How do I install something on a CD without a CD drive?

  • #1
So, I have a Windows 8 Toshiba laptop, however; quite a while ago, the CD drive fell out. (I'm unsure of how it happened, but it might have something to do with my cat. He has knocked my laptop off of my desk several times.) But I want to install something that is on a CD! Help?
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  • #2
Borrow another computer with a working drive and either link the two computers together (best) or transfer your information as a series of Emails (slow) .
  • #3
Nidum said:
Borrow another computer with a working drive and either link the two computers together (best) or transfer your information as a series of Emails (slow) .
Or image the CD to a usb thumb drive
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Likes Nidum
  • #4
Or spend $15 and buy a USB CD-drive.
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Likes duhuhu, Mark44 and Greg Bernhardt
  • #5
Nidum said:
Borrow another computer with a working drive and either link the two computers together (best) or transfer your information as a series of Emails (slow) .
Thank you so much! It worked beautifully! Thank you again!
  • #6
Most products that require you to install software have online downloads for the software, google the make and model of whatever you are installing.
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Likes billy_joule