Hi,I have great difficulty understanding some new concepts

In summary, it is possible to understand well concepts which at one time baffle us even in adulthood, it helps to practice and keep learning, and the more you learn and exercise your mind, the sharper you will stay.
  • #1

I have great difficulty understanding some new concepts sometimes. Often I wonder if the door on the days of learning of my brain has been slammed shut. Is it possible that one really can come to understand well, topics which at one time baffle us even in adulthood?

I'd like to hear your opinions thanks :wink:
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  • #2
Adder_Noir said:

I have great difficulty understanding some new concepts sometimes. Often I wonder if the door on the days of learning of my brain has been slammed shut. Is it possible that one really can come to understand well, topics which at one time baffle us even in adulthood?

I'd like to hear your opinions thanks :wink:

Hm, that depends on what kind of concepts we're talking about.
  • #3
Kinematics and dynamics of rigid bodies and that type of stuff. Plus it's also a general question, not necessarily aimed at specific areas.
  • #4
Adder_Noir said:
Is it possible that one really can come to understand well, topics which at one time baffle us even in adulthood?

I'd like to hear your opinions thanks :wink:
Of course! It sometimes helps to leave a particular problem for a while and then come back to it. After awhile you forget some of the details that had you bogged down, and allow you to see things that you kept missing.

Also, the more you continue to learn and excersize your mind as you age, the sharper you will stay.
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  • #5
If you're blocked/dead-ended with new concepts, do some "what-if" thinking to get around your preconceptions. Einstein's idea of equating gravitation and acceleration based on their observable effects was one of these "outside the box" moments. Remember that Google is your friend and you can mix up key-words to come up with links that might help suggest lines of thought that you haven't considered.
  • #6
Ah some encouraging replies there thanks :wink:

FAQ: Hi,I have great difficulty understanding some new concepts

What are some effective ways to understand new concepts?

1. Break it down: Start by breaking the concept into smaller, more manageable parts. This can help you understand the concept as a whole.2. Use analogies: Try to relate the new concept to something you already understand. This can make it easier to grasp.3. Visual aids: Visual aids such as diagrams or illustrations can be helpful in understanding complex concepts.4. Practice: Apply the concept to real-life situations or practice problems to solidify your understanding.5. Seek help: If you are still struggling, don't hesitate to seek help from a teacher, tutor, or colleague.

Why do some concepts seem more difficult to understand than others?

The level of difficulty in understanding a concept can vary for several reasons. Some concepts may be more abstract or complex, while others may require a strong foundation in prerequisite knowledge. Additionally, individual learning styles and background knowledge can also play a role in the perceived difficulty of a concept.

How can I overcome my difficulty in understanding new concepts?

1. Identify the problem: Figure out exactly what part of the concept is causing difficulty and focus on that area.2. Take breaks: Sometimes taking a break and coming back to the concept with a fresh mind can help.3. Ask questions: Don't be afraid to ask for clarification or seek help from others.4. Use different resources: If one explanation isn't working for you, try finding another resource such as a video or article on the same topic.5. Be patient: Learning new concepts takes time and effort, so be patient with yourself and keep practicing.

How can I ensure that I fully understand a new concept?

1. Teach it to someone else: One of the best ways to solidify your understanding is by teaching the concept to someone else.2. Test yourself: Create practice questions or quizzes to test your understanding.3. Apply it: Use the concept in different contexts to see how well you understand it.4. Compare it: Compare the new concept to similar or related concepts to deepen your understanding.5. Seek feedback: Ask for feedback from others, such as a teacher or mentor, to ensure you have a complete understanding.

Is it normal to have difficulty understanding new concepts?

Yes, it is completely normal to have difficulty understanding new concepts. Everyone learns at their own pace and may encounter obstacles along the way. It's important to stay persistent and continue to seek help and use different strategies until the concept is fully understood.

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