General rule for a confusing series

In summary, the conversation discusses the possibility of a general rule for the sum of consecutive powers, where both n and a are positive integers. It is suggested that such a rule exists in terms of the Hurwitz zeta function or Bernoulli Polynomials. The conversation also delves into a method for proving these formulas and provides an example using the sum of consecutive integers.
  • #1

I am a year 12 IB maths HL student... and i was wondering about the possibility of a general rule for a particular problem... I was looking at the following rules, which came up in a basic textbook exercise on mathematical induction.

1+2+3+4+...+n=(n^2+n)/2 where n is a positive integer
(1^2)+(2^2)+...+(n^2)=(n(n+1)(2n+1))/6, where n is a positive integer

I was wondering if there exists a rule for the case.

(1^a)+(2^a)+(3^a)+(4^a)+...+(n^a), where both n and a are positive integers.

This problem has been bugging me for quite some time. I had the feeling that the problem may be slightly different for odd values of a as opposed to even values of a.

Also, if there does indeed exist a general rule or rules for this case, I was wondering if someone could give an outline as to the method used to prove this (as I'm not so confident in attempting it for myself).
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  • #2
yes it exists in terms of the Hurwitz zeta function or Bernoulli Polynomials

if 'm' is an integer

[tex] 1+2^{m}+...+k^{m} = \frac{B_{m+1}(k)-B_{m+1}(0)}{m+1} [/tex]

otherwise you need the Hurwitz zeta function.. look at this at wikipedia.
  • #3
Jesseac said:
if someone could give an outline as to the method used to prove this (as I'm not so confident in attempting it for myself).

I don't know a general rule for discovering formulas for sums, but proving they work is often straightforward. If you think that [tex] \sum_{i=0}^n a_i = G(n) [/tex]
then see if you can write [tex] G(n) [/tex] as [tex] F(n+1) - F(0) [/tex] for some [tex] F(n) [/tex] with the property that [tex] \triangle F(n) = F(n+1) - F(n) = a_n [/tex].

If you can do that, you're done, since for such a [tex] F(n) [/tex],

[tex] \sum_{i=0}^n a_n = \sum_{i=0}^n (F(n+1)-F(n))[/tex]

[tex]=(F[1] - F[0]) + (F[2] - F[1] ) + (F(3) - F(2)) + ... (F(n+1) - F(n) ) [/tex]

which "telescopes" to [tex] F(n+1) - F(0) [/tex]

Example: [tex] a_n = n [/tex]
[tex] G(n) = \frac{(n)(n+1)}{2}[/tex]
[tex] F(n) = \frac{(n-1)(n)}{2} [/tex]

[tex] \triangle F(n) = \frac{(n)(n+1)}{2} - \frac{(n-1)(n)}{2} [/tex]
[tex] = \frac{n^2 + n}{2} - \frac{n^2 - n }{2} = n = a_n [/tex]
You can also invent summation formulas for complicated looking sequences by setting [tex] F(n) [/tex] equal to some formula and working backwards to the series that it sums.

FAQ: General rule for a confusing series

1. What is a general rule for a confusing series?

A general rule for a confusing series is a set of guidelines that can be used to analyze and understand a complex or puzzling series of data. It helps to identify patterns, trends, and relationships within the series.

2. Why is a general rule important for a confusing series?

A general rule is important because it provides a structured approach to analyzing a confusing series. It helps to make sense of the data and allows for more accurate interpretations and predictions.

3. How can a general rule be applied to a confusing series?

A general rule can be applied by first identifying the type of series (numerical, categorical, etc.) and then using appropriate statistical methods and techniques to analyze the data. This may involve looking for patterns, calculating measures of central tendency and variability, and creating visual representations.

4. Are there different types of general rules for confusing series?

Yes, there are various types of general rules that can be used for different types of series. For example, there are different approaches for analyzing time series data compared to cross-sectional data. It is important to choose the appropriate general rule based on the type of series being analyzed.

5. Can a general rule be used for any type of confusing series?

In general, yes. However, some series may be more complex and may require more advanced statistical techniques or multiple general rules to fully understand. It is important to carefully consider the data and the goals of the analysis when selecting a general rule.
