Free Neutrons - What interacts with them?

  • Thread starter Chaos' lil bro Order
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In summary, the conversation discusses the possible interactions of free neutrons, specifically with regards to photons and in the context of nuclear reactors. It is mentioned that free neutrons can interact with certain nuclei through the strong interaction, and that cadmium is a good neutron absorber due to its high interaction cross section with neutrons.
  • #1
Chaos' lil bro Order
Hey, I was wondering about possible interaction with free neutrons and if any have been seen experimentally. Here is a quote from hyperphysics:

'A free neutron will decay with a half-life of about 10.3 minutes but it is stable if combined into a nucleus.'

Can a photon interact with the free neutron before it undergoes its weak interaction decay?
Physics news on
  • #2
Hi order, it is possible for a photon and a neutron to interact. The neutron is electrically neutral and so low energy photons would not do the job. However, when the photons have high enough energy they can "see" the quarks that the neutron is composed of. Quarks do have electric charge and so interact with photons.
  • #3
The neutron also has a magnetic moment, weak though it is, so it will also interact through that mechanism. In fact, you can measure magnetization transitions using neutron scattering in this way.
  • #4
Chaos' lil bro Order said:
Hey, I was wondering about possible interaction with free neutrons and if any have been seen experimentally. Here is a quote from hyperphysics:

The main interaction of (slow) free neutrons before decay is with certain nucleae, often through the strong interaction. This can be capture, (in)elastic scattering or genuine nuclear reactions. For instance, there is a big interaction cross section with Boron-10, Helium-3, lithium-6,gadolinium-157,-uranium-235, and these reactions are often used in a thermal neutron detector, because the reaction products are electrically charged and quite energetic, so easily detected by an ionisation-sensitive detector (charge collection, scintillation...).
  • #5
Er... free neutrons are the ones that intract with uranium nuclei to initiate fission in our nuclear reactors. So yes, they can interact.

  • #6
Doesn't the neutron react with the uranium nuclei, and not a photon in nuclear reactors?
  • #7
Who is addressing "photon" in nuclear reactors?

  • #8
Can a photon interact with the free neutron before it undergoes its weak interaction decay?
The thread starter?

He doesn't ask if the neutron interpheres with the nucleus, he asks if the neutron can interact with a photon.
  • #9
Yeah, but in a nuclear reactor? I was the one who brought up the example in a nuclear reactor. The OP only wanted to know if neutrons interact with anything, and brought up a question of neutron interacting with a photon.

  • #10
ZapperZ said:
Yeah, but in a nuclear reactor? I was the one who brought up the example in a nuclear reactor. The OP only wanted to know if neutrons interact with anything, and brought up a question of neutron interacting with a photon.


Yes, you are both right. I first asked whether the free neutron could interact with anything, but then specifically asked whether a photon would interact with it. I should have wrote the fission example into my question as one example, since its the easy obvious one.

My question was flawed, not your responses. I guess I really just wanted to know if a photon interacts with a free neutron, so then?
  • #11
vanesch said:
The main interaction of (slow) free neutrons before decay is with certain nucleae, often through the strong interaction. This can be capture, (in)elastic scattering or genuine nuclear reactions. For instance, there is a big interaction cross section with Boron-10, Helium-3, lithium-6,gadolinium-157,-uranium-235, and these reactions are often used in a thermal neutron detector, because the reaction products are electrically charged and quite energetic, so easily detected by an ionisation-sensitive detector (charge collection, scintillation...).

Great answer Varn, ty.

Maybe you can help me understand why Cadmium is such a good neutron absorber (ie. cadmium control rods in nuclear reactors)...

FAQ: Free Neutrons - What interacts with them?

1. What is a free neutron?

A free neutron is a subatomic particle with no electrical charge. It is found in the nucleus of an atom along with protons, which have a positive charge.

2. What interacts with free neutrons?

Free neutrons can interact with other particles through the strong nuclear force, electromagnetic force, and weak nuclear force. They can also interact with gravity, but this is negligible at the atomic scale.

3. Can free neutrons be found outside of an atom?

Yes, free neutrons can be found outside of an atom in certain conditions, such as in a nuclear reactor or during a nuclear reaction. However, they have a very short lifespan and will eventually decay into other particles.

4. How are free neutrons used in scientific research?

Free neutrons are used in a variety of scientific research, including nuclear physics, materials science, and medical imaging. They can also be used to create new elements and study the behavior of matter under extreme conditions.

5. How do we detect free neutrons?

There are several methods for detecting free neutrons, including using a neutron detector, which uses materials that emit light when struck by a neutron, or utilizing a scintillator, which produces a flash of light when a neutron passes through it. Neutrons can also be detected using a cloud chamber or bubble chamber, which visualize the paths of particles passing through them.

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