How can I determine if the equation (2x+3) + (2y-2)y' = 0 is exact or not?

  • Thread starter fehwqjkfdehqa
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In summary, determining if an equation is exact involves separating the terms and taking partial derivatives, denoted as M and N, with respect to the appropriate variables. Textbooks use M and N for convenience and to avoid confusion. The order of the variables cannot be switched for the method to work.
  • #1
How can I determine if the equation (2x+3) + (2y-2)y' = 0 is exact or not?

Now I know I need to take partial derivatives of certain terms of the equation, and call that M and N right?

1. How do I separate the terms?
2. How do I know which variable gets differentiated?

For example , if I separate it so that its:
partial x: (2x+3) = 2
partial y: (2y-2) = 2
2=2, so its exact.

BUT why can't I go:
partial x (2y-2) = 0
partial y (2x+3) = 0
0=0 so that's also exact.

So how do you determine which term is associated with what you are differentiating with repect to?

Also, why do textbooks use M and N? Whats the point of using these when we can just say "partial differentiate with repect to x" and "partial differentiate with repect to y"

Also, does M ussually go with x and the N ussually go with y and why?

Please explain this to me my brain is about to explode.
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  • #2
It is common practice to write it as


and then to differentiate N with respect to x and M with respect to y to check if the equation is exact. The whole method depends on the fact that there is some function where,

[tex] \frac{\partial \Phi}{\partial x}=M(x,y),\text{ }\frac{\partial \Phi}{\partial y}=N(x,y)[/tex]

You can't switch the respectful variables and have it still work so I think you found a special case. For example,


[tex]M_y=2y, N_x=2y[/tex]

so it is exact, but the other way around you get,

[tex]M_x=-2, N_y=2x[/tex]

Hope that helps.

FAQ: How can I determine if the equation (2x+3) + (2y-2)y' = 0 is exact or not?

1. What does it mean for an equation to be exact?

For an equation to be exact, it means that the equation must satisfy a condition known as the exactness condition. This condition states that the partial derivative of the function with respect to one variable must be equal to the partial derivative of the function with respect to the other variable.

2. How do I check if the equation is exact or not?

To check if the equation is exact or not, you can use the method of checking the exactness condition. This involves taking the partial derivative of the function with respect to one variable and then the other variable. If the two partial derivatives are equal, then the equation is exact. If they are not equal, then the equation is not exact.

3. Can I use a shortcut method to determine exactness?

Yes, there is a shortcut method called the integrating factor method that can be used to determine exactness. This method involves multiplying the entire equation by an integrating factor, which is a function of one of the variables. If the resulting equation is exact, then the original equation is also exact.

4. What if the equation is not exact?

If the equation is not exact, then it can be made exact by using the integrating factor method. This method involves finding an integrating factor that will make the equation exact. Once the integrating factor is found, the equation can be multiplied by it to make it exact.

5. Can an equation be both exact and non-exact?

No, an equation cannot be both exact and non-exact. It can only be one or the other. If an equation satisfies the exactness condition, then it is considered exact. If it does not satisfy the exactness condition, then it is considered non-exact.
