How Has Physicsforums Evolved with Thousands of New Members?

  • Thread starter Nicool005
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In summary, the conversation is about a member named Nicool returning to Physicsforums and reconnecting with old and new members. There is a discussion about the changes in the forum and the possibility of feeling at home with the current members. The conversation also touches on the reasons for not being as active on the forum and the struggles of balancing real life with online activities. There is also a playful exchange about spelling and making introductions.
  • #1
Wow, am I in the right place? Physicsforums sure has changed. Nice seeing the familiar faces. And the thousands (Literally! remember the how long till 2000 members thread? Wow) of new members. See you guys around.
Physics news on
  • #2
hey, I have no idea who you are, but welcome back! :rolleyes: :biggrin:
  • #3
Welcome back Nicool ! Nice too see you again! There is a thread in feedback that has some of the "old" forum posts. Kinda fun to read, a walk down memory lane.
There is enough of the early posters here that you should still feel quite at home.
  • #4
hypatia said:
There is enough of the early posters here that you should still feel quite at home.
And enough weirdos like me to make you wonder if you're still in the same universe. :biggrin:
Welcome back anyhow.
  • #5
Danger said:
And enough weirdos like me to make you wonder if you're still in the same universe. :biggrin:
Welcome back anyhow.
Well,Danger we should tell you welcome back as well coz you're not here as much as before! :wink:
  • #6
Danger said:
And enough weirdos like me to make you wonder if you're still in the same universe.
I would appreciate if you would let ME introduce MYSELF thank you... :biggrin:
  • #7
Lisa! said:
you're not here as much as before! :wink:
Not my choice, my dear. Partly it's lack of time; mostly I'm just too exhausted most of the time to concentrate on reading the threads, let alone respond to posts. I'm trying to get back into it a bit more, but it might not get back to normal for quite a while.
  • #8
yomamma said:
I would appreciate if you would let ME introduce MYSELF thank you... :biggrin:
You already did, but you omitted the one relevant detail that I filled in.
  • #9
what's wrong with leaving out relevant details?
  • #10
yomamma said:
what's wrong with leaving out relevant details?
Careful, kid. That's how Bush was brought up.
  • #11
Danger said:
Not my choice, my dear. Partly it's lack of time; mostly I'm just too exhausted most of the time to concentrate on reading the threads, let alone respond to posts. I'm trying to get back into it a bit more, but it might not get back to normal for quite a while.
At first I thought you'd found a better hotel to stay! :wink: (you said before here's like Hotel California) but then you explained you're busy...
I should try to get back to normal life as well.I canceled 2 appointments yesterday and my friends are getting so angry at me coz it's a long time I've not met them...
  • #12
in almost every single one of your posts, lisa!, you misspell "because" as "coz"
  • #13
yomamma said:
in almost every single one of your posts, lisa!, you misspell "because" as "coz"
It's coz I'm not a n00b everywhere!you know I'm too lazy to write whole the word! :wink:
  • #14
Well, welcome back nicool (I'll just have to take your word for it that you left and came back...what's the outside world like?)...and hello. :biggrin:
  • #15
Hey Hypatia, great to see you're still around! And thanks for making me feel at home again guys.

Moonbear: First, thanks and nice to meet you.

second: outside world. scary.dont.go.there. :biggrin:

FAQ: How Has Physicsforums Evolved with Thousands of New Members?

1. What prompted the sudden increase in new members on Physicsforums?

The increase in new members on Physicsforums can be attributed to the recent updates and improvements made to the platform, making it more user-friendly and accessible. Additionally, the website has also been actively promoting itself through various channels, attracting more individuals to join.

2. How will this influx of new members affect the community on Physicsforums?

The addition of thousands of new members will bring in fresh perspectives and diverse knowledge to the community on Physicsforums. It will also increase the level of engagement and discussions, making it a more dynamic and active platform for scientific discourse.

3. Will there be any changes to the rules and regulations on Physicsforums with the increase in new members?

There are currently no plans to change the rules and regulations on Physicsforums. However, with the increase in members, it is important for everyone to adhere to the existing guidelines and maintain a respectful and productive environment for scientific discussions.

4. Are there any new features or updates that come with the influx of new members?

Yes, with the increase in new members, Physicsforums has made several updates and improvements to the website, including a more user-friendly interface, improved search function, and better organization of topics and discussions. The website also now offers a mobile app for easier access on the go.

5. Will the increase in new members impact the accuracy and reliability of information on Physicsforums?

As with any online platform, it is important to critically evaluate the information and sources provided. With the influx of new members, it is crucial for users to fact-check and provide credible sources to ensure the accuracy and reliability of information on Physicsforums.
