How to graph complex number fractions

In summary, the x coordinate of the complex number (3+4i)/25 is 3/25 and the y coordinate is 4/25. It is important to note that the coordinates on a graph represent real numbers, not imaginary numbers. Therefore, the y coordinate is not 4i/25, but rather 4/25.
  • #1
If I'm graphing (3+4i)/25, would the x-point be 3/25 and the y-point be 4i/25?
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  • #2
Raerin said:
If I'm graphing (3+4i)/25, would the x-point be 3/25 and the y-point be 4i/25?

Hi Raerin, :)

If you are marking the complex number \(\frac{3}{25}+i\frac{4}{25}\) on a complex plane you will have your real numbers on the x-axis and your imaginary numbers on your y-axis. First you will have to find \(\frac{3}{25}\) on the x-axis, draw a vertical line through that point. Then find \(\frac{4}{25}\) on the y-axis and draw a horizontal line through that point. The point where these two lines intersect would represent the complex number \(\frac{3}{25}+i \frac{4}{25}\).
  • #3
Raerin said:
If I'm graphing (3+4i)/25, would the x-point be 3/25 and the y-point be 4i/25?
No quite but almost. You are just saying it wrong. It not "x point" and "y point" but "x coordinate" and "y coordinate" of the single point representing the complex number.

The x coordinate is 3/25 and the y coordinate is 4/25 (NOT "4i/25": numbers on the graph, being distances on a line, are real, not imaginary).

In general, the point representing a+ bi is (a, b), with x coordinate a and y coordinate b.

FAQ: How to graph complex number fractions

1. How do I graph a complex number fraction?

To graph a complex number fraction, first convert it into the form a + bi, where a and b are real numbers and i is the imaginary unit. Then plot the real number a on the horizontal axis and the imaginary number bi on the vertical axis. The resulting point will be the graphical representation of the complex number fraction.

2. Can a complex number fraction be graphed on a Cartesian plane?

Yes, a complex number fraction can be graphed on a Cartesian plane. The real and imaginary parts of the complex number are represented on the horizontal and vertical axes, respectively. This allows for a visual representation of both the magnitude and direction of the complex number fraction.

3. How do I determine the magnitude of a complex number fraction on a graph?

The magnitude, or absolute value, of a complex number fraction can be determined by finding the distance of the point representing the complex number from the origin (0,0) on the Cartesian plane. This can be done using the Pythagorean theorem: |a + bi| = √(a² + b²).

4. Can a complex number fraction have a negative magnitude on a graph?

No, the magnitude of a complex number fraction is always positive. This is because the magnitude represents the distance from the origin, and distance is always a positive value. However, the real and imaginary parts of a complex number fraction can be negative, which will affect the direction on the graph.

5. How do I graph a complex number fraction with a denominator?

To graph a complex number fraction with a denominator, first simplify the fraction by dividing the numerator and denominator by their greatest common factor. Then follow the same steps as graphing a regular complex number fraction, where the resulting point represents the simplified fraction.

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