G Force upon falling object on impact

In summary, the conversation discussed determining at what point a measurement device goes out of calibration when dropped and expressing it in g-force. The necessary information to calculate this includes the size, weight, and height of the device, as well as the speed at which it stops. Attaching accelerometers for measurement is recommended.
  • #1
Hi Guys,

I have been asked to find out at what point a measurement device go out of calibration when dropped and express that in a g as in G force.

Its been 15 years since I studied physics (for 3 years), I do rememeber a bit but I need some help..

I have the size and weight (mass) of the device
It is dropped from a set height to a concrete floor. Assume no absortion by the floor.
After dropping we check to see if it still measures properly and if it does, increase the height until the readins is incorrect. At this point we will say the unit can expreience 'x' G force before calibration is required again.

Height = 1m (for example)
Gravity = 9.8 (unless something has changed since I was at school)

What other parameters do I need to know and what formula do I need to use.

thanks in advnance..

Cheers, Ben
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  • #2
You need to know how fast the object stops...that's basically the only information you need.

In other words, during the entire fall, the object is essentially weightless (feels 0 g's), while it is on the floor, it experiences 1g of force acting on it; but most of the g's will come from when the object is stopped by the floor. Without knowing how fast the object stops, we can't tell the g's.
  • #3
Sine you're actually testing, it would be best to attach accelerometers and measure the acceleration. It is extremely difficult to calculate accurately.

FAQ: G Force upon falling object on impact

1. What is the definition of G Force upon falling object on impact?

The G Force upon falling object on impact is a measure of the acceleration experienced by an object when it comes into contact with a surface after falling from a certain height. It is a unit of measurement used to describe the amount of force exerted on an object due to gravity.

2. How is G Force upon falling object on impact calculated?

The G Force upon falling object on impact is calculated by dividing the impact force by the mass of the object. The impact force is calculated by multiplying the mass of the object by the acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s2).

3. What factors affect the G Force upon falling object on impact?

The G Force upon falling object on impact is affected by the mass of the object, the height from which it falls, and the surface it impacts. The higher the mass and the height, the greater the G Force upon impact. A harder surface will also result in a higher G Force.

4. What is the relationship between G Force upon falling object on impact and injury?

The G Force upon falling object on impact can cause injury to an object or person. The human body can typically withstand up to 5 G's of force before injury occurs. However, the exact level of G Force that will cause injury depends on various factors such as the duration of the impact, the direction of the force, and the body's position during impact.

5. Can the G Force upon falling object on impact be reduced?

The G Force upon falling object on impact can be reduced by increasing the duration of the impact or by using materials that can absorb or dissipate the force. This is why safety measures such as airbags and cushioning materials are used in cars and other equipment to reduce the impact force and protect the passengers from injury.

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