How Much Should You Pay for the Secret of Infinite Wealth?

  • Thread starter robert Ihnot
  • Start date
In summary: I!In summary, there are many seminars in places like Las Vegas that offer get rich quick strategies like real estate or stock trading. The question posed is how much one should pay for the secret to infinite wealth. Aleister Crowley once offered someone 100,000 pounds for the secret, but only whispered "A sucker is born every minute" in their ear. This may be a deliberate act of spite or contain some alchemical truth. Queen Elizabeth also refused to give money to those claiming to turn iron into gold, as she believed that someone with such power would not need money. Others in Europe also attempted this experiment, but always failed at the last moment.
  • #1
robert Ihnot
Here in Las Vegas, as in many prominent cities, there are endless seminars going on about get rich quick topics like no money down real estate or how to rich trading stocks, or currency, or etc. I therefore to the mathematician pose this, hopefully serious, question,


The magician and member of the Golden Dawn, Aleister Crowley took an interest in this matter, and thought a hundred thousand pounds sufficient:

But...alas! Teach us Your real secret, Master! how to become invisible, how to acquire love, and oh! beyond all, how to make gold. But how much gold will you give me for the Secret of Infinite Riches? Then said the foremost and most foolish; Master, it is nothing; but here is an hundred thousand pounds. This did I deign to accept, and whispered in his ear this secret: A SUCKER IS BORN EVERY MINUTE. ( (found under Gold Bricks)

A comment on this is: Could this be it? It does sound like a deliberate act of spite towards his readers. Or does it contain some alchemical truth, one of the many paradoxes, multi-faceted or "contradictory interpretations and deliberate blinds" which comprise the Book of Lies (falsely called)?
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  • #2
Depends on how fast gold can be made, and how much one minds waiting around (or even worse, working to make the darn gold), IMHO.
  • #3
Well, I must say that when Dr. Dee and Edward Kelley asked the Queen for money to turn iron into gold, Queen Elizabeth's reply was noted: On his arrival in England he had an audience of the Queen, who received him kindly as far as words went, and gave orders that he should not be molested in his pursuits of chemistry and philosophy. A man who boasted of the power to turn baser metals into gold, could not, thought Elizabeth, be in want of money; and she, therefore, gave him no more substantial marks of her approbation than her countenance and protection. [/I][PLAIN][/url] See:

They also tried this in Europe:In the mean time, they led a pleasant life, and spent money with an unsparing hand. When once established in the Count's palace, they commenced the great hermetic operation of transmuting iron into gold. Laski provided them with all necessary materials, and aided them himself with his knowledge of alchymy: but, somehow or other, the experiment always failed at the very moment that it ought to have succeeded; and they were obliged to recommence operations on a grander scale. [PLAIN]http://www.worldwideschool.o...ology/MemoirsofPopularDelusionsV3/chap29.html[/PLAIN]
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  • #4
Smart lass, HM Q.E.

FAQ: How Much Should You Pay for the Secret of Infinite Wealth?

1. How do I determine the fair price for a product or service?

The fair price for a product or service is determined by the market forces of supply and demand. Factors such as production costs, competition, and consumer preferences all play a role in setting the price. Conducting market research and comparing prices of similar products or services can help determine a fair price.

2. How much should I pay for a product or service with no set price?

In cases where there is no set price for a product or service, it is important to negotiate and determine a price that is fair for both parties. Factors such as the quality of the product or service, the reputation of the provider, and the demand for the product or service can all influence the final price.

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4. What is the difference between cost and value?

Cost refers to the amount of money required to produce or obtain a product or service. Value, on the other hand, refers to the perceived benefits or worth of the product or service to the consumer. While cost is a concrete measure, value is subjective and can vary from person to person.

5. How do I know if I am getting a good deal?

The best way to determine if you are getting a good deal is to compare prices from different sellers or providers. Additionally, consider the quality and value of the product or service and whether it meets your needs and expectations. It can also be helpful to read reviews and ask for recommendations from trusted sources.
