How Does Bose-Einstein Condensation Affect Pressure in an Ideal Bose Gas?

  • #1
tayyaba aftab
show that in the thermodynamic limit the bose gas condensate does not contribute to pressure for ideal bose gas in volume V with N particles.and physically explain.
how to get it start?and what will b its physicsl explanation?
kindly reply soooooooooooon
Physics news on
  • #2
question number 6.38 of statistical physics by tobochnik(2004)
show that the ground state contribution to the pressure is given by
p=kT ln(N +1)
explain why p can b regarded as zero and why the pressure of an bose gas for Tless than critical temp is independent of volume?

no body is answering my uestion:(
pleasezzzzzzzzzzzzzz answer
how to calculate ground state pressure for bose gas?