Group Velocity in terms of Wavlength and velocity

In summary, the group velocity vg=dω/dk can be written as vg=v-λ*dv/dλ where v = phase velocity. To solve for vg, we can use the equations n=n(k)=c/v, k=2∏/λ, ω=2∏f=kv, and fλ=c. By taking the derivative of ω with respect to k and using the chain rule, we can simplify the expression to vg=v-λ*dv/dλ. This allows us to solve for vg without having to involve n or c in the equation.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Show that the group velocity
can be written as

where v = phase velocity

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

dω/dk = d(kv)/dk= v+k(dv/dk)= v+ck(d(n^-1)/dk) =v-(ck/n^2)(dn/dk)
=>v-(vk/n)(dn/dk) = v-(ω/n)(dn/dk) = v- (2∏f*v/c)(dn/dk)
=> v(1-(1/λ)(dn/d(1/λ))
I'm not sure where to go from here, I've been working at this a while and I'm not sure how I could get the 1/λ to become just a λ. I'm also not sure how to get my n in dn/d(1/λ) to be a v since say if I multiply that term by c/c then I get

v(1-(c/λ)d(1/v)/d(1/λ)) where c/λ is really just f
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  • #2
Don't mess with n.
Write w as a function of k and v where w = 2pi f.
Then take dw
The rest is just messing around with k = 2pi/lambda, eliminating k.
You will also need dv/dk. Hint: chain rule.
  • #3
Got it, thanks that was way easier than I was making it

FAQ: Group Velocity in terms of Wavlength and velocity

What is group velocity?

Group velocity is the speed at which a group of waves or particles travel through a medium. It is different from the individual wave or particle velocity and is determined by the overall behavior of the group.

How is group velocity related to wavelength?

Group velocity is inversely proportional to wavelength. This means that as the wavelength decreases, the group velocity increases. This relationship is known as the dispersion relation and is often observed in wave phenomena such as refraction and diffraction.

What is the significance of group velocity in wave propagation?

Group velocity plays a crucial role in the transmission of information through waves. It determines how quickly a group of waves can transfer energy and information from one point to another. In some cases, the group velocity may also affect the stability and coherence of a wave.

Can group velocity be greater than the speed of light?

No, according to the laws of physics, the group velocity cannot exceed the speed of light. This is because the group velocity is an average of the individual wave or particle velocities, which cannot exceed the speed of light in a vacuum.

How is group velocity different from phase velocity?

Group velocity and phase velocity are two different concepts in wave propagation. While group velocity refers to the speed at which a group of waves travel, phase velocity is the speed at which the individual waves within the group propagate. In some cases, the group velocity may be equal to the phase velocity, but in others, they can differ significantly.
