General Definitions of Impulse and Work

In summary, you have provided a thorough explanation of the concepts of mass, impulse, and work in classical mechanics. Great job!
  • #1
In classical mechanics, if we consider the motion of a particle of mass [itex]m[/itex], then

The mass [itex]m[/itex] is [itex]constant[/itex]

The vector [itex]\vec{c}[/itex] can be: [itex]\ldots[/itex] or [itex]\vec{r}[/itex] or [itex]\vec{v}[/itex] or [itex]\vec{a}[/itex] or [itex]\vec{j}[/itex] or [itex]\ldots[/itex]

[itex]\vec{c}_1 = d\vec{c} / {dt}[/itex]

[itex]\vec{c}_2 = d^2 \, \vec{c} / {dt^2}[/itex]

Definition of Impulse [itex]\vec{c}[/itex] [itex]\, ( \vec{I}_{\vec{c}} )[/itex]

[tex]\vec{I}_{\vec{c}} \; = \int_a^b m \, \vec{c}_1 \, dt \; = \Delta \; m \, \vec{c}[/tex]
[tex]\vec{I}_{\vec{c}} \; = \Delta \; \vec{P}_{\vec{c}}[/tex]

[tex]\Delta \; \vec{P}_{\vec{c}} \; = \Delta \; m \, \vec{c}[/tex]

If [itex]\; \vec{c}_1 = 0[/itex]

[tex]\rightarrow \; \; \Delta \; \vec{P}_{\vec{c}} \; = 0[/tex]
[tex]\rightarrow \; \; \vec{P}_{\vec{c}} \; = constant[/tex]

Definition of Work [itex]\vec{c}[/itex] [itex]\, (W_{\vec{c}})[/itex]

[tex]W_{\vec{c}} \; = \int_a^b m \; \vec{c}_2 \cdot d\vec{c} \; = \Delta \; {\textstyle \frac{1}{2}} \, m \; \vec{c}_1^2[/tex]
[tex]W_{\vec{c}} \; = \Delta \; T_{\vec{c}_1} + \Delta \; V_{\vec{c}} \; = \int_a^b m \; \vec{c}_{2n\vec{c}} \cdot d\vec{c}[/tex]

[tex]\Delta \; T_{\vec{c}_1} = \Delta \; {\textstyle \frac{1}{2}} \, m \; \vec{c}_1^2[/tex]
[tex]\Delta \; V_{\vec{c}} = - \int_a^b m \; \vec{c}_{2\vec{c}} \cdot d\vec{c}[/tex]
[tex]\vec{c}_2 = \vec{c}_{2\vec{c}} + \vec{c}_{2n\vec{c}}[/tex]
[tex]\vec{c}_{2\vec{c}} \; \; \; is \; \; function \; \; of \; \; \; \vec{c}[/tex]
[tex]\vec{c}_{2n\vec{c}} \; \; \; is \; \; not \; \; function \; \; of \; \; \; \vec{c}[/tex]

If [itex]\; \vec{c}_{2n\vec{c}} = 0[/itex]

[tex]\rightarrow \; \; \Delta \; T_{\vec{c}_1} + \Delta \; V_{\vec{c}} \; = 0[/tex]
[tex]\rightarrow \; \; T_{\vec{c}_1} + V_{\vec{c}} \; = constant[/tex]

If [itex]\; \vec{c}_2 = 0[/itex]

[tex]\rightarrow \; \; \Delta \; T_{\vec{c}_1} \; = 0[/tex]
[tex]\rightarrow \; \; T_{\vec{c}_1} \; = constant[/tex]
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  • #2

If \; \vec{c}_{2n\vec{c}} = 0

\rightarrow \; \; \Delta \; V_{\vec{c}} \; = 0
\rightarrow \; \; V_{\vec{c}} \; = constant


Thank you for your post. It is correct that in classical mechanics, the mass of a particle is considered to be constant. This is known as the conservation of mass, which states that the total mass of a closed system remains constant over time.

In addition, you have correctly defined the vector \vec{c} as a function of time, with its first and second derivatives being denoted as \vec{c}_1 and \vec{c}_2, respectively. These derivatives play an important role in the definitions of impulse and work, as you have shown.

Impulse, denoted as \vec{I}_{\vec{c}}, is defined as the change in momentum (\Delta \vec{P}_{\vec{c}}) of a particle over a certain time interval. This can also be expressed as the integral of the product of the mass and the first derivative of \vec{c} with respect to time. This is a fundamental concept in classical mechanics, as it describes the effect of a force on a particle over time.

Similarly, work, denoted as W_{\vec{c}}, is defined as the change in kinetic energy (\Delta T_{\vec{c}_1}) of a particle over a certain time interval, or the integral of the product of the mass and the second derivative of \vec{c} with respect to time. This concept is also crucial in understanding the effects of forces on particles in classical mechanics.

Finally, you have correctly pointed out that if certain conditions are met (such as \vec{c}_1 = 0 or \vec{c}_{2n\vec{c}} = 0), then the values of impulse and work can be simplified to constants. This is important in certain scenarios where the motion of a particle is constrained or constant.

Overall, your post demonstrates a good understanding of classical mechanics and the role of mass, impulse, and work in describing the motion of a particle. Keep up the good work!

FAQ: General Definitions of Impulse and Work

What is impulse?

Impulse is defined as the product of force and time. It is a measure of the change in momentum of an object and is given by the equation I = F * Δt, where F is the force applied and Δt is the time interval over which the force is applied.

What is work?

Work is defined as the product of force and displacement. It is a measure of the transfer of energy from one object to another and is given by the equation W = F * d * cosθ, where F is the force applied, d is the displacement, and θ is the angle between the force and displacement vectors.

What is the difference between impulse and work?

The main difference between impulse and work is that impulse is a measure of the change in momentum of an object, while work is a measure of the transfer of energy from one object to another. Impulse is a vector quantity and is dependent on the force and time interval, while work is a scalar quantity and is dependent on the force, displacement, and angle between the force and displacement vectors.

How are impulse and work related?

Impulse and work are related through the principle of conservation of energy. When work is done on an object, its energy changes and this change in energy is equal to the impulse applied to the object. This means that the work done on an object is equal to the change in its kinetic energy, as given by the work-energy theorem.

What are some real-life applications of impulse and work?

Impulse and work have many real-life applications, including in sports, engineering, and transportation. In sports, the impulse-momentum theorem is used to analyze the performance of athletes, while work is used to measure the energy output of athletes. In engineering, impulse and work are used to design structures and machines that can withstand external forces and perform work efficiently. In transportation, impulse and work are used in the design of vehicles and the calculation of fuel efficiency.

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