How do physicists approach dimensions higher than 3rd?

In summary, dimensions are just different axes on a graph and they are not mysterious or relevant to modern physics.
  • #1
I know modern physics theories make use of really high number of spatial dimensions, I wonder how relevant these high dimensions are for physics. I am only a guy from High school interested in physics, but I would like if possible a formal answer
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  • #2
Welcome to PF.
We do it with maths... carefully describing the relationships between the dimensions.
At this stage the thing you need to understand is that each dimension is just a separate thing that can be measured. Its a different axis on a graph... making it a space axis is just a matter of picking the units we record it in... i.e. time becomes space if we multiply by the speed of light.
Something like a 10-speed bike needs a lot of dimensions to describe it... there are 3 dimensions for its position, then there is the angle of the handlebars, that's another dimension... the angle the wheels have rotated through (2 more) and so on.
So there is nothing very mysterious about having more than 3 dimensions.

A dimension is higher than another one or not depending on how we order them... some people count time as the 1st dimension and others as the 4th for example. It doesn't matter.
  • #3
While Simon is completely correct, I think what he is describing is coordinates within the 3 spatial dimensions in which we exist and I interpret your question as being about actual physical dimensions. String Theory posits 9 spatial dimensions (or other numbers depending on which specific theory) but there is currently zero evidence that any such thing exists as anything other than mathematical niceties with no correspondence to reality.
  • #4
I'm being entirely general about "dimensions".
i.e. a thermodynamic state vector would have three entirely non-spacial dimensions and special properties.
The position 4-vector has 4 space dimensions, but does not follow euclidean rules. Iirc thevstring theory dimensions are also space dimensions... but some have lots of curvature.
We'd usually refer to components rather dimensions.
  • #5
If we look at Dimensions as variables, then we have no real problem. If we want to relate multi-dimensions to the spatial ones we can see and touch, then we are going to be disappointed; the 'distances' between objects in several dimensions are not going to make direct sense if these extra dimensions are not 'like' our XYZ representation. Maths neatly takes care of the problem but you must trust what it does and accept the resulting answers (a bit of a leap of faith, like with a lot of maths answers).
We accept that a 3D picture can be represented on 2D paper so it should not be too big a step to appreciate how 4D could be represented on a 3D model - which in turn, could be photographed and put on a 2D surface. shows one approach to representing multi-dimensions. Very pretty but it is a different matter to relate it to personal experience of 3D.
PS You have started your PF career with a really hard one!

FAQ: How do physicists approach dimensions higher than 3rd?

1. How do physicists define higher dimensions?

Higher dimensions are defined as spatial dimensions beyond the three dimensions of length, width, and height that we experience in our everyday lives. These dimensions are often referred to as the fourth, fifth, and higher dimensions.

2. What evidence do physicists have for the existence of higher dimensions?

One of the main pieces of evidence for the existence of higher dimensions comes from string theory, which suggests that the universe may have up to 11 dimensions. Additionally, experiments in particle physics have found that certain equations and theories are more easily explained in higher dimensions.

3. How do physicists visualize higher dimensions?

Physicists use mathematical models and diagrams to visualize higher dimensions. One common way is to use a technique called projection, where a higher dimensional object is projected onto a lower dimensional space in order to make it easier to understand.

4. How do physicists study higher dimensions?

Physicists study higher dimensions through a combination of theoretical and experimental research. They use mathematical models and simulations to explore the properties and behavior of higher dimensions, and also conduct experiments using particle accelerators and other advanced technology.

5. What are some potential applications of understanding higher dimensions?

Understanding higher dimensions could have various applications, such as helping us better understand the fundamental laws of the universe and potentially leading to advancements in fields such as quantum computing and space exploration. It could also potentially provide insights into the nature of reality and our place in the universe.

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