Former Premed wants to Quantum Computation/Computational Neuroscience

In summary: However, a premed or physics major would be much better prepared for a career in computational neuroscience than someone with a double degree in biochemistry and physics.In summary, this person is interested in the convergence of quantum computation and computational neuroscience, and they feel that a physics education would be beneficial in this field. They also mention that there is a lot of overlap between the two fields, but that a premed or physics major would be better prepared for a career in computational neuroscience.
  • #1
Hey guys!

I have a double degree in Biochem (B.S.) & Physics (B.A.) from Virginia, and I wanted to request some career guidance.

Initially in college, I was a premed staying on the Biochem. Then I discovered the awesomeness that was Feynman and rest of physics. String theory really pulled me into physics, when I was in like 7th grade, but anyways.

So I graduated, not with the greatest GPA in the world, ~3.0. I think the double degree was a mistake, but life goes on.

Currently, I'm taking summer courses at Cornell (Intermediate Mechanics, Math. Phys., Quantum, & Intermediate E&M). I never took Mechanics and E&M in college, so I'm taking it now. Already took Quantum, but wanted a refresher because it's been a long time.

Anyways, I'm not a premed anymore, need to retake the GREs one more time, got a 600 in Physics, which is good enough.

As far as interests go, I have a really peculiar interest in the convergence of Quantum computation and computational neuroscience. I feel like this convergence will occur sometime in the future and a career that specializes in the either discipline would be beneficial. I've always wanted to study the brain, still do, but I feel like with a physics background, I would go in prepared. Quantum computation also grabbed my interest as the theory seems very much applicable in the near future.

Any suggestions as to a career path? I know UNC has a computational neurophysics lab and I'm sure people would interest the idea of studying quantum computational applications in the brain. Or I could be completely wrong. My plan was to apply in the fall for 09 entry. Do well at Cornell and then score on the GREs to get into a decent grad school.

Are there any schools that would accept this weird interest I have?

Thanks in advance!
Physics news on
  • #2
"quantum computational applications in the brain"?

That sounds like something Penrose might be interested in.
Whether or not we need to take ANY "quantum effects" into account in order to understand what is going on in the brain is a very controversial topic, a very small minority (including Penrose) thinks that we need QM/QC, BUT a majority disagrees (and there are all sorts of good reason for that, we can be very sure that the brain is NOT a quantum computer).
There is of course a lot of new-age books etc written about QM and the brain, but that has nothing to do with science.

It is very possible that there is some overlap between QC and computational neuroscience, but if so it would be in the way algorithms etc are studied, e.g. some of the formalism might be the same; but there is no (obvious) common physical foundation.
(it is worth noting that much of the formalism and many of the ideas used in QC comes from the field of reversible computing which has been around for a very long time and is not directly connected to quantum mechanics).
  • #3
f95toli put things very nicely.

You might try to pick out some neurophysics articles in Nature or Science to get an idea about some of the interesting recent work in the field. That will also give you some names to google.
  • #4
yeah..i very much agree f95toli. I'm just interested in the two fields as far as where they can take us in the future wrt to AI and other applications. I took a QC course and the closest thing I found to penrose was a Quantum Neural Network. I think a biological model of a QNN would not be feasible, but theories of comp. neurosci. and QNNs share some similarities.

I was just wondering if there was a place that would offer me the flexibility of dabbling in both fields. I hear a lot of theoretical condensed matter people go into this stuff. My friend at UIUC said there's a lot of people there that have this kind of interest.

But thanks for the info. Will check out the google articles.

Keep posting!
  • #5
I have a really peculiar interest in the convergence of Quantum computation and computational neuroscience. I feel like this convergence will occur sometime in the future

This "convergence" of course will only happen if it turns out to be true that the brain is actually a quantum computer. While there are a few people out there pushing this idea (Hameroff, Penrose etc) the prevailing opinion in the field is that the brain is probably a classical computer. To my knowledge there have been no observations that are inconsistent with classical computation going on in the brain. We also know some things about the physics of building a quantum computer which make it seem highly unlikely to be occurring in the warm wet environment of the brain.

This is not to say that a physics education would be worthless in computational neuroscience. That definitely not the case. Actually, it seems that the majority of computational neuroscientists have a physics background. Much of the theoretical tools used for computational neuroscience were borrowed from physics or computer science.
  • #7
In my opinoin there is a need for quantum computing in neuroscience. Not in the way you guys see it, but in a different point of view. The molecular view that is. Of course you could model the brain as a system any way you'd like, but I think that you first should look at the quantum level in the brain, do some calculations on that and derive some good afterthought in how the thing works.

One field where QC should be feasible is a monte carlo-approach to what happens in the neurons, modeling catalysators, inhibitors and reactions in the brain at the quantum level.

And I don't necessarily mean the qubits or stuff like that, more quantum computations using computational physics.
  • #8
Actually I wouldn't even say the brain is a classical computer. Brain operates analogically, classical models of computation operate in a discrete fashion.
  • #9
kangaroo said:
Actually I wouldn't even say the brain is a classical computer. Brain operates analogically, classical models of computation operate in a discrete fashion.

I meant classical to mean "not-quantum". Not to mean that the brain was anything like modern engineered computers. I would still refer to an analog computer made with running water and tinkertoys as being classical in this context.

Still though, it's not fair to say that the brain operates in analog. Neuronal spikes are discrete events. It is an open question whether the computation is done by the timing of individual spikes or by cell's firing rates over some period of time. The former is a discrete mode of computation and the latter is analog.

As with most such controversies in neuroscience, the answer is likely to be that both discrete and analog mechanisms of computation are used by the brain.
  • #10
It's true that spikes are mostly discrete events, but the variables that determinate whether or not spiking occurs are analog (such as ion concentration, membrane potential etc etc)

FAQ: Former Premed wants to Quantum Computation/Computational Neuroscience

1. How can someone transition from a pre-med background to quantum computation/computational neuroscience?

There are a few ways someone with a pre-med background can transition into quantum computation or computational neuroscience. One option is to enroll in a graduate program in one of these fields and take relevant courses to build a strong foundation. Another option is to take online courses or attend workshops to gain knowledge in a specific area of interest. Additionally, networking with professionals and researchers in the field can also provide valuable insights and opportunities.

2. What skills are necessary for someone with a pre-med background to succeed in quantum computation/computational neuroscience?

Some important skills for success in quantum computation or computational neuroscience include strong mathematical and computational skills, critical thinking and problem-solving abilities, and a solid understanding of biology and neuroscience principles. Additionally, having a curiosity and passion for learning about new technologies and advancements in these fields can also be beneficial.

3. Are there any specific research areas within quantum computation/computational neuroscience that someone with a pre-med background can focus on?

Yes, there are several research areas within quantum computation and computational neuroscience that may be of interest to someone with a pre-med background. These include studying the brain's neural networks and connectivity, developing algorithms and models for analyzing brain data, and using quantum computing to simulate and understand biological processes.

4. How can quantum computation/computational neuroscience be applied in the medical field?

There are many potential applications of quantum computation and computational neuroscience in the medical field. These include developing more accurate and efficient medical imaging techniques, designing personalized treatment plans for patients based on their brain activity, and advancing our understanding of neurological disorders and diseases.

5. What are some resources for someone with a pre-med background to learn more about quantum computation/computational neuroscience?

There are a variety of resources available for someone with a pre-med background to learn more about quantum computation and computational neuroscience. These include online courses and tutorials, conferences and workshops, and books and research articles. It can also be helpful to join professional organizations or reach out to experts in the field for guidance and advice.

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