Ground state of 3 noninteracting Fermions in an infinite well

In summary, the conversation discusses Zettili's Quantum Mechanics and the determination of the energy and wave function of three identical spin 1/2 particles in a one-dimensional infinite potential well. One possible configuration is presented, but it is questioned whether it is incorrect due to identical fermions in the same state and a determinant that is not anti-symmetric. After further discussion, a correction is proposed involving two fermions in the ground state with opposite spins and one in the first excited state with spin up.
  • #1
In Zettili's Quantum Mechanics, page 477, he wants to determine the energy and wave function of the ground state of three non-interacting identical spin 1/2 particles confined in a one-dimensional infinite potential well of length a. He states that one possible configuration of the ground state wave function is the one as presented in the .PNG.
But this shows that there are particles in the same state, despite being fermions. Also, by expanding the determinant, the result isn't anti-symmetric under an exchange of a pair of particles. Is there something wrong here?


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  • #2
RicardoMP said:
In Zettili's Quantum Mechanics, page 477, he wants to determine the energy and wave function of the ground state of three non-interacting identical spin 1/2 particles confined in a one-dimensional infinite potential well of length a. He states that one possible configuration of the ground state wave function is the one as presented in the .PNG.
But this shows that there are particles in the same state, despite being fermions. Also, by expanding the determinant, the result isn't anti-symmetric under an exchange of a pair of particles. Is there something wrong here?
You are correct. The second row of the determinant is identical to the first which will of course make the determinant zero. This looks like a typo to me. The second row wavefunctions should have subscripts "3" instead of "1" for this to make sense.
  • #3
Are the first and second rows really identical? The spins for the first two terms of each mentioned row have different spin states. Otherwise yes, the determinant would be zero. However, despite the configuration being one that doesn't cancel the determinant, it is one that involves identical fermions in the same state. Indeed, I agree this might be a typo.
  • #4
RicardoMP said:
Are the first and second rows really identical?
They are not. I was too hasty. Let me think for a moment about what it should be in determinant form.
  • #5
I think it should be
\psi_1(x_1)|+> & \psi_1(x_2)|+> & \psi_1(x_3)|+> \\
\psi_1(x_1)|-> & \psi_1(x_2)|-> & \psi_1(x_3)|-> \\
\psi_2(x_1)|+> & \psi_2(x_2)|+> & \psi_2(x_3)|+>
This is antisymmetric under particle exchange and places two fermions in the ground state with opposite spins and one in the first excited state with spin up.

FAQ: Ground state of 3 noninteracting Fermions in an infinite well

What is the "Ground state of 3 noninteracting Fermions in an infinite well"?

The ground state of 3 noninteracting Fermions in an infinite well refers to the lowest energy state of a system comprised of three identical particles (Fermions) confined in an infinite potential well. This system is often used as a model to study the behavior of electrons in atoms.

Why is the "Ground state of 3 noninteracting Fermions in an infinite well" important in scientific research?

The ground state of this system is important in scientific research because it provides insights into the behavior of electrons in atoms and other quantum systems. It also serves as a benchmark for understanding more complex systems and can be used to develop theoretical models and equations.

How is the "Ground state of 3 noninteracting Fermions in an infinite well" calculated?

The ground state of this system can be calculated using various mathematical methods, such as the Hartree-Fock method or the variational method. These methods involve solving the Schrödinger equation for the system and finding the energy state with the lowest possible energy.

What are the properties of the "Ground state of 3 noninteracting Fermions in an infinite well"?

The ground state of this system is characterized by certain properties, such as the spatial distribution of the particles, their energy levels, and their spin states. These properties can be further analyzed and studied to understand the behavior of the system.

How does the "Ground state of 3 noninteracting Fermions in an infinite well" differ from other ground states?

The ground state of this system differs from other ground states, such as the ground state of a single particle in an infinite well, due to the presence of multiple particles. This leads to the formation of energy levels and interactions between the particles, resulting in a more complex ground state energy and spatial distribution.
