens to be different." I applaud. Even when you have crossed that bridge that has no planks, this will still be true.

Zero, have you not ever been thown a ball and dropped it or missed it. If it was thrown to you in all reasonableness and you dropped it why? Is it that you could not catch the ball? Nope I know you can catch the ball so why did you drop it?

There is an obvious answer to this question which 99.9% of the people will take. Then there is a way which is not much different but gives rise to seening things in a new way. This in itself is the beginning of the awakening.
  • #9
Originally posted by TENYEARS

There is an obvious answer to this question which 99.9% of the people will take. Then there is a way which is not much different but gives rise to seening things in a new way. This in itself is the beginning of the awakening.

There is only one way to see: with your eyes.
  • #10
Originally posted by FZ+
Then the fish in the bowl does not seem apt does it? Because, in your mind, you have put them in your bowl, and you outside it. Everybody "knows" the truth, TENYEARS. Everybody' truth just happens to be different.

nope, we not aside from god/universal conscienceness anyway; the rest of us just have our own vantage points from which we gain a perspective on it. hence, unlike Zero argued, there are many ways to see.
  • #11
That's with a *little* flexible interpretation what I meant. We all undeniably see a different picture. We all in our minds feel the picture we see is true. But are our pictures one of the same thing, or do we each live in our own world? I assume the former.
  • #12
Originally posted by FZ+
That's with a *little* flexible interpretation what I meant. We all undeniably see a different picture. We all in our minds feel the picture we see is true. But are our pictures one of the same thing, or do we each live in our own world? I assume the former.

That's the point I was trying to make, andthat we all have the same senses to work with. If you see a bicycle, I shouldn't see a chainsaw. There is only one reality, and either we can all see something, or it doesn't exist.
  • #13
Originally posted by FZ+
We all in our minds feel the picture we see is true.

your "we" consists only of dillusional people then. :wink:

Originally posted by FZ+
But are our pictures one of the same thing, or do we each live in our own world? I assume the former.

the pictures are not one at all, the thing might be; if you see a bicycle, I shouldn't see a chainsaw, but i might get the impression of a 10-speed instead of a 12-speed, or partially obstructed and from a certain angle it may well look like a unicycle.
  • #14
Originally posted by kyleb
your "we" consists only of dillusional people then. :wink:

So when you say this to me, you believe you are saying a lie?
  • #15
Originally posted by kyleb
your "we" consists only of dillusional people then. :wink:

the pictures are not one at all, the thing might be; if you see a bicycle, I shouldn't see a chainsaw, but i might get the impression of a 10-speed instead of a 12-speed, or partially obstructed and from a certain angle it may well look like a unicycle.

Well, we should agree in general, don't you think? TENYEARS is talking about radical differences in perception...and such a radical shift requires radical proof.
  • #16
TENYEARS, I respect you as much as anyone else on this Forum. However, I think that the fact that you believe yourself to be more enlightened then I (or the other members) is making you feel superior to us. You feel no qualms about generalizing us ("fish"), or calling us "children", because your belief in enlightenment has you believing that you are the teacher and we are the students. In actual fact, any truly enlightened teacher should realize that s/he is also a student.
  • #17
Good reply, I do not think any less of anyone on this forum or anywhere else, that would not be possible and at the same time experience what I have. I may sometimes get angry, but that is all. I am a student on a daily basis as we all are and have learned from some of you.

Everything I have told you is true and yet I still question myself. I was told by a women I work with at one point not to tell her anything because she did not want to know. I had told her of a disaster that would happen and others I work with. I am not saying I see or know everything. I don't, not even close. But the amazing thing is is that it is real. Remember Joseph of the old testament. The important thing to remember is that the pharaoh had the dream of the 7 good and seven bad years. The cup bearer and the baker also had dreams. They came to pass.

Belief is what stifles all learning, I do not want you to believe me.
  • #18
Originally posted by FZ+
So when you say this to me, you believe you are saying a lie?

no, i believe you are leaving out those of us who accept that we only privy to partial impressions of the truth.
  • #19
The Advent of Color

From the thread, https://www.physicsforums.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=1307&perpage=15&pagenumber=9" ...

Originally posted by Iacchus32
Do you see my avatar to the left? Now this is an actual effect that I've been able to produce over and over again in my mind when I meditate. Now, unless you know how to do this for yourself, then the whole idea becomes pretty abstract. But, if I were to teach you how to do this (notice how I'm addressing "you" as an actual person?), i.e., you and so and so, and anyone else who was willing to participate, then we all might have what we term a "collective experience," and yes, then we would be able to compare notes ...

If you're interested, I briefly describe what it entails in the following thread, https://www.physicsforums.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=429". Also note that this is my 373rd post, as corresponds to the colors yellow (3), violet (7) and yellow (3), which portrays both sides of the yellow rings (303) incorporating the "violet patch" within (373). I explain the relationship between the numbers and colors in the thread. Hence it's a synchronistic event (I didn't plan it this way) which seems to coincide with today being Easter, the Day of Ascension. For indeed once this effect is achieved (in my mind), it signifies a resolution or "coming to terms" of the things I had been meditating on, at which point I begin to experience the sensation of everything being "lifted up" to a higher level (i.e., ascension).
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  • #20
Originally posted by kyleb
no, i believe you are leaving out those of us who accept that we only privy to partial impressions of the truth.
Hmmm... But you still feel your impressions, however partial, are true, don't you?
  • #21
possibly directly indicative of the truth, possibly inversely so. sometimes i am sitting in my car at a stoplight and out of the corner of my eye i see the car next to me move but push my foot down on my break harder because it seemed like i was the one moving. just because it is rare that i catch myself doing such things does not dismiss the possibility that similar things could be happening all the time.
  • #22
To Tenyears:
We all conform in behavior and thinking to some degree. I like the fish analogy because to accept it demands the we try to break free of conformist thinking- to do that might mean one gets called crazy but at least you might learn something knew- that analogy wasn't meant to demean others.
I'm not sure why I dropped the ball, but the prominent one is that I'm not perfect-I am not God otherwise I would always catch the ball, but that would be kind of boring.
If I were God I wouldn't want to catch the ball every time, maybe we are all a part of God in this way and enjoying imperfections...
To Keyleb:
That is interesting about the reflexive breaking response, I find myself doing the same sometimes or letting off the break when the car in front of me moves rather than the light changes green. I've been watching the "false-starters" now for a few years and I think one reason that they do it intentionally on a subconsciouslevel is primarily because it irritates all the people behind them- or gives them a sense of control over others. Can it actually make people feel better to irritae others? Like, "how to irritate people" by Monty Python. What do you think?
There are a many other types; the "slow to stop coasters", the "snail starters", the "tail gators', the "dual lane drivers", the "imaginary racecar drivers", the "mega jackass". It's not the only reason but people get a feeling of being in contol when they go out for a drive, where does this feeling come from and why do some people hate driving?
  • #23
Originally posted by TENYEARS
Good reply, I do not think any less of anyone on this forum or anywhere else, that would not be possible and at the same time experience what I have. I may sometimes get angry, but that is all. I am a student on a daily basis as we all are and have learned from some of you.

Everything I have told you is true and yet I still question myself. I was told by a women I work with at one point not to tell her anything because she did not want to know. I had told her of a disaster that would happen and others I work with. I am not saying I see or know everything. I don't, not even close. But the amazing thing is is that it is real. Remember Joseph of the old testament. The important thing to remember is that the pharaoh had the dream of the 7 good and seven bad years. The cup bearer and the baker also had dreams. They came to pass.

Belief is what stifles all learning, I do not want you to believe me.

Have you ever thought that your dreams have only coincidentally matched reality?

Also, Joseph rightly attributed all of his interpretations (of dreams) to Jehovah God (the God of the Bible). He didn't take any credit for himself.

Side Note: Your last sentence is paradoxical, much in the same way as the Liar's paradox.
  • #24
Mentat, There is a large and small noted differences in visions verses normal dreams there is in every vision a state of knowing in which you know it will happen. A regular dream flows along may have some common events or abstract events which you were thinking about or are part of your life. If I ever write a book I will put the exact events in there as occurred unaltered for reading.

The knowledge does not come from me, it is part of the universe. I just have the experience of the seeing. This is no special gift and I don't have it all the time.

Yes, I speak in paradox because some times paradox is what I realize as I speak.
  • #25
Originally posted by TENYEARS
Mentat, There is a large and small noted differences in visions verses normal dreams there is in every vision a state of knowing in which you know it will happen. A regular dream flows along may have some common events or abstract events which you were thinking about or are part of your life. If I ever write a book I will put the exact events in there as occurred unaltered for reading.

The knowledge does not come from me, it is part of the universe. I just have the experience of the seeing. This is no special gift and I don't have it all the time.

Yes, I speak in paradox because some times paradox is what I realize as I speak.

And when this happens, one must accept that they have left rational conversation.

Anyway, you are wrong about visions. I have dreamt things that would happen, and I wasn't sure (in fact I denied the dream), but they happened nontheless. However, I have had dreams wherein I had convictions that what I saw was real, and was going to happen, and they haven't come true.
  • #26
No two people have the same experience in life, they can have similar but do not neccessarily have to. I will tell you this, one day on another issue which I was going back and forth on and attempting for well over a year I suddenly realized after reading a novel which I never read, and suddenly realized that the author had actually experienced what he had written as one of the characters. It was not said, but I knew. The experience then happened to me. Statistical validity would be real interesting in this case. This event in particular was not a vision.

You have the ability and if you desire it enough it will happen. The question people usaully do not ask themselves is why do I desire it? When you desire it because you really want to know it will happen and in a way that there is no doubt.

There is also a leveling which will occur in your life afterward, because it may very well turn ones life upside down. Other cultures Tribal cultures, american indian, born agains, hatian voodo, etc... accept this as a norm but are written off usually in arrogance because of the "So called level of education, poeverty, etc..". What is overlooked is that these are human beings who do not have the trappings of modern day society.

Sometimes one may see or do something and then go back with the expectation before you get there. I would like to go back to the general question of dropping the ball.

Why would a person not catch a ball when the initial intent is to catch it. Someone posted I am not perfect and that is why I dropped the ball. That is the answer I would expect 99.9 to come up with. There is another which 99.9 may also come up with.
  • #27
What ball? Where is it? Can you stop speaking in riddles and empty platitudes for a minute and speak English?
  • #28
From the thread, https://www.physicsforums.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=1307&perpage=15&pagenumber=19" ...

Originally posted by Iacchus32
Originally posted by Iacchus32
What? The acknowledgment of truth is inborn? And hence the acknowledgment of God as well? You will "never" be able to prove the existence of God, to yourself or anyone else, unless you can get past this.

"Blessed art thou Peter, for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto you, but my Father which is in heaven ..."

How do you know 1 + 1 = 2? Wouldn't the obvious answer be because you can see that it's so? Does flesh and blood have to reveal it to you? (i.e., through the external senses). No.

This is the difference between knowledge and wisdom. Wisdom is inborn. Knowlegde deals with dead "external facts."

If in fact God exists, then this cancels out everything which has been said so far.
Now why do I somehow sense this is the furthest thing from everyone's mind, to "prove the existence of God?" Could it be that we're all entrenched in our own views, and haven't the slightest inclination to go beyond what we've "formally" (i.e., formal = form = external) been taught?

What's the difference between the "established view" and an economic cash cow? Not much I suppose? There's a nice profit to be made for those who buy into it (or at least maintain a comfortable living), so long as "nobody" changes the way that it's "set up." Hmm... Now why would we want to do that?
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  • #29
I must say if my subconscious saw you as fish then that is what I see you as. This is not an insult, but a facet of your beliefs and the manner of your speaking. Some of you have promise, but if you hang out with ducks you act like one. No offense to ducks, if you were one you would proably be much closer to englightenment. Adios for a while or maybe for good.
  • #30
I must say if my subconscious saw you as fish then that is what I see you as. This is not an insult, but a facet of your beliefs and the manner of your speaking.
Surely what your subconscious saw someone as says more about YOUR beliefs and the manner of YOUR speaking?
  • #31
bah! Utter gibberish.
  • #32
Originally posted by TENYEARS
I must say if my subconscious saw you as fish then that is what I see you as. This is not an insult, but a facet of your beliefs and the manner of your speaking. Some of you have promise, but if you hang out with ducks you act like one. No offense to ducks, if you were one you would proably be much closer to englightenment. Adios for a while or maybe for good.

What you see only reflects YOU, not others...a distinction you seem to struggle with.
  • #33
Originally posted by Zero
What you see only reflects YOU, not others...a distinction you seem to struggle with.
If he says his subconscious saw you as fish, then it's correct for him to say he sees you as fish (although it still reflects himself). Don't underestimate the power of the subconscious.
  • #34
Originally posted by Iacchus32
If he says his subconscious saw you as fish, then it's correct for him to say he sees you as fish (although it still reflects himself). Don't underestimate the power of the subconscious.

What I am objecting to is the idea that his internal workings are accruate, and truly represent reality.
  • #35
Originally posted by Zero
What I am objecting to is the idea that his internal workings are accruate, and truly represent reality.
It sounds like it does for him. The subsconscious doesn't usually lie about such things (IMO).

But then again this is something everybody has to grapple with which, only becomes compounded when things like this occur.