Does Bose Condensation Occur in 2D?

In summary, Bose condensation does not occur in 2D because the integral for the total number of particles does not have a finite solution. This is due to the fact that in 2D, there is always a solution for the equation n/n_Q = f(βµ) which allows for an infinite number of particles in the ground state. In contrast, in 3D, there is a critical temperature where a transition takes place and the number of particles in the ground state is limited. The variation of N with temperature is a result of the occupation density for bosons and the counting of microstates available, and does not depend on the number of particles. In 2D, the integral for the total number of particles is
  • #1
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I was given the following question:

Show that Bose condensation does not occur in 2D. Hint: The integral you will get when you write the formula for N is doable in elementary functions. You should find that that N ∝ ln(1 − e βµ).

I do indeed find that N ∝ ln(1/(1 − e βµ)) ∝ ln(1 − e βµ), but I not sure how this tells me that Bose condensation isn't occurring.

I have a feeling that Bose condensation is not occurring because the equation n/n_Q = f(βµ) always has a solution (n/n_Q ∝ ln(1/(1 − e βµ)), and ln(1/(1 − e βµ)) takes any value from 0+ (i.e. infinitesimally above zero) to +infinity if you have a look at it), where n_Q is the quantum concentration, some constant, and n = N/A, where A is the area of the 2D system, N is the total number of particles in it. By contrast, when in 3D, you find that there isn't always a solution and there is some critical temperature where a transition takes place; the f(βµ) in that case looks a little like ln(1/(1 − e βµ)) except for the fact that it hits the vertical axis at a value of about 2.6 ish before cutting off for βµ > 0. Is this correct?

Further to this, how can N vary with temperature, i.e. where are the particles going to/coming from when the temperature changes? Is this just some weird unphysical result?

Sorry if this is in the wrong forum - I know it's sort of quantum mechanics but it's part of a statistical mechanics course.
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  • #2
Hi Jeff,
Let us pick a start pt. For me, it comes from the occupation density for bosons (which can be derived from basic counting microstates available given boson statistics restrictions on the counting, see Mehran kardar's notes).

This is:

$$ n_{\epsilon} \propto {1 \over e^{\beta \epsilon} - 1}$$

Now a main condition is that the total number of particles has to be the integral of the distribution of particles across available energies. Note I write the formula for generic d-dimensional space. If this statement can't be satisfied, it means that there must be a macroscopic # of particles congregating in a particular state so that $n_{\epsilon}$ has singular behaviors. This is Bose-Einstein Condensation in a nutshell. Also remark, the whole analysis I did had nothing to do with "Changing N" the number of particles.

$$ N \propto \int_0^\infty d \epsilon \epsilon^{{d \over 2} -1} {1 \over e^{\beta \epsilon -1} -1 } = \zeta({d \over 2}) \Gamma({d \over 2})$$

see of mf_statistical_physics/BE_integrals.pdf

Now note, the above statement relies on the fact there is no macroscopic number of states in the ground state. We therefore know Bose-Einstein condensation must happen when the above integral is finite, which means there exist an N large enough that the above equation needs an additional term (macroscopic # of particles in a ground state). In other words, when $$\zeta({d \over 2})$$ is infinite, bose-einstein condensation can't happen. The lowest ${d \over 2}$ where this happens is $1$, so the highest dimension where BEC can't happen is $$d = 2$$.

Related to Does Bose Condensation Occur in 2D?

1. What is Bose condensation in 2D?

Bose condensation in 2D is a phenomenon in which a gas of bosonic particles, such as atoms or photons, becomes superfluid at low temperatures due to their condensation into the lowest energy state. This occurs in two-dimensional systems, where the particles are confined to move in a plane.

2. How does Bose condensation in 2D differ from 3D?

In 3D, Bose condensation occurs when a gas of bosonic particles condenses into the lowest energy state in all three dimensions. In 2D, the particles are confined to a plane, so the condensation only occurs in two dimensions. This leads to different thermodynamic and quantum mechanical properties.

3. What are the applications of Bose condensation in 2D?

Bose condensation in 2D has potential applications in quantum computing, where the superfluidity of the condensed particles can be used to manipulate quantum information. It can also be used to study the behavior of superfluids and is important in understanding the properties of materials at low temperatures.

4. How is Bose condensation in 2D experimentally observed?

Bose condensation in 2D is typically observed in ultracold atomic gases, where the particles can be confined in two dimensions using optical traps. By cooling the gas to very low temperatures, the researchers can observe the transition to the superfluid state through various experimental techniques such as measuring the density profile or the momentum distribution of the gas.

5. What are the challenges in studying Bose condensation in 2D?

One of the main challenges in studying Bose condensation in 2D is the experimental difficulty in creating a truly 2D system. Most experiments involve confining the particles in a plane, but there is always some degree of confinement in the third dimension. Additionally, the theoretical description of Bose condensation in 2D is complex and requires advanced mathematical techniques, making it a challenging topic to study.

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