Fundamental matrix linear system equivalent to linear matrix system

  • #1
member 731016
Homework Statement
In my lecture notes I have ##Φ'(t) = AΦ(t) ⟷ x'(t) = Ax##. I am trying to understand why.
Relevant Equations
##Φ'(t) = AΦ(t) ⟷ x'(t) = Ax##
My working is ,
Consider case where the there are two linearly independent solutions
##x'(t) = c_1x' + c_2y' = A(c_1x + c_2y)##
##(x'~y')(c_1~c_2)^T = A(x~y)(c_1~c_2)^T##

Then cancelling coefficient matrix I get,
##(x'~y')= A(x~y)##
##Φ'(t) = AΦ(t) ## by definition of 2 x 2 fundamental matrix

Does someone please know whether this proof is correct?
Physics news on
  • #2
What is the difference between ##\phi(t)## and ##x(t)##? How are both defined?
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  • #3
What do you get if you differentiate [itex]x(t) = \Phi(t)x_0[/itex] for constant [itex]x_0[/itex]?
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