Can a function have two parameters and still retain the property of uniqueness?

In summary, a function with one parameter can have the property of uniqueness, meaning that no two different inputs will give the same output. However, it is impossible to define a function with two parameters that retains this property. There are messy ways to define such a function, but they are not considered "nice." One example is using the decimal expansions of x and y to define a function from the unit square to the unit interval. Another example is using prime numbers to define a function, but this only works for integer inputs. Ultimately, it is not possible to define a two parameter function that is one-to-one for all real inputs.
  • #1
Function "uniqueness"..

Ok, pardon the complete lack of terminology here.

I can define a function with one parameter such that no two different inputs give the same output. Example:

f(x) = x + 1

No value of x gives the same result as another value of x.

I believe that it is impossible to define a function which accepts two parameters, yet retains this property of "uniqueness". Am I correct? Is there a name for what I am trying to describe?

I'm pretty sure I am correct, but I have no idea how to prove it.

Lets say I have a function

f(a,b) = k

where k is some sort of calculation.

if k is arithmetic, i can break the uniqueness by doing the calculation outside f, and then feeding 0 as one of the parameters

f(a,b) = k = f(k,0)

if k is geometric I can do the same as above, only pass 1 instead of 0. Outside of these two classes of functions (and the trivial one where a or b is omitted in the calculation of the function) I can't seem to find a good way of proving myself.

Proving this for more and more "classes of calculations" seem futile, I'm not even sure everything can be categorized as neatly as arithmetic and geometric functions can. There might be a better way of going about this?

All feedback is welcome.

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  • #2

There is no "nice" way to define a two parameter function with a unique value. However, there are messy looking ways. Example consider the decimal expansions of x and y:
0.x1x2x3x4x5x6x7... and 0.y1y2y3y4y5y6y7...
Then define z=f(x,y) by:
Note that this works from the unit square to the unit interval.
To do the whole real line, to get x and y use an arctan transformation (properly normalized) and the reverse process (tan) to go from z to the whole real line.

Normalization involves shifting the interval and dividing or multiplying by pi.
  • #3

What you're looking for is called a function that is one to one. It is also called injection/injective.

A typical example is: f(x,y) = a^x * b^y where a, b are primes that don't equal each other.

Ex: let f(x,y) = 2^x * 3 ^ y

It should be easy to see that f(3,4) = 2^3 * 3^4 is a unique number or the fundumental theorem of mathematics (sometimes called of arithmetic) would be contradicted.
  • #4

mistermath said:
What you're looking for is called a function that is one to one. It is also called injection/injective.

A typical example is: f(x,y) = a^x * b^y where a, b are primes that don't equal each other.

Ex: let f(x,y) = 2^x * 3 ^ y

It should be easy to see that f(3,4) = 2^3 * 3^4 is a unique number or the fundumental theorem of mathematics (sometimes called of arithmetic) would be contradicted.
This is good as long as x and y are integers. However, for real x and y, you would lose uniqueness.
  • #5

Thanks a lot to both of you, I was clearly wrong in assuming that it cannot be done.


FAQ: Can a function have two parameters and still retain the property of uniqueness?

1. What is function uniqueness?

Function uniqueness refers to the property of a mathematical function that each input has only one corresponding output. This means that no two different inputs can produce the same output.

2. Why is function uniqueness important?

Function uniqueness is important because it ensures that the relationship between inputs and outputs in a function is clear and unambiguous. It also allows for the use of inverse functions, which can be helpful in solving equations and understanding the behavior of a function.

3. Can a function have more than one input for a given output?

No, a function can only have one input for a given output. If there are multiple inputs that produce the same output, then the function is not unique and is considered a multivalued function.

4. How can you determine if a function is unique?

A function is unique if every input has only one corresponding output. This can be determined by graphing the function and ensuring that no two points on the graph have the same x-value. Alternatively, you can use the vertical line test, where a vertical line drawn on the graph should only intersect the function once.

5. Can a function be both unique and non-unique?

No, a function cannot be both unique and non-unique. It is either one or the other. If a function is not unique, it means that there are multiple inputs that produce the same output. If a function is unique, then each input has only one corresponding output.

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